Training Course 16: Ultrasonography and Endoscopy in Companion Animals (small animals and sport horses)

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
VET/03 VET/05 VET/06 VET/08 VET/09 VET/10
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide key informations related to diagnostic ultrasonography and endoscopy in companion animals (small animals and sport horses). Theoretical and practical guidelines regarding the operating techniques and the identification of the main clinical pictures will be provided.
Expected learning outcomes
Students should demonstrate to know how to perform ultrasonographic and endoscopic procedures in different species and should be able to identify the principal alterations of ultrasonographic and endoscopic images.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
In case of a new lockdown, due to Covid-19 emergency, teaching activities will continue online, in a syncronous way, with Microsoft Teams software. Possible adjunctive learning material (i.e.: tutorials, webinars, etc.) will be uploaded on the Course' Ariel website. The final examination will take place online, on Microsoft Teams software, in an oral form.
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the elective course, the student must have passed all the exams of the third year and he must have attended the courses of the first semester of the 5th year.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be assessed during all the practical activities of the course. Clinical rotation and modules of elective activity contribute in a different way to the definition of the final mark.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course there will be a ppt presentation about an argument or a clinical case dealt during the Course chosen by the candidate.
Clinical Rotation
Course syllabus
In the document of the Day one competences "(DOCs), drawn up by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training, there is a list of knowledge and skills that the new graduate must possess. The electronic logbook lists the practical skills that the student must acquire to satisfy what is reported in the DOCs document. The hospital rotation is aimed at making the student acquire the skills and competences shown in the electronic logbook which from time to time it will be appropriate to apply on patients and case studies assigned.
Teaching methods
Practical work on referred for visit and hospitalized patients and on biological material provided for diagnostic purposes at the Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The work will be carried out by the students individually or in groups under the direct guidance of the teachers. All students will carry out activities in the Companion Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in the Ruminant and Swine Clinic, in Equine Clinic and in the facilities of the diagnostic services.
Teaching Resources
No specific reference material is foreseen. In relation to the activities carried out from time to time, students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific cases observed.
Small animals Ultrasonography
Course syllabus
Physical principles and instrumentation of diagnostic ultrasound
Artefatti in ecografia
Mirror image artifact
Side-lobe artifact
Slice thickness artifact
Abdominal ultrasound scanning techniques
Ultrasonographic features of the liver and biliary system
Ultrasonographic features of the spleen
Ultrasonographic features of the lymph-nodes
Ultrasonographic features of the urinary tract
Ultrasonographic features of the pancreas
Ultrasonographic features of the gastrointestinal tract
Ultrasonographic features of the reproductive tract
Advanced techniques in ultrasonography: ultrasound contrast agents
Ultrasound-guided biopsy
Abdominal fluid, masses, peritoneal cavity and great vessels thrombosis
Teaching methods
Practical training on clinical cases at the small animal veterinary hospital
Teaching Resources
Ecografia clinica del cane e del gatto. Testo atlante.
Faverzani S., Lodi M.
Poletto Ed., 2010
Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound
Nyland T.G., Mattoon J.S.
W.B. Saunders ed., Philadephia, 2002, 2nd ed.
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography
Penninck D., D'Anjou M-A.
Blackwell Pub., Ames, 2008
Equine Ultrasonography
Course syllabus
Abdominal ultrasonography
Thoracic ultrasonography (including cardiac ultrasonography)
Tendons and ligaments ultrasonography
Small parts ultrasonography (eye, jugular region, larynx)
Teaching methods
In depth seminars and practical training on clinical cases at the equine veterinary hospital
Teaching Resources
Reef, V.: Equine diagnostic ultrasound. 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders
Equine endoscopy
Course syllabus
Endoscopy of the respiratory system (rhino-laryngoscopy; tracheoscopy; bronchoscopy)
Endoscopy of the digestive system (esophagoscopy; gastroscopy; colon_rectum endoscopy)
Dynamic endoscopy of the upper airways
Teaching methods
In depth seminars and practical training on clinical cases at the equine veterinary hospital
Teaching Resources
Equine endoscopy (second edition). Eds Traub-Dargatz and Brown. Mosby
Small animal endoscopy
Course syllabus
Endoscopy of the respiratory system
Endoscopy of the digestive system
Endoscopy of the urinary system
Teaching methods
In depth seminars and practical training on clinical cases at the small animals veterinary hospital
Teaching Resources
Todd Tams Clarence Rawlings
Small animal endoscopy
3rd edition
Clinical Rotation
Practicals: 64 hours
Equine endoscopy
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Francesco
Equine Ultrasonography
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Professor: Ferrucci Francesco
Small animal endoscopy
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Small animals Ultrasonography
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
to be arranged by phone or e-mail
Lodi Campus. Office n. T024
from Monday to Friday, on request
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)
on appointment
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, via dell'università 6, Lodi