Physiology and Ethology of Domstic Animals
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The course is divided in two parts: the first (6 CFU) provides students with an overview of the physiology of the cellular function, the
nervous system and sensory organs, the blood and cardio-circulatory system, the skeletal and smooth muscle cells; the second (4
CFU) provides students with fundamental information about general ethology of domestic animals and its application in Veterinary
nervous system and sensory organs, the blood and cardio-circulatory system, the skeletal and smooth muscle cells; the second (4
CFU) provides students with fundamental information about general ethology of domestic animals and its application in Veterinary
Expected learning outcomes
Goals to achieve:
1) knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate knowledge of the basic physiological functions related to the nervous
system, the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscle, as well as the knowledge of the physiological bases of domestic animal
2) Applied knowledge and understanding skills: the student must demonstrate to possess the indispensable concepts to establish links
between the various topics covered, and in particular between physiology and animal behavior, in order to adequately deal with the
studies of pathology and veterinary clinic.
3) Communication skills: the student must demonstrate to be able to use an appropriate terminology, which allows him / her to express
the acquired knowledge in an appropriate manner.
4) Ability to learn: the student must demonstrate to be able, in total autonomy, to increase the knowledge of topics related to the
physiology and ethology of small and large animals.
1) knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate knowledge of the basic physiological functions related to the nervous
system, the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscle, as well as the knowledge of the physiological bases of domestic animal
2) Applied knowledge and understanding skills: the student must demonstrate to possess the indispensable concepts to establish links
between the various topics covered, and in particular between physiology and animal behavior, in order to adequately deal with the
studies of pathology and veterinary clinic.
3) Communication skills: the student must demonstrate to be able to use an appropriate terminology, which allows him / her to express
the acquired knowledge in an appropriate manner.
4) Ability to learn: the student must demonstrate to be able, in total autonomy, to increase the knowledge of topics related to the
physiology and ethology of small and large animals.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Lessons will be held in the classroom, according to the teaching calendar, in alternating groups of students, so that adequate spacing and keeping of personal protective equipment can be ensured as required by current regulations. The same lessons can be followed in sync by students who are not present in the classroom, via the Microsoft Teams (MT) platform. If it is not possible to use the classroom, all students will be able to follow the lesson in sync, on Teams.
There will be practical activities in the presence, in the classroom and in the veterinary hospital, as well as a filed trip to a dog training center. The aforementioned activities will be carried out in small groups, always in compliance with current regulations. If this is not possible, the practical lessons will be reduced in number and will be carried out through appropriate tutorials. Students will be informed of these activities through notices on the Ariel website.
The program and reference material will not change.
The exam will take place in written form using the Moodle platform with Safe Exam Browser (SEB), if in the classroom, or in written form using Microsoft Teams and Moodle with SEB, if remotely.
Lessons will be held in the classroom, according to the teaching calendar, in alternating groups of students, so that adequate spacing and keeping of personal protective equipment can be ensured as required by current regulations. The same lessons can be followed in sync by students who are not present in the classroom, via the Microsoft Teams (MT) platform. If it is not possible to use the classroom, all students will be able to follow the lesson in sync, on Teams.
There will be practical activities in the presence, in the classroom and in the veterinary hospital, as well as a filed trip to a dog training center. The aforementioned activities will be carried out in small groups, always in compliance with current regulations. If this is not possible, the practical lessons will be reduced in number and will be carried out through appropriate tutorials. Students will be informed of these activities through notices on the Ariel website.
The program and reference material will not change.
The exam will take place in written form using the Moodle platform with Safe Exam Browser (SEB), if in the classroom, or in written form using Microsoft Teams and Moodle with SEB, if remotely.
Prerequisites for admission
The prerequisites required to pass the exam are the knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous, cardiocirculatory and skeletal muscular systems, as well as the basics of biochemistry. It is also necessary to have passed the preliminary examinations of:
1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 2) Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy.
1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 2) Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy.
Assessment methods and Criteria
As for physiology, the exam consists of a written test, composed of 30 multiple choice questions with 4 possible answers, which may be either wrong or correct. As for ethology, there is a written test composed of 15 questions with 4 answers, and only one correct. The two tests take place at the same time using the Moodle platform with Safe Exam Browser (SEB). The time available for the examination is 2 hours. The exam is considered to have been passed if the student correctly answers at least 60% of the physiology test questions and 60% of the ethology test questions, thus proving adequate knowledge and understanding of all topics under study. Otherwise, both tests must be repeated. The final grade, expressed out of thirty, results from the weighted average of the grade reported in each module. The work performed during the exercises will also be taken into account, and contribute to the evaluation of critical judgment skills, the ability to communicate what has been learned and to study independently. The results are communicated to students by e-mail, directly from the University website.
Fisiologia veterinaria 1
Course syllabus
CELL PHYSIOLOGY: plasmatic membrane and membrane transports: 2 hours
Neurons: resting and action membrane potential, impulse conduction: 2 hours
Synapses and neurotransmitters: 1 hour
Receptor classification; tactile, pain and temperature receptors: 2 hours
Spinal cord structure and function: spinal reflexes: 1 hour
Cranial nerve functions: 1 hour
Brainstem: functions and autonomic centers: 2 hours
Muscle tone control: 2 hours
Labirintic reflexes: 1 hour
Cerebellum: 1 hour
Thalamus and hypothalamus: 2 hours
Cortical areas of the brain and EEG: 1 hour
Autonomic nervous system: 2 hours
Sensory organs: gustatory, olfactory, auditory and vision: 3 hours
Skeletal muscle: structure, excitation-contraction coupling: 2 hours
Neuromuscular transmission: 1 hour
Smooth muscle: 1 hour
Blood function and composition: 1 hour
Red blood cell parameters: 1 hour
Haematopoiesis and haemostasis: 1 hour
Cardiac cell physiology: cardiac myocytes and conduction system: 1 hour
Electrocardiography: cardiac axis and ECG: 2 hours
Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and heart sounds: 2 hours
Nervous control of heart function: 1 hour
Circulation mechanics: 1 hour
Venous and arterial systems; blood pressure: 1 hour
Microcirculation and capillary pressure: Starling hypothesis: 1 hour
Central and peripheral regulation of blood circulation: 1 hour.
Neurons: resting and action membrane potential, impulse conduction: 2 hours
Synapses and neurotransmitters: 1 hour
Receptor classification; tactile, pain and temperature receptors: 2 hours
Spinal cord structure and function: spinal reflexes: 1 hour
Cranial nerve functions: 1 hour
Brainstem: functions and autonomic centers: 2 hours
Muscle tone control: 2 hours
Labirintic reflexes: 1 hour
Cerebellum: 1 hour
Thalamus and hypothalamus: 2 hours
Cortical areas of the brain and EEG: 1 hour
Autonomic nervous system: 2 hours
Sensory organs: gustatory, olfactory, auditory and vision: 3 hours
Skeletal muscle: structure, excitation-contraction coupling: 2 hours
Neuromuscular transmission: 1 hour
Smooth muscle: 1 hour
Blood function and composition: 1 hour
Red blood cell parameters: 1 hour
Haematopoiesis and haemostasis: 1 hour
Cardiac cell physiology: cardiac myocytes and conduction system: 1 hour
Electrocardiography: cardiac axis and ECG: 2 hours
Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and heart sounds: 2 hours
Nervous control of heart function: 1 hour
Circulation mechanics: 1 hour
Venous and arterial systems; blood pressure: 1 hour
Microcirculation and capillary pressure: Starling hypothesis: 1 hour
Central and peripheral regulation of blood circulation: 1 hour.
Teaching methods
1) Frontal lessons through projection of slides with diagrams, figures, text and explanatory videos. At the end of each lesson, IT tools (Sli-do, Google Forms) are used to verify the understanding of the topics covered, also allowing students to formulate questions anonymously.
2) Exercises: the exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
a) Classroom: 3 hours to 4 groups of 20 students each: illustration on how to carry out a bibliographic research using the main databases available and how to correctly set up a scientific work. Afterwards, 8 hours in the presence of all the students: presentation and analysis of a scientific work by the students divided into groups of 3/4 each, inherent in the physiology of domestic or unconventional animals.
2) Exercises at the Veterinary Hospital:ECG execution on the horse: 1 hour, 8 groups of 10 students each.
3) Visits to a dog training center, to assess the correct animal approach and the main basic physiological parameters: cardiac auscultation, with recognition of cardiac tones, ECG execution and stimulation of the main nerve reflexes (eg patellar and miotic). 4 hours, in 4 groups of 20 students each.
During the exercises, the use of masks, gloves and the necessary spacing will be guaranteed, in compliance with current regulations.
2) Exercises: the exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
a) Classroom: 3 hours to 4 groups of 20 students each: illustration on how to carry out a bibliographic research using the main databases available and how to correctly set up a scientific work. Afterwards, 8 hours in the presence of all the students: presentation and analysis of a scientific work by the students divided into groups of 3/4 each, inherent in the physiology of domestic or unconventional animals.
2) Exercises at the Veterinary Hospital:ECG execution on the horse: 1 hour, 8 groups of 10 students each.
3) Visits to a dog training center, to assess the correct animal approach and the main basic physiological parameters: cardiac auscultation, with recognition of cardiac tones, ECG execution and stimulation of the main nerve reflexes (eg patellar and miotic). 4 hours, in 4 groups of 20 students each.
During the exercises, the use of masks, gloves and the necessary spacing will be guaranteed, in compliance with current regulations.
Teaching Resources
Avallone, Caola, Clement et al., Fisiologia Veterinaria. Point Veterinaire Italie, 2010.
Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2013.
The slides of the course are available on the Ariel site, physiology and ethology of domestic animals:
Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2013.
The slides of the course are available on the Ariel site, physiology and ethology of domestic animals:
Etologia veterinaria e benessere animale
Course syllabus
Ethology: introduction, history and role in Veterinary Medicine: 2 hours
Tinbergen's four questions: causation, innate behaviours and animal mind: 6 hours
Onthogenesis and imprinting: 4 hours
Communication systems in Domestic Animals: 3 hours
Animal behaviour observation, registration and analysis: 2 hours
Social systems in Companion Animals: 4 hours
Social systems in Farm Animals: 3 hours
Reproductive and maternal behaviour: 4 ore
Tinbergen's four questions: causation, innate behaviours and animal mind: 6 hours
Onthogenesis and imprinting: 4 hours
Communication systems in Domestic Animals: 3 hours
Animal behaviour observation, registration and analysis: 2 hours
Social systems in Companion Animals: 4 hours
Social systems in Farm Animals: 3 hours
Reproductive and maternal behaviour: 4 ore
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons through projection of slides with diagrams, figures, text and explanatory videos. At the end of each lesson, IT tools (Sli-do, Google Forms) are used to verify the understanding of the topics covered, also allowing students to formulate questions anonymously.
Seminars, with expert teachers invited.
Seminars, with expert teachers invited.
Teaching Resources
F. Pirrone. Un'etologa in famiglia - Genitori, figli e parenti scomodi nel regno animale. Edizioni Unicopli, 2020.
M. Albertini, E. Canali, S. Cannas, V. Ferrante, S. Mattiello, M. Panzera, M. Verga, Etologia applicata e benessere animale, Vol. 1 e 2. Point Veterinaire Italie, 2008.
J. Bradshaw, La Naturale Superiorità del Cane sull'Uomo. Rizzoli, 2011
J. Bradshaw, L'incredibile intelligenza del gatto, Newton Compton Editori s.r.l., 2015
Slides available on Ariel:
M. Albertini, E. Canali, S. Cannas, V. Ferrante, S. Mattiello, M. Panzera, M. Verga, Etologia applicata e benessere animale, Vol. 1 e 2. Point Veterinaire Italie, 2008.
J. Bradshaw, La Naturale Superiorità del Cane sull'Uomo. Rizzoli, 2011
J. Bradshaw, L'incredibile intelligenza del gatto, Newton Compton Editori s.r.l., 2015
Slides available on Ariel:
Etologia veterinaria e benessere animale
VET/02 - VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
Pirrone Federica
Fisiologia veterinaria 1
VET/02 - VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Albertini Mariangela
Albertini Mariangela
Turno 1 per tutti gli studenti
Albertini MariangelaTurno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Albertini MariangelaTurno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Albertini MariangelaTurno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Albertini MariangelaTurno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Albertini MariangelaProfessor(s)