Urban and Spatial Plannig 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course provides both a theoretical framework and practical tools for developing a design attitude able of integrating environmental protection into territorial development. It is structured into 2 modules, each corresponding to 6 ECTS (48 lecture hours each), which are closely integrated and complementary. Lectures are accompanied by an experiential training path and seminar meetings with representatives from the world of work. The course should help Students build a fundamental base of knowledge of urban and spatial planning policies and strategies, which thereby enables them to better weigh the benefit of the
sustainability of development programs and initiatives, acting also in multidisciplinary teams.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of this course:
- Know, illustrate and describe phenomena and theories related to the basic principles and methods of the discipline of Urban and Regional Planning.
- Apply knowledge to understand and interpret the characteristics that define urban and territorial systems.
- Identify new solutions for the management of sustainable territorial development processes.
- Use discipline vocabulary correctly in order to explain, in a clear and comprehensible way to the public - as a non-specialist audience - the decision-making processes determining project and plan choices impact.
- Strengthen operational skills and critical, communicative and transversal competences in order to interpret and manage planning processes sustainability, working autonomously or in a team.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Basic concepts of drawing and cartography
Assessment methods and Criteria
The Teaching course includes an exam divided into partial tests, for each module, with a final grade.

The evaluation of the first module consists of two parts:
First Module:
‐ Submission of Book A, which collects the contributions of the exercises carried out during the course (Book A is preparatory for the development of the exercise in the second module on Environmental Design and Territorial Governance);

‐ A timed written test, lasting 60 minutes, with three open-ended questions covering the reference teaching materials and topics discussed in the lectures. The written test must be submitted immediately at the end of the allotted time. During the test, students may not consult notes or texts (except for certified Specific Learning Desorders - DSA students who have agreed with the Teacher on necessary compensatory tools and may use mental/conceptual maps).

Second Module
Individual discussion during the seminar presentation on the works included in BOOK B, developed in groups (maximum of three students) during the course. Particular attention will be given to the correct use of disciplinary terminology, critical-argumentative skills, and expository precision.

There will be reviews on the progress of activities and the preparation of the two BOOKS (A and B), with related evaluations during the course.

The final grade for the teaching course "Urban Planning and Design 1," expressed out of thirty, consists of the following evaluations:
‐ 33%: BOOK A
‐ 34%: written test for the first module
‐ 33%: individual discussion of BOOK B (second module)

The first module includes a timed written test, lasting 90 minutes, with five open-ended questions focused on the entire program and reference teaching materials, including the basic bibliography and an in-depth text chosen from those indicated. The written test must be submitted immediately at the end of the allotted time. During the test, students may not consult notes or texts (except for certified DSA students who have agreed with the instructors on the necessary compensatory tools and may use mental/conceptual maps).
The second module includes an oral exam covering the knowledge of the program and reference teaching materials, including the basic bibliography and one in-depth text. Particular attention will be given to the correct use of disciplinary terminology, critical-argumentative skills, and expository precision.
The final grade for the course "Urban Planning and Design 1," expressed out of thirty, consists of the average of the two partial grades, as follows:
50%: written test for the first module
50%: oral exam for the second module
Non-attending students who wish to take the exams for both modules of "Urban Planning and Design 1" on the same day can do so, with a break between the written and oral tests.
Module 1: Urban and regional planning
Course syllabus
Fundamental knowledge elements and interpretative and critical coordinates of Urban and Regional Planning: definitions, concepts, and foundational theories of the main planning models, with particular attention to the relationships between environment, territory, and city; evolution of multi-scale planning system in Italy within the framework of the relevant legislative instruments; institutional and urban planning reform; practices and tools for managing transformation processes; structural and operational plans.
Teaching methods
Lectures; participatory teaching (group work, workshops); on-site teaching with hands-on methods, using a laboratory approach.
To support students in acquiring competencies, the teaching course maintains a close correlation between theory and practice. Lectures are complemented by an experiential path of ongoing exercises, with class discussions of the results, aimed at applying the knowledge gained in the course to real-world situations. The ongoing exercises are individual and will be compiled into a Book ("A) to be submitted at the end of the module. The exercises will be accompanied by dedicated reviews and additional discussions that may take place at the end of lectures.
Throughout the course, further opportunities for in-depth study will be provided through seminar meetings with professionals from the field.
Teaching Resources

Basic Bibliography
‐ Lecture notes and teaching materials available on Ariel
‐ Agostini, S. (2022). Ambiente Territorio Città. Quando le risorse diventano emergenze. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
In-depth Bibliography
‐ Agostini, S. (2024). Governo del territorio e Strumenti di Piano. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
‐ Colombo, G., Pagano, F., Rossetti, M. (2015). Manuale di Urbanistica. Il Sole 24 ORE.

The texts from the basic bibliography can be found at the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.


Basic Bibliography

Teaching materials available on Ariel
‐ Agostini, S. (2022). Ambiente Territorio Città. Quando le risorse diventano emergenze. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
In-depth Bibliography
‐ Agostini, S. (2024). Governo del territorio e Strumenti di Piano. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
‐ Gabellini, P. (2015). Tecniche urbanistiche. Rome: Carocci.
‐ Colombo, G., Pagano, F., Rossetti, M. (2015). Manuale di Urbanistica. Il Sole 24 ORE.
The texts from the basic bibliography can be found at the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.
Module 2: Environmental design and spatial governance
Course syllabus
By exploring planning tools and techniques for territorial assets—ranging from protected areas to systemic agro-environmental, landscape, and cultural resources—at both macro and micro scales, students engage in design analysis to directly apply urban planning techniques in various territorial contexts.
Teaching methods
Lectures; participatory teaching (group work, workshops); on-site teaching with hands-on methods, using a laboratory approach.
To support students in acquiring competencies, the course develops with a close correlation between theory and practice. Lectures are complemented by an experiential path of ongoing exercises, with class discussions of the results, aimed at applying the knowledge gained in the course to real-world situations.
The ongoing exercises are collective, conducted in groups (comprising a maximum of three students). The exercises will be accompanied by dedicated reviews and additional moments of discussion that may take place at the end of individual lessons. The goal is to enable students to apply methodologies and techniques for territorial investigation and design to understand and interpret the contexts within which sustainable processes of conservation, development, and transformation can be initiated.
At the end of the course, each group of students will compile their work into an analytical and project-oriented Book ("B") related to the assigned case study, presenting the results in a seminar format to develop their ability to communicate and convey what they have learned.
Throughout the course, further opportunities for in-depth study will be provided through seminar meetings with professionals from the field.
Teaching Resources

Basic Bibliography
Lecture notes and teaching materials available on Ariel
Agostini, S. (2018). Urbanistica periagricola. Pratiche di rigenerazione territoriale. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.

In-depth Bibliography
Musco, F., Zanchini, E. (2022). Il clima cambia le città. Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica. Milan: FrancoAngeli (reprint).
The text from the basic bibliography can be found at the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.


Basic Bibliography
Lecture notes and teaching materials available on Ariel
Agostini, S. (2018). Urbanistica periagricola. Pratiche di rigenerazione territoriale. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.

In-depth Bibliography
Musco, F., Zanchini, E. (2022). Il clima cambia le città. Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica. Milan: FrancoAngeli (reprint).

The text from the basic bibliography can be found at the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.
Module 1: Urban and regional planning
ICAR/20 - URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Agostini Stella
Module 2: Environmental design and spatial governance
ICAR/20 - URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Agostini Stella
After appointment. You can ask for a meeting appointment via email
ESP - Environmental Sciences and Policies