Training Course 14: Small Animal Reproduction
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to allow students to complete clinical training by perfecting the practical learning of "day-one competences", minimum essential competences that all veterinary students have to meet when they graduate, to ensure that they are safe to practice on day one, in whichever area of the profession they start to work. For this purpose, the practical activity is organized as clinical rotation during which students participate in all the clinical activities of the different Hospital Units. In addition, a specific practical training is provided by an active participation of the students to clinical consultations and surgical procedures performed on patients affected by reproductive disorders. Students are trained in the physical examination of the female and male genital system of small animals. Instructions are also given on medical and surgical treatment of mammary diseases, on assisted reproductive techniques and neonatal resuscitation and therapy.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate the acquired "day-one competences". They will be able to perform a clinical consultation (knowledge and applied understanding) and to select collateral tests that the clinical case might require. They will also know how to define a prognosis and a therapeutic plan (independent judgment). Communication skills will be demonstrated by the appropriate use of scientific terminology, but also by the use of a common language in order to establish an effective communication with the owner of the animal. Concerning small animal reproduction, students, evaluating the results of the direct physical examination and of the most common collateral investigations used in reproduction such as colpocytology, hormone determinations and ultrasound, will define a prognosis and a therapeutic plan.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Teaching methods.
The teaching will be delivered synchronously on the MS Teams platform and will include discussion of clinical cases, evaluation of biological samples, presentation of videos and tutorials of clinical topics, as well as the analysis of the literature on specific reproductive cases.
Course Syllabus and Bibliography.
No reference material is foreseen. Students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific clinical cases.
Assessment methods and criteria.
Learning will be assessed in itinere during all the course activities.
The teaching will be delivered synchronously on the MS Teams platform and will include discussion of clinical cases, evaluation of biological samples, presentation of videos and tutorials of clinical topics, as well as the analysis of the literature on specific reproductive cases.
Course Syllabus and Bibliography.
No reference material is foreseen. Students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific clinical cases.
Assessment methods and criteria.
Learning will be assessed in itinere during all the course activities.
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the elective course, the student must have passed all the exams of the third year and he must have attended the courses of the first semester of the 5th year.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be assessed during all the practical activities of the course. Clinical rotation and modules of elective activity contribute in a different way to the definition of the final mark.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course the student must demonstrate that he/she is able to set the clinical protocol in case of reproductive problems, pathologies of the genital system or when it is necessary to manage the optimal time for mating or artificial insemination. In particular, he/she must describe the clinical visit, the choice of collateral tests to be performed and the differential diagnoses to be taken into consideration. Finally, he/she should propose any appropriate therapies. The candidate will also be prepared on the management of the pet owner and on the methods of surgical approach. Minimum approval grade is 18 and the maximum grade is 30 "cum laude" (with honors).
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course the student must demonstrate that he/she is able to set the clinical protocol in case of reproductive problems, pathologies of the genital system or when it is necessary to manage the optimal time for mating or artificial insemination. In particular, he/she must describe the clinical visit, the choice of collateral tests to be performed and the differential diagnoses to be taken into consideration. Finally, he/she should propose any appropriate therapies. The candidate will also be prepared on the management of the pet owner and on the methods of surgical approach. Minimum approval grade is 18 and the maximum grade is 30 "cum laude" (with honors).
Clinical Rotation
Course syllabus
In the document of the Day one competences "(DOCs), drawn up by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training, there is a list of knowledge and skills that the new graduate must possess. The electronic logbook lists the practical skills that the student must acquire to satisfy what is reported in the DOCs document. The hospital rotation is aimed at making the student acquire the skills and competences shown in the electronic logbook which from time to time it will be appropriate to apply on patients and case studies assigned.
Teaching methods
Practical work on referred for visit and hospitalized patients and on biological material provided for diagnostic purposes at the Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The work will be carried out by the students individually or in groups under the direct guidance of the teachers. All students will carry out activities in the Companion Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in the Ruminant and Swine Clinic, in Equine Clinic and in the facilities of the diagnostic services.
Teaching Resources
No specific reference material is foreseen. In relation to the activities carried out from time to time, students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific cases observed.
Phisiopathology of Reproduction
Course syllabus
This course is aimed at investigating on both physiological and pathological reproductive aspects in small animals. Students will actively participate in the monitoring of the reproductive cycle, management of mating/artificial insemination, control of pregnancy and birth, and in the andrological evaluation of the male. Students will be leaded into the recognition of physiological and pathological conditions of the reproductive area. Learning wil be supported by medical clinic, ultrasound, laboratory, and surgical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance is mandatory. This course includes the active class participation in patient management during its clinical path, which involves outpatient, laboratory, imaging and surgical aspects. Moreover, scientific insights on the clinical aspects that emerged during the practice will be provided.
Teaching Resources
- Simpson; England, Harvey: Manual of Small Animal Reproduction and Neonatology. BSAVA, 1998.
- Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
- Furthermore, articles will be provided in order to deepen the topics covered.
- Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
- Furthermore, articles will be provided in order to deepen the topics covered.
Course syllabus
In this course the students will be involved in the management of normal newborn puppies and kittens, born by Caesarean section or assisted parturition, orphans and also of pathologic newborns. Under the supervision of the teacher, they will perform a post natal newborn evaluation and resuscitation, will manage orphans and diseased newborns, and will perform the correct clinical examination in the neonate. Students will be directly involved in the collection of parental, within litter, and single newborn signalment and medical history, will perform the clinical examination, opening discussion about possibilities for supplementary investigations. Small groups of students will prepare a power-point presentation for clinical cases discussion and for relevant papers consultation and discussion.
Teaching methods
Students attendance is mandatory. Students will be actively involved in newborns clinical cases management.
Teaching Resources
Veronesi MC, Castagnetti C, Taverne MAM. Neonatologia Veterinaria EdiSES s.r.l., Napoli, 2013.
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Course syllabus
Seminars and practical teaching on the application of Assisted Reproductive Techniques to domestic carnivores.
Specific topics:
- study of the optimal breeding/insemination time
- collection and evaluation of gametes
- treatment of gametes for Assisted Reproductive Techniques
- gamete cryopreservation
Clinical case discussion and analysis of scientific papers focused on highly relevant specific topics.
Specific topics:
- study of the optimal breeding/insemination time
- collection and evaluation of gametes
- treatment of gametes for Assisted Reproductive Techniques
- gamete cryopreservation
Clinical case discussion and analysis of scientific papers focused on highly relevant specific topics.
Teaching methods
Compulsory attendance. Active participation of the student in the management of the case and in the execution of laboratory investigations aimed at the application of assisted reproduction procedures.
Teaching Resources
- Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
- Scientific Papers
- Scientific Papers
Obstetrical-Gynecological Clinics
Course syllabus
Students will be involved in the management of clinical cases of gynecological and obstetrical relevance, both from a medical and surgical point of view. They will learn how to carry out a complete clinical path; under the guidance of the teacher, they will collect the registration and anamnestic data and carry out the clinical visit, then discussing the findings and the possible need for additional investigations in order to formulate the diagnosis, evaluate the prognosis and set the most correct therapy . Finally, students will participate, with the role of assistant anesthesiologist, surgical technician and assistant surgeon, in the execution of surgical interventions on the genital apparatus (ovariectomy, ovariohysterectomy, hysterotomy, exeresis of neoplasms of the female genital apparatus) and mammary system (mastectomy) in pets.
Teaching methods
Mandatory attendance. The module is based on practical teaching:
- practices carried out as follows: shared presentation and discussion of clinical cases and direct involvement of students in the clinical follow (consulting room, laboratory or surgical) of female patients, assistance as an assistant surgeon during surgeries on the female reproductive tracts of domestic carnivores and other pets.
- practices carried out as follows: shared presentation and discussion of clinical cases and direct involvement of students in the clinical follow (consulting room, laboratory or surgical) of female patients, assistance as an assistant surgeon during surgeries on the female reproductive tracts of domestic carnivores and other pets.
Teaching Resources
- Endocrinologia e riproduzione del cane e del gatto. Feldman E.C., Nelson R.W. Ed. Italiana a cura di G. Aria, UTET, 1998
- Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
- Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Practicals: 16 hours
Luvoni Gaia Cecilia Rita
Clinical Rotation
Practicals: 64 hours
Belloli Angelo, Di Giancamillo Mauro, Giudice Chiara, Lombardo Rocco, Luvoni Gaia Cecilia Rita, Manfredi Maria Teresa, Martini Valeria, Perego Roberta, Ravasio Giuliano, Romussi Stefano Felice Maria, Spada Eva, Veronesi Maria Cristina, Zani Davide Danilo, Zucca Enrica
Practicals: 16 hours
Veronesi Maria Cristina
Obstetrical-Gynecological Clinics
Practicals: 16 hours
Cremonesi Fausto
Phisiopathology of Reproduction
Practicals: 16 hours
Groppetti Debora
from Monday to Friday, on request
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)
on appointment
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, via dell'università 6, Lodi