Systematic and Topographic Veterinary Anatomy

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a solid cultural background concerning the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous system, of the endocrine system, and of the sense organs. It also provides theoretical and practical notions on the anatomy of the body regions and their stratigraphy. The studies will be carried out in animals of interest for the future veterinary surgeon (carnivores, ruminants, pigs, horses, rabbits).
Expected learning outcomes
Goals to achieve 1) Knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate exhaustive knowledge of the macro- and micro anatomy and the main functions of the central and peripheral nervous system, endocrine system, the sense organs. 2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student must prove to be able to apply the knowledge gained during lectures, through the dissection of corpses and on living animals, identifying the regions of the body, blood vessels, nerves and organs topography with the aid of reference atlases. 3) Autonomy of judgment: the student must learn critically and proactively both the information provided by the teacher and those derived from the recommended textbooks 4) Communication skills: the student should be able to explain the concepts acquired with appropriate and updated terminology that should be consistent with the terminology used in other disciplines, both during the lectures and during the practical lessons.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Asynchronous lectures will be provided (videos of slides with audio commentary), organized to cover the topics of each lesson of the course. Recorded lectures will be made available on the ARIEL platform. Synchronous meeting will be periodically scheduled via Microsoft TEAMS platform to provide clarifications and insights. Exams will take place on line, in the same way as those taken in person.
Prerequisites for admission
Exams are in number of 8 in the Academic year and take place in the months of January, February, April, June, July, September, October and December with the frequency provided by the teaching college. There are no additional calls for out-of-course. To take the exam, students must register to the ONLINE SIFA service of the University and they must have passed the examinations of the courses of Biology, Histology and Embryology, Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy Module 1 and 2, as well as having attended not less than 75% of the hours both theoretical and practices.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination takes place in a single trial, provides, for each module, of a written test aimed to verify knowledge and understanding of the student and his ability to apply knowledge and understanding by a:

· Forty multiple choice questions (4 answers) with the possibility of choosing only one correct answer. In case of no or wrong answer the question is not considered.

· Twenty-eight multiple choice questions (4 answers) with the possibility of choosing only one correct answer. In case of no or wrong answer the question is not considered.
· The recognition of three cards containing images of surface and deep topographical regions on a blank map. The images proposed correspond to those shown in class. Each card is worth one point
The topics on which the questions are concerned are:
Regional anatomy of the deep and superficial regions of the head, neck, chest, back and abdomen and limbs, topographical spaces, lymphocenters, macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the nail, with particular attention to the hoof

The final mark of the two written tests, expressed in thirtieths, corresponds to the weighted average of the two written tests. The student must pass the written tests of both courses; if one of the two tests receives a score of less than 18/30, the student must repeat the entire written test, even if the other one has been passed.
Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata 3
Course syllabus
MODULE ARTICULATION Frontal teaching (40 hours)
General review of histology (2 hours)
Sensory pathways (2 hours)
Homunculus, sensitive afferent pathways, brain (2 hours)
Sensitive afferent pathways MS (2 hours)
Motor effector pathways, cerebellum (2 hours)
Cranial nerves, trigeminal (2 hours)
Facial and vagus nerves and PAG (2 hours)
Areas of the encephalon, brainstem and nuclei (2 hours)
SNC irroration, Liquor and meninges (2 hours)
Meninges and the Limbic system (2 hours)
Nucleus accumbent and vegetative SN (2 hours)
Sympathetic and parasympathetic (2 hours)
VON and more on parasympathetic (2 hours)
Ear-balance (2 hours)
Organ of the Corti hearing (2 hours)
Gustatory ways (2 hours)
Olfactory paths (2 hours)
Eye (2 hours)
Neuroendocrine (2 hours)
Neuroendocrine (2 hours)
Teaching methods
The course consists frontal lessons, Webinars and dedicated ppt. In progress self evaluation tests
Teaching Resources
ppt slides
Anatomia topografica veterinaria
Course syllabus
The module provides notions of general anatomy and applied anatomy for the study of the relationships between organs and systems in the superficial and deep regions of the body and in relation to topographic spaces and cavities.
The topics are presented and described starting from a reference species and widening the discussion with an analysis compared to the different species of veterinary interest.

Frontal lessons (16 hours)
- Introduction to the course, programs, exam procedures and recommended texts (0.5 hours)
- General information on the head regions, in detail the pharyngeal and parotid regions (1.5 hours)
- General information on the neck and back regions, in detail the ventral neck regions (1 hour)
- General information on the regions of the chest, in detail the chest cavity (3 hours)
- General information on the regions of the abdomen and pelvis and in detail of the abdominal, pelvic and perineal regions (4 hours)
- Regions of the thoracic and pelvic limbs and nail anatomy (6 hours)

Practical lessons (16 ore)
1) On live animals:
- Identification and dissection of the superficial regions and the landmarks of the head, neck, back and thorax, abdomen and limbs in the horse (4 hours)
- Identification and dissection of the superficial regions and the landmarks of the head, neck, back and thorax, abdomen and limbs in the bovine (4 hours)
2) On cadavers
- Identification and dissection of the superficial and deep regions of the head, neck, back and thorax in the dog and cat (4 hours)
- Identification and dissection of the deep superficial regions of the abdomen and limbs in the dog and cat (4 hours)
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal (16 hours) and practical lessons (16 hours).
The lectures are held in the classroom with the help of presentations in ppt. Students are invited to actively participate in the lesson, based on the knowledge acquired in the preparatory subjects. The slides are available on the teacher's Ariel website.

The practical lessons take place:
1) on live animals (horse and cattle), in collaboration with the clinic teachers. The students, divided into groups, identify the regions and the projections of the organs directly on the animals
2) on cadavers (dog and cat). Each student works independently, individually and / or in groups (max 6 students per group), supervised by tutors, with the help of the reference text-books. Verifications of learning are foreseen through theoretical questions and practical demonstrations, in order to consolidate the student's knowledge.

In the current situation, in which it is possible to teach in the presence, even if it is limited, both the frontal lessons and the exercises will be done in presence. Students will be divided into groups that will alternate in presence and at a distance Distance students will follow the lessons in sync. Lessons will be recorded via Microsoft Teams platform and uploaded to the same platform, available to students. Exams, if possible, will take place in attendance.

If another lockdown is activated, both lessons and exercises will be delivered synchronously via Microsoft Teams platform. When necessary, for contingent reasons, lessons will take place asynchronously and will be uploaded both on the Ariel site of the course and on the Microsoft Teams platform. The exams will take place remotely through the University platform "Moodle/SEB".
Teaching Resources
Recommended textbooks
Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJG: Anatomia Veterinaria, Antonio Delfino Editore, Roma, 2009
Miller's Anatomy of the Dog, 4ed H.E. Evans and A. de Lahunta , Elsevir ed, 2013
Pelagalli GV, Botte V: Anatomia Topografica Veterinaria III ed., Edi-Ermes, 2001
Merighi A: Anatomia Applicata e Topografia Regionale Veterinaria, ed Piccin, 2005
Popesko P: Atlante di Anatomia Topografica degli Animali Domestici, ed Grasso e Edimediche, 1997
Slide: Ariel website
Anatomia topografica veterinaria
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Pocar Paola
Turno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Professor: Pocar Paola
Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata 3
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Brevini Tiziana
By appointment., Monday-Friday
Lodi, Via dell'Università, 6, studio 3085