Veterinary Medical Semiotics and Legal Medicine

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the Course of Veterinary Medical Semiotics, Laboratory Investigation and Diagnostic Imaging of Large and Small Animal is to direct the Student to research and to recognize general and particular signs and symptoms of a disease, in order to prepare him/her for clinical reasoning also with the help of laboratory investigations and diagnostic imaging.
The course should also provide guidance to the Student in the field of Veterinary Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation governing the veterinary profession as well as in the field of the civil, criminal and administrative law, of  ethic and deontology of the legal issues of the national and European rules concerning feed and food law, and animal welfare.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding: the student shall prove to be able to collect the patient's anamnestic data, to be able to restrain and manage it, and perform a general and particular clinical examination of the different systems (General Objective Examination, Particular Objective Examination) methodologically and analytically. The student shall also prove to be able to sample, store and transport biological samples and to interpret the results of the most common laboratory tests and to be able to interpret an ultrasound examination. The Student shall also acquire knowledge of the Law and Veterinary Legislation principles, governing the role and the responsibility of both the Public Veterinarian and the Veterinary Practitioner, understanding the professional ethics and deontology.
2) Ability to apply Knowledge and understanding: the student shall demonstrate the knowledge needed to correlate the clinical findings with the ancillary tests, as well as being able to apply the legislation to his/her own professional activity.
3)Autonomy of judgment: the student shall prove to be able to examine and interpret critically the information acquired during the frontal classes as well as during the practical lessons and those written on the recommended texts.
4) Communication skills: Student shall prove to be able to communicate his/her knowledge by using appropriate terminology during the frontal classes, the practical lessons and the practical test.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
In case the current condition remains, the frontal lessons will be held in the presence for half of the students in alternate weekly shifts. Half of the students not present in the classroom will be guaranteed the enjoyment of the lessons through pre-recorded lessons provided through the ARIEL platform.
The exercises will be conducted in presence with a reduced number of participants. In case the epidemiological situation should worsen the same will be given by video recording.
In case of health emergency that involves the impossibility of access to educational facilities, all lessons, both frontal and practical, will be held through video recordings provided on the ARIEL website.
Reference materials:
The program and the reference material will not be changed.
Methods of learning verification and evaluation criteria:
In case the current condition remains, the examinations will be held in written form in presence with the modalities and rules provided by this syllabus.
In case of health emergency that involves the impossibility of access to educational facilities, the exams will be held in written form using the MS Teams platform.
Prerequisites for admission
- Eight exam session are available and they take place during the following months: January, February, April, June, July, September, October, December.
-No additional sessions are reserved to graduate students or repeaters.
- To take the exam, it is mandatory to sign up on the University SIFA online service (NB: available until 5 days before the exam date) and the compulsory preparatory exams must have been passed, as written in the Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine Manifesto. The course requires compulsory attendance at the frontal and practical classes.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test and a practical test.
1) Written test:
The written test consists of 40 questions with multiple choices (5 choices, only 1 correct) divided as follows:
- 30 questions concerning Veterinary Medical Semiotics, Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory Tests of Large and Small Animals (10 questions concerning "Small Animals", 10 concerning "Horse", 10 concerning "Cattle") and 10 questions concerning Veterinary Legal Medicine.
To pass the written exam and be admitted to the practical test, the student must answer at least to 5 questions correctly for each group of 10 questions.
2) Practical Test
During the practical test, the Student must prove to know the topographical anatomy and to be able to perform the clinical examination of Cattle, Horse or Small Animals (chosen by the Commission) and to apply the Legal Veterinary Medicine principles.
The FINAL MARK consists in the weighted average of the marks obtained in Veterinary Medical Semiotics and in Legal Veterinary Medicine: (Vet. Medical Semiotics Score / 9cfu x 6cfu) + (Vet. Legal Medicine score / 9cfu x 3 cfu).
Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei piccoli animali
Course syllabus
Frontal lectures (16 hours)
General physical examination (2 hours)
Clinical, laboratory and diagnostic imaging related to the blood and lymphatic system (2 hours)

Clinical examination and diagnostic imaging of the cardiovascular system (2 hours)
Clinical examination and laboratory diagnostics of the integumentary apparatus (2 hours)
Clinical examination, laboratory diagnostics and imaging of the digestive system (4 hours)
Clinical examination, laboratory diagnostics and imaging of the urinary tract (2 hours)
Overview of horse airway endoscopy (1 hour)
Overview of horse echocardiography (1 hour)

Exercises (16 hours)
Approach and containment of dogs and cats, topographic applied anatomy (1.5 hours)
Examination of the head and neck (examination of oral and oculoconjunctival mucous membranes, opening of the mouth, examination of the lymph nodes, inspection of the ears, palpation of the trachea, hemostasis of the jugular vein, 1.5 hours)
Chest examination of the dog and cat (breath test, palpation of cardiac injury, auscultation of the heart and lungs, palpation of the femoral pulse, 1.5 hours)
Examination of the abdomen of the dog and the cat (inspection of the abdomen, abdominal palpation, recognition of the main abdominal organs available by palpation; 1.5 hours)
Diagnostic exercises for images in dogs and cats: principles of abdominal ultrasound (1.5 hours)
Diagnostic Imaging for Images in the equine species: principles of ultrasound of the abdomen and thorax (1 hour);
Diagnostic Imaging for Images in the Equine species: principles of echocardiography (1 hour)
Classroom exercise seminar for all students on clinical examination of New Pets (rabbit, guinea pig, aviary bird, 2.5 hours)
Lectures in the classroom for all students on the clinical examination of the Reptiles (2 hours)
Classroom exercise seminar for all students on ultrasound clinical cases (2 hours)
[Program for not attending students with reference to descriptor 1 and 2]:
Not included, the course includes mandatory attendance
Teaching methods
The student will have to learn and know the clinical procedure starting from the signaling and the anamnesis and then reach, through the physical examination of the different apparatuses of the animal and the choice and interpretation of laboratory and diagnostic tests for suitable images, to the identification of the disease.
The Module, divided into 3 CFUs, includes:
- frontal lectures (2 CFU - 16 hours) consisting of lessons that are articulated and completed with the modules of Veterinary Medical Semeiotics, Laboratory Diagnostics and for Images of Large Animals and Surgical Veterinary Semeiotics in order to impart clinical teaching harmonious, organic and as close as possible to professional practice.
- exercises (1 CFU - 16 hours). The exercises are harmonized with the exercises of Medical Semeiotics of Large Animals and Surgical Semeiotics.
The lectures are held in the classroom with the aid of slides and educational videos. Students are invited to actively participate in the lesson, based on the knowledge acquired in the preparatory subjects.
The Small Animal Veterinary Medical Semeiotics exercises are held in the Small Animals Hospital. Students in groups of 8 - 10 work individually or in groups on the dog by applying the semeiological manual skills preparatory to the clinic and approach the execution of an abdominal ultrasound. Classroom training seminars are also scheduled for all students on New Companion Animals, Reptiles and clinical cases of ultrasound.
Teaching Resources
Semeiologia Clinica Veterinaria, 1° ed., Poletto Editore, 2014
Ecografia Clinica Veterinaria - Faverzani S., Lodi M., Poletto Ed., Milano, 2010
Patologia clinica del cane e del gatto. Paltrinieri et al., Elsevier-Masson, 2010
website (Ariel):
Journal of Small Animal Practice
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
Veterinary Radiology and Ultrsound
Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei grandi animali
Course syllabus
Frontal lectures (16 hours)
Physical semeiology (inspection, palpation, percussion, listening) (2 hours);
General Objective Exam (2 hours);
Digestive system (3 hours);
Respiratory system (3 hours);
Circulatory system (1 hours);
Urinary system (1 hours);
Dermal and attached gland (breast) (1 h);
Neurological examination (1 hours);
Horse's digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular system (2 hours).

Exercises (16 hours)
Projections of the organs on the skin surface (1 hours);
Accident prevention and containment of cattle and horses (1.5 hours);
Functional examination of the breath and examination of the apparent mucous membranes (1.5 hours);
Palpation: skin, wrist, cardiac area, lung area, lymph nodes, pharynx, rumen, abdomen, (1.5 hours);
Palpation: frontal sinuses, larynx, trachea, thorax, pleurodinia, succession, breast of the bovine (1.5 hours);
Percussion of the chest and abdomen of the bovine (1.5 hours);
Listening of the larynx, trachea, thorax (heart and lung), of the abdomen (rumen and intestine) (1.5 hours);
Clinical examination and neurological examination (1.5 hours);
Inspection, palpation, auscultation in the particular objective examination of the cardiovascular system in the horse (1.5);
Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation in the particular objective examination of the respiratory system in the horse (1,5);
Inspection, palpation, auscultation in the particular objective examination of the gastrointestinal apparatus in the horse (1,5)
Teaching methods
The student will have to learn and know the clinical procedure starting from the signaling and the anamnesis and then reach, through a general and particular objective examination of the different organic systems performed with method and spirit of analysis, to identify the disease.
The Module, divided into 3 CFUs, includes:
- frontal lectures (2 CFU - 16 hours) consisting of lessons that are articulated and completed with the Modules of Veterinary Medical Semeiotics, Laboratory Diagnostics and Small Animal and Veterinary Surgical Semeiotics Images in order to provide clinical teaching harmonious, organic and as close as possible to professional practice.
- exercises (1 CFU - 16 hours) carried out at the Department of the Ruminants Clinic, of the Suino (C.R.S.), and the Department of Medicine of the Horse. The exercises are harmonized with the exercises of Medical Semeiotics of Small Animals and Surgical Semeiotics.
Teaching Resources
Semeiologia Clinica Veterinaria, 1° ed., Poletto Editore, 2014
Medicina Interna e Chirurgia del Bovino G. Dirksen, H.-D. Gründer, M. Stöber
Point Veterinarie Italie, 2004
L'esame Clinico del Bovino G. Rosenberger ESSEGIVI - Piacenza, III edizione, 1993
Clinical examination of horses. Speirs V.C., Wrigley R,H. W.B Saunders, 1997
website (Ariel):
Journal of dairy science
Veterinary clinics of North America - food animal practice
The Bovine Pratitioner
Buiatria Journal of the Italian Association for Buiatrics
La settimana Veterinaria
Large Animals Review
Equine Veterinary Journal
Equine Veterinary Education
Veterinary Clinics of North America - Equine practice
Medicina legale veterinaria
Course syllabus
- The Veterinary Legal Medicine. The sources of European law. The sources of Italian law (2 hours)
-Elements of administrative law. Elements of criminal law and criminal procedure. Elements of civil law and civil procedure for veterinary use (2 hours)
- The professional responsibility of the veterinarian for the acts of the veterinary surgeon according to the law (2 hours)
-Normative regarding animal protection and welfare. (2 hours)
- Permanent veterinary supervision and the EU Reg. N. 429/2016 (2 hours)
-The official controls and the EU Reg. N. 625/2017 and in L. n. 689/1981 (2 hours)
- Technical-legal analysis of legislation on food safety, food hygiene and feed law (2 hours)
- The legislation on the veterinary drug and the obligations of the veterinary surgeon (2 hours)

-The responsibility of the veterinary surgeon, analysis and discussion of jurisprudential case studies: analysis of negligence, of skill and of imprudence; case studies of violation of the law (2 hours)
-Analysis of jurisprudential and veterinary case studies in the field of buying and selling animals, classification of defects, times of forfeiture, prescription times (2 hours)
-Analysis of forms of informed consent -Method of the medical record according to the law -Casista of certificates and reports for judicial purposes (2 hours)
-Analysis of technical advice and of medico-legal reports: drafting of an expert report (2 hours)
- Analysis of the jurisprudence of the offenses committed by the official veterinarian - Analysis of the behavior of the ASL veterinarian in the official certifications (2 hours)
-Activities of the official veterinarian: drafting of administrative measures (2 hours)
-Comparation of expert reports with judicial measures (2 hours)
-The role of the official veterinarian of P.G. (2 hours)
[Program for not attending students with reference to descriptor 1 and 2]:
Not included, the course includes mandatory attendance
Teaching methods
The Student will have to learn and know Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation. These deal with fulfilments in the criminal, civil and administrative spheres, the legal aspects of national and community regulations concerning the veterinary profession, as well as the principles of ethics and professional ethics.
The module, divided into 3 CFUs includes: a frontal teaching part (2CFU, 16 hours) consisting of lessons on general law and veterinary legislation as well as on the roles and functions of the health authority responsible for official controls and the report of the Veterinarian with the judicial authority.
The exercises (1 CFU, 16 hours) concern the analysis and resolution of practical cases related to the veterinary profession and the administrative activity of the Official Veterinarian. Veterinary Legal Medicine exercises are carried out in the classroom.
The lectures are held in the classroom with the help of slides and internet links on official websites. Students are encouraged to participate actively in the lesson.
The exercises are carried out in the classroom and concern the drafting of documents and a critical analysis of jurisprudential and administrative cases.
Teaching Resources
Diritto e Legislazione Veterinaria F. Pezza, G. Ruffo, P. Fossati
Le Point Veterinaire Italie, ult. ed. Milano
Dispensation of Veterinary Law and Legislation
Update by G. Ruffo in reference to the academic year, free publication in pdf
Medicina legale veterinaria
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo
Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei grandi animali
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professors: Belloli Angelo, Pravettoni Davide, Zucca Enrica
Professor: Belloli Angelo
1 turno per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
10 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
11 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
12 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
13 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
14 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
15 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
16 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
17 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
18 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
19 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
2 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
20 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
21 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
22 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Pravettoni Davide
3 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
4 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
5 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
6 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
7 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
8 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Belloli Angelo
9 turno per gruppi di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
Semeiotica medica veterinaria, diagnostica di laboratorio e per immagini dei piccoli animali
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
1 turno per tutti gli studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
10 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
11 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
12 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
13 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
14 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
15 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
2 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
3 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
4 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
5 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
6 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
7 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
8 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Faverzani Stefano
9 turno per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Zucca Enrica
Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 a.m., by appointment
Clinica dei Ruminanti e del Suino - Via dell'Università, 6 26900 LODI