Surgical Pathology, Semeiotics and Veterinary Radiology

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
General objective of the course
This course will provide the students information about the disease mechanisms of surgical diseases in domestic animals. The basis of the methods and techniques for clinical examination and the rational about the use of collateral exams will be discussed. The goal is to teach each student about the practical work-up directly on hospitalized animals or on cadaveric models. The radiological aspects in collateral examination will be emphasized providing all the information to use x-ray units in clinical activities for the student.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding:
The student is required to demonstrate exhaustive knowledge on the pathogenetic bases in the surgical diseases both in large and in small animals. He will be able to show specific references to the tissue, organic and systemic diseases.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
the student must be able to apply the theoretical knowledge to the practical work-up on animals in the clinical examination and in the use of radiographic apparatuses to obtain diagnostic x-rays.
3) Autonomy of judgment:
the student must learn critically and proactively both the information provided by the teacher and those derived from the recommended textbooks.
4) Communication skills:
The student should be able to acquire the correct professional lexical terminology both for the description of lesions and for patient history taking or professional description of diagnostic x-rays films both on large and in small animals.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Courses will be limited and provided according to the rules established by the government, possibly supplemented by ordinances of the Lombardy Region and by the Rector's Decrees. Students will be divided into groups that will alternate in presence and at a distance for both frontal lessons and exercises. Teaching can be performed in sync and will be recorded on the Microsoft Teams platform and uploaded on the same platform and possibly on Ariel to be made available to students. Exams, if possible, will be held in attendance.
If another lockdown is activated, both lessons and exercises will be delivered through the Microsoft Teams platform in sync. When necessary for contingent reasons, the lessons will take place asynchronously and will be uploaded both on the Ariel site of the course and on the Microsoft Teams platform. The exams will be held remotely in written form via a dedicated platform.
Prerequisites for admission
Presence to lessons and wet-labs is mandatory for a total of hours equal to at least 75% of the total. Recommended propedeutic courses:
Pathological anatomy I and II
The examination sessions are 8 and take place in the months of: January, February, April, June, July, September, October and November / December.
Additional sessions for out-of-course or undergraduate students could be arranged directly with the examination commission .
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination for the modules consists of a written test consisting in a serie of multiple choice questions concerning the topics which have been proposed in the module of surgical pathology (25 questions), in the module of surgical semeiotics (15 questions ) and veterinary radiology (15 questions). The written test is considered approved if the student answers correctly at least 15 questions of surgical pathology, 9 questions of semeiotics and 9 of veterinary radiology. The written test approval allows the student to face an oral-practical test for the surgical semeiotics and veterinary radiology.
The practical tests are expected on the teachings of Surgical Semeiotics and Veterinary Radiology.
Practical test of surgical semeiotics:
1- knowledge of the propedeutic topic to semeiotics
2- execution of the main semeiological maneuvers on the equine patient
3- semeiological evaluation of a patient of canine species (description of a clinical case picture or video)
4- knowledge of basic semeiological terminology
5- ability to organize a reasoned semeiological work-up
Practical test of Radiology:
reading, description and discussion of radiograms relating to two clinical cases, one on small and one on large animals.
The final evaluation is established considering the result obtained in the written test of surgical pathology and of the oral-practical tests of semeiotics and veterinary radiology. In case of insufficiency in one of the two oral interviews, the student has the right to repeat the oral test only in the examination section which follow the one in which he did not pass the exam.
Patologia chirurgica
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching (2 credits - 16 hours): the student will receive information regarding the description of the pathological aspects and the pathogenetic bases of the main surgical diseases of the domestic animals.
· Introduction to the course
· Definitions and study organization
· Teaching method and type of work 1 hr
· Wounds, sores, ulcers, fistulas
· Pathologies of wound healing 2 hrs
· External hernias
· Internal Hernias (diaphragmatic) 2 hrs
· Compression, contusion
· Rupture
· Fracture
· Fracture healing 2 hrs
· Osteoarthritis
· Osteochondrosis
· Luxation 2 hrs
· Osteomyelitis
· Enostosis
· Metaphyseal osteopathy
· Bone tumours 2 hrs
· Hip Dysplasia
· Elbow Dysplasia
· Knee Dysplasia 2 hrs
· Tendinitis
· Retained Cartilage Core
· Physeal diseases 2 hrs
· Hernia and prolapse
· Cervical Spondylomyelopathy
· Lumbosacral Stenosis 1 hr
Practical teaching (1 credit - 16 hours / student): during which the students are divided into small groups and must recognize the different expressions of the surgical diseases of organs and systems proposed in the lessons through the projection of slides referring to clinical cases.
Surgical diseases of organs and systems 2 hrs
Paratopias 2 hrs
Traumatic diseases 2 hrs
Joint diseases 2 hrs
Bone Diseases 2 hrs
Dysplasias 2 hrs
Physis and tendons 2 hrs
CNS Diseases 2 hrs
Teaching methods
The lectures are held in the classroom with the help of slides. Students are invited to actively participate in the lesson on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the propedeutic subjects. The practical labs are held in the classroom through the projection of images referring to clinical cases, the recognition and description of the individual lesions of which are requested from the student.
Teaching Resources
1)Bojrab,M.J.: Le Basi Patogenetiche delle Malattie chirurgiche nei Piccoli Animali.Cristiano Giraldi Editore, 2001, San Lazzaro di Savena-Bologna.
2)Micheletto,B.:Patologia Chirurgica Veterinaria e Podologia,U.T.E.T.1980,Torino.
3)Mortellaro, C.M.; Petazzoni, M., Vezzoni, A.: Atlante BOA ( Breed-oriented Orthopaedic Approach). Approccio ortopedico orientato alla razza. Edizione INNOVET , 2008.
Semeiotica chirurgica
Course syllabus
Frontal lectures (2CFU -16 hr): The student will receive the information for the correct approach to the patient considering the clinical presentation and anatomical localisation of the lesion starting from the clinical signs. Lectures are completely integrated with those of medical semeiotics of small and large animals that are an integral part of the present module.
· Introduction 1 hr
· Reasoned approach to horse laminitis 2 hrs
· Reasoned approach to dog laminitis 2 hrs
· Reasoned approach to respiratory disease in the dog 2 hrs
· Ophtalmology semeiotics 2 hrs
· Reasoned approach to semeiotics of the nervous system of the dog 2 hrs
· Collateral endoscopic examination in the cat and dog 2hrs
· Reasoned semeiological approach to neoformations/tumefactions 2 hrs
· Examples of a reasoned semeiological approach to the patient: dog 1hr
Practical teaching: (1CFU-16 hr/student): Students are sub-divided into small groups and learn directly on the animal or a cadaveric model the most important semeiological manouvers taught previously in the classroom.
· Horse handling 2 hrs
· Objective general exam in relation to posture and morphological structural
alterations 2 hrs
· Specific clinical exam of the foot 2 hrs
· Individual excercises on the foot 2 hrs
· Specific exam of the fetlock and carpus 2 hrs
· Individual exercises on fetlock and carpus 2 hrs
· Specific exam of the tarsus 2 hrs
· Evaluation of laminitis during movement 2 hrs
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures will be given in the classroom with the support of slides. Students are invited to participate to the lecture on the basis of their current understanding of the topic discussed, and knowledge from previous classes.
Practicals take place in the teaching hospitals (Ospedale Didattico Veterinario) with manual procedures under the direct guidance of a tutor, and through recognition of different types of laminitis in the horse and dog from a clinical videos showed in class. In addition, in the dissection room through the use of cadaveric models.
Teaching Resources
P. Ciaramella - SEMEIOLOGIA CLINICA VETERINARIA - Poletto editore, 2014
Rose R.J. and Hodgson T.R. - Manuale di Clinica del Cavallo. II Ed. Antonio Delfino, 2000
Altro materiale didattico
- www/
Radiologia veterinaria e medicina nucleare
Course syllabus
Lectures (2 CFU - 16 hours): fundamentals of diagnostic radiology, describing and comparing main radiological features of different organs and systems in small and large animals.
Introduction 1 hr
X-ray Properties and production 2 hrs
Digital Radiology 1 hrs
Fundamentals of Computer Tomography 1 hrs
Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1 hrs
Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine 1 hrs
Fundamentals of radioprotection 1 hrs
Thorax radiology in small animals 2 hrs
Abdomen radiology in small animals 2 hrs
Appendicular skeleton radiology in small and large animals 2 hrs
Axial skeleton radiology in small and large animals 2 hrs
Lboratory (1 CFU - 16 hours/student) students work in small groups interpreting different radiological images. Brief reports are written and discussed with the other groups and with the supervisor.
Diagnostic radiology of appendicular skeleton of the horse 4 hrs
Diagnostic radiology of axial skeleton of the horse 1 hr
Diagnostic radiology of appendicular skeleton of small animals 3 hrs
Diagnostic radiology of axial skeleton of small animals 2 hrs
Diagnostic radiology of the thorax of small animals 3 hrs
Diagnostic radiology of the abdomen of small animals 3 hrs
Teaching methods
Lectures take place in the lecture room where slides are projected, student are required to actively partecipate in the interpretation of different radiological images, based on the kwnowlegde acquired in propaedeuctic courses.
Laboratories take place in the X-ray room of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and in the lecture room. Groups of 5-6 students are required to indipendently review radiological images of clinical cases. Brief reports are written and discussed with the other groups and with the supervisor.
Students are allowed to consult textbook (as per recommended list).
Teaching Resources
1) Fosbinder R.A., Kelsey C.A.: L'immagine radiologica. Tecnologie e tecniche di acquisizione. McGraw-Hill - I Ed. Italiana, 2003
2) Dennis R., Kirberger R.M., Barr F., Wrigley R.H.: Handbook of small animal radiology and ultrasound. Techinques and Differential Diagnoses. Elsevier II Ed., 2010 (limitatamente alla parte di Radiologia)
3) Thrall D.E.: Textbook of veterinary diagnostic radiology. Saunders, 6th ed.2012
4) O'Brien T.: Radiologia per la pratica ippiatrica, Antonio Delfino Editore, I ed. Italiana, 2008
Altro materiale didattico:
Ariel: slides del corso in formato .pdf
Patologia chirurgica
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Radiologia veterinaria e medicina nucleare
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
1 turno per gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
10 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
11 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
12 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
13 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
14 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
2 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
3 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
4 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
5 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
6 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
7 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo
8 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
9 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Di Giancamillo Mauro
Semeiotica chirurgica
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
1 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
2 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
3 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
4 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
5 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
6 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria
7 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Romussi Stefano Felice Maria