Remote Sensing, Geomatics and Spatial Planning

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Optical remote sensing constitutes an important support tool for reading the territory and the extraction of spatial data. The course aims at providing the theoretical and operational basis for the production of thematical maps of land use/land cover and the extraction of the most common spectral indices (NDVI, EVI, NDSI). The emphasis will be placed on free medium resolution satellite data useful for landscape and territorial analysis
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire competences and skills in:

the main strategies and algorithms for processing of remote sensing data
abilities in data interpretation
the systems and resources to obtain remote sensing data
analysis methods of remote sensing data
the preparation of technical reports where cartography is a primary element.

Students will further be able to:

a) define a specific work flow to comply with specific prerequisites of spatial analysis;
b) obtain multispectral data which comply with project requirements;
c) realize the previously defined workflow using the tools available in software (QGIS, SAGA GIS, SNAP) ;
d) structure and write a technical report for the presentation of results.

The students will learn how to autonomously define an operational strategy to solve spatial problems, recognizing the most appropriate data in relation to the requirements of accuracy, scale and content
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The programme of the course is divided in the following topics:

0. Presentation of the course, Fundamentals of Remote sensing, Geomatics and Geoinformation
1. Fundamentals of Geodesy and Geomatics
· Reference frames
· Coordinate systems
· Cartographic projections
· EXERCISE 1 - Reference frame transformations and coordinate system conversions
2. Geo Big Data handling and analysis
· Google Earth Engine
3. Global Navigation Satellite Systems - GPS
· Fundamentals, orbits, clocks, signal
· Pseudorange and phase observations
· Positioning with pseudorange and phases
· EXERCISE 2 - Absolute positioning and troposphere remote sensing
4. Photogrammetry and Remote sensing
· Photogrammetry: image orientation, collinearity equations
· Remote sensing: active/passive sensors, digital image, image resolutions (spatial, temporal, spectral, radiometric), image matching, spectral indexes, SAR image
· EXERCISE 3 - 3D reconstruction with Agisoft Metashape
· EXERCISE 4 - Handling spectral indices
5. Geospatial data
· Digital elevation models
· Orthoimagery
6. Earth observation free resources
· Copernicus services
· ESA - earth online
· NASA - Earthdata
Prerequisites for admission
It is useful although not required to have followed a basic GIS course; basic knowledge of cartography and reference systems are also useful; it is necessary to possess basic IT skills.
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical exercises during the class
Teaching Resources
Teaching material will be made available to the students of the course, including reference books, presentation slides used during the course and useful links
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of:
1. at least two written reports on the exercises developed during the course according to the following rules:
at least one report related to 1st group of exercises:

· EXERCISE 1 - Reference frame transformations and coordinate system conversions
· EXERCISE 2 - Absolute positioning and troposphere remote sensing
at least one report related to 2nd group of exercises:

· EXERCISE 3 - 3D reconstruction with Agisoft Metashape
· EXERCISE 4 - Handling spectral indices
any additional report, if correct, will be positively evaluated (up to +2/30) for the final mark

all the reports must be submitted at least one week before each exam session
2. the presentation of one of the reports (at commission choice) and a couple of questions on some topics discussed during the course
ICAR/06 - SURVEYING AND MAPPING - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Fugazza Davide