Veterinary Anesthesiology and Surgical Techniques
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the students a practical-based learning in Veterinary Anesthesiology and Surgical Techniques. In particular the Anestesiology Module is aimed to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge of pre-operative management of the surgical patient, including general anesthesia induction and mantainece protocols, pain management. Regarding the Surgical Techniques module the student will learn the basic principles of operating room, surgical team and patient management. All the basic and specialistic surgical techniques required to design and lead a surgical session will be provide to the student.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding:
The student shall demonstrate to have learned the Anesthertic and Surgical concepts provided during the entire course. He shall prove awareness of drugs administration and their protocols in small and large animals, operating room, surgcal team and patient manegement and basic and specilistic surgical techniques.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student shall prove his competence to use the aquired knowledge to design anesthetic and /or surgical protocols and to design basic and specialistic surgical sessions.
3) Autonomy of judgement:
The student shall be able to provide ability to evaluate different anesthetic and /or surgical submitted protocols by his own.
4) Communication skills:
The student shall provide ability to communicate in the professional field using the right terminology
The student shall demonstrate to have learned the Anesthertic and Surgical concepts provided during the entire course. He shall prove awareness of drugs administration and their protocols in small and large animals, operating room, surgcal team and patient manegement and basic and specilistic surgical techniques.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student shall prove his competence to use the aquired knowledge to design anesthetic and /or surgical protocols and to design basic and specialistic surgical sessions.
3) Autonomy of judgement:
The student shall be able to provide ability to evaluate different anesthetic and /or surgical submitted protocols by his own.
4) Communication skills:
The student shall provide ability to communicate in the professional field using the right terminology
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
During the COVID-19 emergency the courses half of the students will attempt the lecture while in the classroom, the other will follow the lecture in dreaming on Microsoft Teams platforms. All the lectures will be recorded and uploaded on Ariel platform of the single teacher. Exercise activities will follow the same modality. When necessary, i.e. practice exercises, student will be divided in smaller groups to attend dedicated laboratories
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams are in number of 8 and are held in the months of: January, February, April, June, July, September, October and November.
Extraordinary exam will be scheduled for students who are not on the course in accordance with the provisions of the Consiglio di Coordinamento Didattico.
The exam will be performed only in writing form with 30 multiple choice questions divided into 15 questions per teaching module. The exam is considered approved with a minimum of 18 correct answers. Each correct answer is equivalent to 1 point. The exam will be performed in electronic form at the Settore Didattico, via dell'Università, 6 Lodi, or on-line using the Moodle Platform The aim of the proposed questions is: testing the theoretical knowledge of the candidate in relation to the program carried out during the course.
Extraordinary exam will be scheduled for students who are not on the course in accordance with the provisions of the Consiglio di Coordinamento Didattico.
The exam will be performed only in writing form with 30 multiple choice questions divided into 15 questions per teaching module. The exam is considered approved with a minimum of 18 correct answers. Each correct answer is equivalent to 1 point. The exam will be performed in electronic form at the Settore Didattico, via dell'Università, 6 Lodi, or on-line using the Moodle Platform The aim of the proposed questions is: testing the theoretical knowledge of the candidate in relation to the program carried out during the course.
Anestesiologia veterinaria
Course syllabus
1. Lectures:
Physiology and pathophysiology in anesthesia
Central Nervous System (SNC) for anesthesist
Circulatory system and anesthesiology
Respiratory system and anesthesiology
Escretory system and anesthesiology
Sedation and tranquilization
Drugs for premedication
Drugs inducing anesthesia
Pain and analgesia
Pain pathophysiology
Local anesthetics
Inhalation anesthesia
Gaseous anesthetics
Respiratory systems
Neuromuscular blockade agents
Depolarizing agents
Non-depolarizing agents
Acid-base balance
2. Practical class:
The cardiopatic patient
The nephropatic patient
The obstructive uropathic patient
The GDV patient
The pyometra patient
The neonatal and pediatric patient
Horse sedation
Anesthesia in horse's colic syndrome
Monitoring in anesthesia
Anesthesia in dog cesarean section
Peri-neural and intra-articular anesthesia
Physiology and pathophysiology in anesthesia
Central Nervous System (SNC) for anesthesist
Circulatory system and anesthesiology
Respiratory system and anesthesiology
Escretory system and anesthesiology
Sedation and tranquilization
Drugs for premedication
Drugs inducing anesthesia
Pain and analgesia
Pain pathophysiology
Local anesthetics
Inhalation anesthesia
Gaseous anesthetics
Respiratory systems
Neuromuscular blockade agents
Depolarizing agents
Non-depolarizing agents
Acid-base balance
2. Practical class:
The cardiopatic patient
The nephropatic patient
The obstructive uropathic patient
The GDV patient
The pyometra patient
The neonatal and pediatric patient
Horse sedation
Anesthesia in horse's colic syndrome
Monitoring in anesthesia
Anesthesia in dog cesarean section
Peri-neural and intra-articular anesthesia
Teaching methods
- Lecture (2CFU - 16 hours: give the veterinary analgesia and anestesia principles of the student, tracing practical guidelines through a theoretical approach in the classroom and a clinical method during the laboratory session. Basic approach of intensive care, especially related to the post-operative condition of critical ill patients, will be given. Basic wild and zoo animal anesthetic techniques will be given.
- Practical class (1 CFU - 16 hours): the activities enclose clinical cases discussion in the classroom and hands on laboratory of semiotic anesthesia using isolated horse legs.
- Practical class (1 CFU - 16 hours): the activities enclose clinical cases discussion in the classroom and hands on laboratory of semiotic anesthesia using isolated horse legs.
Teaching Resources
ANESTESIA DEL CANE E DEL GATTO, Aut. Federico Corletto, Manuali pratici di Medicina Veterinaria, Editore: Poletto (testo di riferimento)
2. MANUAL OF EQUINE ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA, Aut. Doherty & Valverde, Editore: Blackwell (per approfondimenti capitoli: 11 - 15 - 21)
2. MANUAL OF EQUINE ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA, Aut. Doherty & Valverde, Editore: Blackwell (per approfondimenti capitoli: 11 - 15 - 21)
Medicina operatoria veterinaria
Course syllabus
1. Lecture:
The Operating Room
Scrubbing, gowning and draping
The surgical patient
Surgical instruments and device
Basic concepts and definitions
Surgical access to bdominal and thoracic cavities
Soft tissue handling
Hollow organs and parenchyma handling
Hard tissue handling
Bone fixation techniques
Minimally invasive surgery
Complex surgery concepts
Complex surgery : techniques
Transplant surgery: overview
2. Practical classes:
OR (simulation in small animal hospital)
Scrubbing and gowning (Labs)
Knots and sutures on phantoms (classroom)
Sutures and anastomosis on isolated organs (Labs)
The Operating Room
Scrubbing, gowning and draping
The surgical patient
Surgical instruments and device
Basic concepts and definitions
Surgical access to bdominal and thoracic cavities
Soft tissue handling
Hollow organs and parenchyma handling
Hard tissue handling
Bone fixation techniques
Minimally invasive surgery
Complex surgery concepts
Complex surgery : techniques
Transplant surgery: overview
2. Practical classes:
OR (simulation in small animal hospital)
Scrubbing and gowning (Labs)
Knots and sutures on phantoms (classroom)
Sutures and anastomosis on isolated organs (Labs)
Teaching methods
-Lecture (2 CFU - 16 hours): general principles of the modern surgery will be addressed. Ongoing test evaluation of concepts comprehension will be performed.
-Practical class (1CFU - 16 hours). Students will be divided in groups. Under the teacher supervision they will experienced diverse basic surgical techniques including hand knots, suture and anastomotic techniques either on phantom and animal organ specimens. Seminars and/ or ad hoc multimedia support will be used.
-Practical class (1CFU - 16 hours). Students will be divided in groups. Under the teacher supervision they will experienced diverse basic surgical techniques including hand knots, suture and anastomotic techniques either on phantom and animal organ specimens. Seminars and/ or ad hoc multimedia support will be used.
Teaching Resources
1. KIRK RM. Basic Surgical Techniques. 5th Ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2002
2. FOSSUM T.W. Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali - 4° ed. italiana. Edra, Masson, 2013
2. FOSSUM T.W. Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali - 4° ed. italiana. Edra, Masson, 2013
Anestesiologia veterinaria
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Ravasio Giuliano
Ravasio Giuliano
Turno 1 per un gruppo di studenti
Ravasio GiulianoTurno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Ravasio GiulianoTurno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Ravasio GiulianoTurno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Ravasio Giuliano
Medicina operatoria veterinaria
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Acocella Fabio
Acocella Fabio
Turno 1 per tutti gli studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 2 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 3 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 4 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 5 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 6 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioTurno 7 per un gruppo di studenti
Acocella FabioProfessor(s)
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)