Landscape Systems Analysis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Through the class students will acquire knowledge and awareness with respect to the definition and tools and methods of analysis of complex landscape-environmental and territorial systems in relation to emerging issues related to their use (also in terms of criticality) and semantization. Students will also be able to produce critical analytical reports of territorial systems and to develop projects for the regeneration of landscape-environmental systems.
Expected learning outcomes
The course of the program will be oriented to strengthen the skills and competencies:
- in the definition and analysis of complex landscape-environmental systems;
- in the definition and analysis of the territorial dynamics in order to reach with greater effectiveness and coherence their interpretation and evaluation;
- understanding, interpretation and transposition into the territorial project of the new social and economic demands in relation to the themes of socio-territorial, cultural and environmental regeneration;
- design of regeneration processes of the landscape-environmental systems, with particular reference to the socio-cultural values of the territories considered, also through the comparative study of good practices and ongoing projects.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three parts: the first part will be devoted to exploring the main theoretical and methodological concepts related to the analysis of landscape-environmental systems. The second part of the course will be spent on conducting short study excursions. The third part of the course will be dedicated to conducting exercises and group work.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is for students enrolled in the first and second year.
Teaching methods
The course aims to provide skills in the field of geographic investigation dedicated to the environmental and landscape components of different areas, encouraging the development of analytical and critical skills, in terms of active protection and regeneration, with respect to the complex territorial processes considered that characterize the Anthropocene epoch.
Attending students will have the opportunity to experience participatory forms of teaching (group work, flipped classroom, workshops and fieldtrip).
Teaching Resources
Program for attending students (9cfu):
- lecture notes and materials
- Ingegnoli V., Bionomia del paesaggio, Springer, Milano, 2011 (a selection of pages to be studied will be given in class)
- Castiglioni B., Paesaggio e società. Una prospettiva geografica, Carocci editore, Roma, 2022
A text of your choice from:
- Borgnino E., Ecologie Native, Eleuthera, Milano, 2022
- Descola P., Oltre natura e cultura, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2021
- Fenoglio S., Uomini e fiumi. Storia di un'amicizia finita male, Rizzoli, Milano, 2023
- Wilson E.O, Biofilia. Il nostro legame con la natura, Piano B Edizioni, Bologna, 2021

Program for NON-attending students (9cfu)
- Ingegnoli V., Bionomia del paesaggio, Springer, Milano, 2011 (parts I and II and a chapter of your choice from part III)
- Castiglioni B., Paesaggio e società. Una prospettiva geografica, Carocci editore, Roma, 2022
A text of your choice from:
- Borgnino E., Ecologie Native, Eleuthera, Milano, 2022
- Descola P., Oltre natura e cultura, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2021
- Fenoglio S., Uomini e fiumi. Storia di un'amicizia finita male, Rizzoli, Milano, 2023
- Wilson E.O, Biofilia. Il nostro legame con la natura, Piano B Edizioni, Bologna, 2021
Assessment methods and Criteria
Knowledge and skills of attending students will be tested through:
- the evaluation of an elaboration and exposition of analytical paper carried out in groups,
- an individual oral examination interview, during which students will be asked to expound the main concepts of the texts provided in the examination bibliography.

Knowledge and skills of non-attending students will be verified in an individual oral examination interview, during which they will be asked to expose the main concepts of the texts provided in the examination bibliography.
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 72 hours