Training Course 04: Diagnosis and Therapy of the Soft Tissue Diseases in Dogs and Cats
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
The course aims to offer basic practical knowledge to be performed in the hospital (clinics, hospitalization, operating room, pathological anatomy ward) in relation to obstetric surgical and gynecological diseases of the most common occurrence, offering knowledge and skills relative to the clinical framework of the surgical disease to the periooperative management of the patient to the control management, to the communication of the diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. It also provides expertise regarding the management of the surgical sample to be given to the laboratory, the interpretation of the definitive histopathological report and the subsequent communication to the owner.
Expected learning outcomes
Consultation rooms (under supervision of clinical/academic staff): First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
Recording of the patient
Clinical History collection ( discussion)
Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Surgical theatre( under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
Recording the patient
Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
Preparation of the surgical site
Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
Write the surgical report
Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Recording of the patient
Clinical History collection ( discussion)
Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Surgical theatre( under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
Recording the patient
Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
Preparation of the surgical site
Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
Write the surgical report
Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
COVID situation with lockdown in progress
The elective courses will take place entirely online and they will include discussion on clinical and histopathological cases using Microsoft Teams. Whether teachers will have access to hospital facilities, they will provide live streaming clinical visits and surgery to students.
The oral exam will always be delivered online through Microsoft Teams. Oral examination will include discussion of clinical cases
The elective courses will take place entirely online and they will include discussion on clinical and histopathological cases using Microsoft Teams. Whether teachers will have access to hospital facilities, they will provide live streaming clinical visits and surgery to students.
The oral exam will always be delivered online through Microsoft Teams. Oral examination will include discussion of clinical cases
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the elective course, the student must have passed all the exams of the third year and he must have attended the courses of the first semester of the 5th year.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be assessed during all the practical activities of the course. Clinical rotation and modules of elective activity contribute in a different way to the definition of the final mark.
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course there will be an oral exam with questions concerning clinical cases or discussion of clinical cases observed during the course and with questions.
Will be evaluated:
- active participation in the clinical-assistance activity
- the clarity of presentation of the clinical case
- the correct use of technical-scientific terminology in answering questions
- the ability to use interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in answering clinical questions
In clinical rotation, assessment of skills will be carried out in itinere by each teacher during clinical and diagnostic practical activities. Each specific practical competence carried out by the student will be attested through the electronic logbook by the teacher in whose presence this will be carried out. The regular frequency of activities and the acquisition of skills that the student will have to learn and possess at the end of the activity will result in an "approved" assessment.
At the end of the course, for the elective modules of the course there will be an oral exam with questions concerning clinical cases or discussion of clinical cases observed during the course and with questions.
Will be evaluated:
- active participation in the clinical-assistance activity
- the clarity of presentation of the clinical case
- the correct use of technical-scientific terminology in answering questions
- the ability to use interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in answering clinical questions
Clinical Rotation
Course syllabus
In the document of the Day one competences "(DOCs), drawn up by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training, there is a list of knowledge and skills that the new graduate must possess. The electronic logbook lists the practical skills that the student must acquire to satisfy what is reported in the DOCs document. The hospital rotation is aimed at making the student acquire the skills and competences shown in the electronic logbook which from time to time it will be appropriate to apply on patients and case studies assigned.
Teaching methods
Practical work on referred for visit and hospitalized patients and on biological material provided for diagnostic purposes at the Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The work will be carried out by the students individually or in groups under the direct guidance of the teachers. All students will carry out activities in the Companion Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital, in the Ruminant and Swine Clinic, in Equine Clinic and in the facilities of the diagnostic services.
Teaching Resources
No specific reference material is foreseen. In relation to the activities carried out from time to time, students may be asked to research and discuss scientific literature on specific cases observed.
Surgical oncology
Course syllabus
The module consists of 16 practice hours. Absolute priority will be given to the direct management of clinical cases of oncological surgery, reserving from 2 to 4 hours for the discussion of clinical cases and scientific literature.
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of oncological surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of oncological surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Teaching methods
The didactic activities will take place mainly in hospital (visits and operating room, hospitalization) for the direct management of clinical cases with moments dedicated to the discussion of clinical cases and with theoretical insights, making use of discussion and presentations of published scientific articles
Teaching Resources
1. PDF of the teacher's presentations
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637
3. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: Mosby Published Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637
3. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: Mosby Published Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
Special surgery
Course syllabus
The module consists of 16 practice hours. Absolute priority will be given to the direct management of clinical cases of oncological surgery, reserving from 2 to 4 hours for the discussion of clinical cases and scientific literature.
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of soft-tissue surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures ( radiology, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
▪ Preparation of the surgical site involving a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and skin disinfection.
▪ Draping
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
▪ Surgical scrubs and gowning
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assist to the operating sessions / performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Compile the surgical report
- Compile the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of soft-tissue surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures ( radiology, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
▪ Preparation of the surgical site involving a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and skin disinfection.
▪ Draping
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
▪ Surgical scrubs and gowning
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assist to the operating sessions / performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Compile the surgical report
- Compile the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
Teaching methods
The didactic activities will take place mainly in hospital (visits and operating room, hospitalization) for the direct management of clinical cases with moments dedicated to the discussion of clinical cases and with theoretical insights, making use of discussion and presentations of published scientific articles
Teaching Resources
1. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637
2. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
2. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
Obstetrical-Gynecological Surgery
Course syllabus
The module consists of 16 practice hours. Absolute priority will be given to the direct management of clinical cases of reproductive surgery, reserving from 2 to 4 hours for the discussion of clinical cases and scientific literature.
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of reproductive surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed
The program will provide for the management of clinical cases of reproductive surgery that spontaneously refer to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital as follows:
a) Consultation rooms ((under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
First opinion vs specialized consultation vs postoperative recheck
- Recording of the patient
- Clinical History collection ( discussion)
- Physical examination vs specialized examination ( discussion)
- Proposal of differential diagnosis ( discussion)
- Discussion with clinical staff on the decisional algorithm for diagnostic procedures
- Follow the patient in the diagnostic procedures( X-rays, ultrasonography endoscopy etc..)
- provide a diagnosis, adequate treatment and prognosis
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed)
b) Surgical theatre (under supervision of clinical/academic staff)
- Recording the patient
- Clinical History collection ( Discussion)
- Clinical examination for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol ( Discussion)
- Explanation of surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol and possible complications ( Discussion)
- Cooperation in the owner consent taking for surgical treatment and anesthesiology protocol
- Discussion of the surgical treatment/technique, postoperative care and potential complications
- Discussion anesthesiologic and analgesic protocol based on surgical treatment plus postoperative analgesic protocol
- Preoperative- procedures for patient:
Preparation of the surgical site involves a series of steps such as clipping of hair, removal of dirt and oils, and removal of microbes.
- Preoperative procedures- surgical staff
Scrubs, scrubs hands and applications of specific surgical dress
- Preparation of the surgical site
- Assistant at surgical procedures/ performing some surgical procedures
- Planning postoperative care and communication with hospitalization service
- Follow/ recheck the patient in hospitalization service
- Write the surgical report
- Write the form for histopathologic exam ( surgical biopsy)
- Discussion with clinical staff of the surgical case/ cases.
- Write the clinical report and drug prescription ( if needed
Teaching methods
The didactic activities will take place mainly in hospital (visits and operating room, hospitalization) for the direct management of clinical cases with moments dedicated to the discussion of clinical cases and with theoretical insights, making use of discussion and presentations of published scientific articles
Teaching Resources
1. Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Johnston SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds) WB Saunders, Philadelphia 2001. ISBN: 0721656072
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637 (Lingua Inglese)
3. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
2. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal Karen Tobias & Spencer Johnston Ed.2012 Saunders ISBN 978-1-4377-0746-5 Part Vol 1: 9996073696; Part Vol 2: 9996073637 (Lingua Inglese)
3. Small Animal Surgery 5th Edition; Theresa Fossum Hardcover ISBN: 9780323443449
Imprint: MosbyPublished Date: 29th May 2018 Page Count: 1584
Special histopathology
Course syllabus
The module consists of 16 practical hours of training organised in two parts. The first part is dedicated to the knowledge and the practical application of the histological procedure of a submitted surgical sample and to the related microscopical slide observation and diagnosis. The second part is dedicated to interactive seminars on the classification and the modern veterinary systems of grading of the pathologies addressed to the course aims.
First part
- Advanced procedures of fixation of a surgical sample and mandatory data to provide.
Recording of the sample in database
- Gross examination and description of a surgical sample submitted for histology
- Trimming of the histological sample
- Sample processing and staining of the sample
- Microscopic observation and diagnosis of histological slide addressed to the course contain
Seconda parte
- Tissue scarring and surgical stitches granulomas
- Most important soft tissue tumors
- Injection site sarcoma and classification and grading systems of soft tissue sarcomas
- Mast cell tumors and related classification and grading
- Mucles and vessels tumors
First part
- Advanced procedures of fixation of a surgical sample and mandatory data to provide.
Recording of the sample in database
- Gross examination and description of a surgical sample submitted for histology
- Trimming of the histological sample
- Sample processing and staining of the sample
- Microscopic observation and diagnosis of histological slide addressed to the course contain
Seconda parte
- Tissue scarring and surgical stitches granulomas
- Most important soft tissue tumors
- Injection site sarcoma and classification and grading systems of soft tissue sarcomas
- Mast cell tumors and related classification and grading
- Mucles and vessels tumors
Teaching methods
The didactic activities will take place mainly in hospital (Patology unit) for the trimming and processing of surgical samples and for the observation of the related histological slides. Interactive seminar activities are also previewed as moment dedicated to the knowledge of soft tissue pathologies and the application of the related modern systems classifications and grading in veterinary medicine
Teaching Resources
The teacher will provide students with a selection of international scientific papers addressed to the course program
Clinical Rotation
Practicals: 64 hours
Brambilla Paola Giuseppina Maria, Di Giancamillo Mauro, Ferrari Roberta, Ferrucci Francesco, Giordano Alessia, Grieco Valeria, Lauzi Stefania, Pecile Alessandro, Pravettoni Davide, Proverbio Daniela, Ravasio Giuliano, Romussi Stefano Felice Maria, Scarpa Paola, Veronesi Maria Cristina, Zani Davide Danilo
Obstetrical-Gynecological Surgery
Practicals: 16 hours
Pecile Alessandro
Special histopathology
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Grieco Valeria
Special surgery
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Acocella Fabio
Surgical oncology
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Practicals: 16 hours
Stefanello Damiano
to be arranged by phone or e-mail
Lodi Campus. Office n. T024
Monday to friday, on request (via e-mail)
Teacher's office
every day (with previous appointment by e-mail)
Lodi, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS)
Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 a.m., by appointment
Clinica dei Ruminanti e del Suino - Via dell'Università, 6 26900 LODI
By appointment
Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali
10 a.m. - 11,30 am. Every Wednesday
Ufficio-Settore didattico Palazzina Studi, I piano, Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria)