Analysis, planning and sustainable management of land and territory

Cartine geografiche
Analysis, planning and sustainable management of land and territory
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-48/LM-80 - LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale LM-80 Scienze geografiche
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
The master's degree program in Analysis, planning and sustainable management of the territories was conceived, designed and is managed jointly by three Departments of the University of Milan: the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policies - ESP -, the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage -BAC- and the "Ardito Desio" Earth Sciences Department -DST-. The three departments together guarantee the coverage of teachings with scientists who are experts in geography, land, environmental and landscape sciences.
The master's degree program in Analysis, planning and sustainable management of the territories is a two-year course that trains LM 48 and LM 80 graduates who, regardless of the degree class, will be:
- prepared in the field of : i) geographic sciences, ii) cartographic representation and communication of the cultural and environmental heritage of the territory;
- able to use traditional and innovative tools in the geographical, cartographic and land planning fields for the analysis, management and representation of territorial data;
- able to develop and coordinate environmental and landscape management, regeneration and restoration projects and projects for the enhancement and promotion of territories in the context of regional, national and international calls;
- able to collaborate with interested parties to encourage communication and the promotion of a culture oriented towards the protection and enhancement of the landscape and the territory.
In addition, graduates:
- will be able to describe and analyse not only the transformations on an urban and territorial scale that characterize a specific territory, but also they will recognize and describe all the socio-economic processes and dynamics that are both the origin and the result of these transformations;
- will know the characteristics, purposes and field of application of various urban planning tools, and will be able to contribute to their drafting, revision or updating;
- will know the architecture and operation of various geographic information systems (GIS) for the analysis and management of the territory and the production of digital cartography.
- graduates of the LM-80 class will also acquire knowledge and skills useful for accessing subsequent courses and competitions for teaching geography in Italy in the specific A21 class;
- LM 48 graduates will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to independently draw up planning tools and related implementation devices.

To achieve these objectives, the course is organized in such a way as to provide all enrolled students with the cultural bases of geographic sciences, urban and land planning. This takes place through a common first year with basic courses characterizing both classes and with a second year that still includes a large part in common.
Upon enrollment, the students must choose the master's degree class in which they will obtain the degree (LM 80 or LM 48). The students can also change the choice of the master's degree class within the second year, thanks to the fact that most of the study path is common to the two classes and allows for ongoing changes. For the choice of the most suitable degree class for their professional aspirations and for changes in progress, the students will make use, if desired, of the advice of the tutor teacher (to whom each student is assigned from the first year) who will also support the selection of free choice courses and internships.
Function in a work context:
The Land Planner is an LM 48 graduate who, after passing the qualification exam, will be able to work as an expert designer and freelancer directly in the drafting of planning tools and implementation devices related to them.
Among other things, the land planner is a reference figure for:
-land, landscape, environmental and urban planning;
- carrying out and coordinating complex and specialized analyses of territorial, landscape and environmental structures;
- coordination and management of environmental assessment and feasibility activities of territorial plans and projects;
- the drafting of planning tools and related implementation devices.

skills associated with the function:
To carry out these functions, thanks to the courses and workshops provided by the master degree plan and also through external internships and the preparation of the degree thesis, graduates will acquire the following skills:
- knowledge of construction and management of geographic information systems (GIS) for the analysis and management of the territory;
- capacity of analysis, monitoring and territorial and environmental evaluation;
- knowledge of the management and evaluation procedures of territorial planning acts and related complex programs;
- ability to draft planning tools and related implementation devices.

Career opportunities:
Thanks to the transversal and multidisciplinary skills that they possess and that they has acquired during their studies, the land Planners are fundamental and indispensable professionals. They will play a crucial role in the drafting and elaboration of any urban planning tool, at a regional level (such as the Regional Landscape Plan), at a general level (such as the General Town Plan) and at an implementation level (such as the Detailed Plan and the Allotment Plan). In Italy they can therefore be employed in the public administration (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Mountain Communities, in the technical offices and land registers, in the general and local directorates dedicated to the territory), in professional engineering and architecture studios, in associations and organizations for the protection and enhancement of the territory and its resources. LM 48 graduates will be able to draw up planning tools and implementation devices related to them and will be able to carry out this activity independently as expert designers and freelancers after passing the state qualification exam.


function in a work context: The geographer is an LM 80 graduate who, in the context of support for the complex processes of landscape protection, planning and management, will be able to be complementarity with other professional figures specialized in design, urban and planning and land management. The Geographer will be able to collaborate in the creation of: - cognitive frameworks and landscape reports; - traditional cartographic representations and in GIS environment; - monitoring of landscape context transformations; - mapping of possible critical issues related to unsustainable transformations of the territories; - landscape quality recognition activities and for the identification of prescriptions for the use of landscape assets. The Geographer can also operate in the sector of the production of thematic digital cartography at different scales, in the drafting of technical texts and as a specialist in the recovery and conservation of the territories. Finally, Geographers can collaborate with other professional figures specialized in the fields of communication and education to build strategies and manage projects in many areas: - communication and awareness on landscape matters; - environmental, landscape and sustainability education as a function of the school system at all levels and of the general public; - participatory processes related to territorial management. They will also be able to draw up editorial projects, carry out communication projects relating to the landscape through social media, prepare proposals in response to national and international tenders and calls aimed at raising funds for the management, recovery and/or protection of the landscape.

Skills associated with the function:
LM80 graduates will be able to carry out the functions listed above, first of all thanks to knowledge of: i) the characteristics of landscapes and the territorial processes that determine their evolution, ii) the regulatory bases of the protection and management of landscapes, and iii) the principles and tools of sustainability. Moreover they will have specific skills in analyzing the landscape and its representations (including, for example: collecting information from different sources, direct and indirect, in an organized manner, designing and carrying out field surveys, analyzing data, using GIS).
They will also have developed the skills useful for the critical deepening of knowledge on landscape, for the interpretation and evaluation of landscape dynamics and, through both geographical studies and multidisciplinary insights, transversal skills particularly useful in this field in which it is necessary to be able to integrate disciplinary knowledge and different territorial scales. To further advance the skills related to the aforementioned functions, the LM80 graduates will be able to consider continuing the third level university education (e.g.: II level Master, etc..)

Employment opportunities:
The skills of the LM80 graduates are required in public administrations at various scales, national and international agencies, consortia and other territorial management bodies, non-governmental organizations, consultancy firms. In addition, LM80 graduates will be able, as required by current legislation, to access preparatory and qualifying courses for teaching geography in the secondary school.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Students of the Master degree course in Analysis, planning and sustainable management of the territories who wish to participate in the ERASMUS and ERASMUS + programs will have 3 Erasmus contact persons at their disposal, one for each of the partner departments, and will be able to count on agreements with foreign universities:
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg
- Kobenhavns Universitet
- University of Warsaw
- Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha - Ciudad Real
- University of Helsinki
- University of Zagreb
- Sorbonne University - Paris
- Charles University - Prague
- University of Geneva
- IGOT-Ulisboa - Lisbon

For further information and updates, see page:

Abroad, as part of the ERASMUS and ERASMUS+ programmes, students will be able to:
- obtain credits by following courses and passing the relative exams for the free choice 9 ECTS;
- carry out internships in foreign companies and professional studios;
- carry out all or part of the degree thesis (agreeing on the topic and implementation phases also with a UNIMI professor within the interdepartmental teaching board).
Attendance is highly recommended, but not compulsory.
Graduates in the degree classes:
L-6 Geography,
L-21 Territorial, urban, landscape and environmental planning sciences and, L-32 Sciences and technologies for the environment and nature, as well as in the corresponding classes relating to the D.M. 509/99, as well as four-year graduates in old master degree classes, can access to the degree Master course in Analysis, and planning and sustainable management of territories. Those who have a degree from another bachelor class can also access it, provided that they demonstrate that they possess the necessary skills to successfully pursue their studies and that they have acquired 60 ECTS in at least four distinct groups of scientific-disciplinary sectors among those below specified:
- agronomic-biological-ecological group: AGR / 01- / 03, AGR / 05, AGR / 08- / 10, BIO / 03, BIO / 05, BIO / 07;
- anthropological-psychological-social group: BIO / 08, M-DEA / 01, M-PSI / 01, M-PSI / 05, SPS / 07- / 10;
- architectural-engineering and territorial planning group: ICAR / 01- / 05, ICAR / 15, ICAR / 18, ICAR / 20- / 22;
- chemical-physical-geological group: CHIM / 03, CHIM / 06, CHIM / 12, FIS / 06- / 07, GEO / 02- / 03, GEO / 05, GEO / 09, GEO / 10- / 12;
- economic-legal group: ING / IND / 35, IUS / 01, IUS / 03- / 04, IUS / 09- / 10, IUS / 13- / 14, SECS-P / 01- / 03, SECS-P / 05- / 08, SECS-P / 12;
- geographical group: GEO / 04, M-GGR / 01- / 02;
- computer-mathematical-statistical and land representation group: ICAR / 06, ICAR / 17, INF / 01, ING-INF / 03, ING-INF / 05, MAT / 01- / 09, SECS-S / 01- / 06.
Finally, candidates who are in possession of another bachelor qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable will be able to be enrolled, provided that they demonstrate that they possess the curricular requirements and the adequacy of the personal preparation necessary to successfully pursue their studies. The personal preparation of all candidates will be verified through an interview that will be carried out in the presence or remotely by a commission appointed by the Interdepartmental teaching Board. The date of the interview will be agreed with the student.
The interview can also be carried out before obtaining the three-year bachelor's degree which, in order to enroll for the 2024-2025 academic year, must be completed by 31 December 2024.

If the commission set up for this purpose should judge the preparation of the candidates insufficient, they will not be admitted to the Master degree course APGEST and they will be advised, if they wish, to reapply for the following year, after having filled the cultural gaps. An opportunity could be, for example, through attendance and passing of exams of single courses of Bachelor degree programs offered by UNIMI or by other Italian universities that offer single courses.
The following year they will be able to present themselves with certificates of attendance and passing of course exams in sectors deemed necessary (with reference to the 60 ECTS in at least 4 different disciplinary fields to be demonstrated during the interview) an, if the commission will deem that they have filled the gap culture, they may be admitted.

Upon enrolment, the students must choose the master's degree class in which they will obtain the degree (LM 80 or LM 48). The students can also modify the choice of the master's degree class within the second year. The students will be assisted in the choice by the tutor to whom they will have been assigned from the first year, in order to choose the class that best suits their professional aspirations.

Students who apply for a transfer to Analysis, planning and sustainable management of the territories, coming from other master's degree programs of the Milan University or other universities, will also be interviewed for admission. In addition, in this case the commission will verify the possibility for applicants to be admitted and if in the first or second year. The commission will also evaluate the possibility of partially or totally validating the master's exams taken at other degree courses or other universities if they are consistent in content and objectives with the teaching programs envisaged in Analysis, planning and sustainable management of the territories.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 30/09/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Information Systems and Statistics for the Territory 12 104 Italian INF/01 SECS-S/01
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Ecology 6 48 Italian BIO/07
Urban and Spatial Plannig 1 12 96 Italian ICAR/20
Valorization of Cultural and Territorial Heritage 9 72 Italian M-GGR/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Construction Law 6 48 Italian IUS/10
Physical Geography and Land Use Planning 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Policies and Tools for the Sustainability of the Rural Territory 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Soft Skill Lab: Public Speaking 3 24 Italian
Environmental and Economic Relevance of Georesources 6 48 Italian GEO/09
Laboratory Investigations of Earth Sciences 3 24 Italian GEO/03 GEO/09
Landscape Ecology 6 48 Italian BIO/03
Lithological Maps 6 48 Italian GEO/02 GEO/07
Place Marketing 6 48 Italian SECS-P/08
Remote Sensing, Geomatics and Spatial Planning 6 48 Italian ICAR/06
Representation and Communication of the Territory 9 72 Italian M-GGR/01
Social Psychology for Sustainability and Participation 6 48 Italian M-PSI/05
Territorial Systems and Local Development 9 72 Italian M-GGR/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Urban and Spatial Plannig 2 12 96 Italian ICAR/21
Applied Geomorphology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Biogeography 6 48 Italian BIO/05
Didactics of Geography 6 48 Italian M-GGR/01
Environmental Anthropology 6 48 Italian M-DEA/01
Farming in an Urban Landscape Lab 3 24 Italian AGR/20
Geomorphological Hazards and Risks for Landscape and Geoheritage Management 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Analysis 3 24 Italian AGR/02
Landscape Systems Analysis 9 72 Italian M-GGR/01
Measuring Vegetation Lab 3 24 Italian BIO/04
Mixed Farming Systems and Landscape 6 48 Italian AGR/18
State Exams for Professional Certification: Urban and Regional Planner 3 24 Italian ICAR/21
Structural Geology and Landform Evolution 6 48 Italian GEO/03
Urban and Land Planning Lab 3 24 Italian ICAR/20
Urban Geomorphology 6 48 Italian GEO/04
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Coastal and Port Planning and Management 6 48 Italian ICAR/02
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Internship 3 0 Italian
Final Exam 12 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Choose one course from the following courses. Each course will be activated if chosen by a minimun number of students
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Landscape Systems Analysis 9 72 Italian Second semester M-GGR/01
Representation and Communication of the Territory 9 72 Italian First semester M-GGR/01
Territorial Systems and Local Development 9 72 Italian First semester M-GGR/01
- Acquire 12 CFU from the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Applied Geomorphology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Biogeography 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/05
Coastal and Port Planning and Management 6 48 Italian ICAR/02
Didactics of Geography 6 48 Italian Second semester M-GGR/01
Environmental and Economic Relevance of Georesources 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/09
Environmental Anthropology 6 48 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Geomorphological Hazards and Risks for Landscape and Geoheritage Management 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Landscape Ecology 6 48 Italian First semester BIO/03
Lithological Maps 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/02 GEO/07
Mixed Farming Systems and Landscape 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/18
Place Marketing 6 48 Italian First semester SECS-P/08
Remote Sensing, Geomatics and Spatial Planning 6 48 Italian First semester ICAR/06
Social Psychology for Sustainability and Participation 6 48 Italian First semester M-PSI/05
Structural Geology and Landform Evolution 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/03
Urban Geomorphology 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
- The student will have to acquire 9 credits among all the offered training activities and all the courses activated by the University, after evaluation by the tutor. The student can choose the courses not already chosen activated by the master degree.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Farming in an Urban Landscape Lab 3 24 Italian Second semester AGR/20
Laboratory Investigations of Earth Sciences 3 24 Italian First semester GEO/03 GEO/09
Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Analysis 3 24 Italian Second semester AGR/02
Measuring Vegetation Lab 3 24 Italian Second semester BIO/04
State Exams for Professional Certification: Urban and Regional Planner 3 24 Italian Second semester ICAR/21
Urban and Land Planning Lab 3 24 Italian Second semester ICAR/20
There are no prerequisites.
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Course locations
Le lezioni si terranno nelle aule e nei laboratori delle sedi UNIMI di Citta Studi e di Festa del Perdono.
Informazioni circa la localizzazione delle sedi didattiche sono disponibili alla pagina

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more