Urban Geomorphology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the tools to:
-read and interpret the anthropized landscape, and particularly, the urban landscape also in relation to geomorphological hazard and risk and to the geomorphological-cultural heritage.
- use the techniques of observation, measurement, survey, and representation of natural and anthropic landforms on maps.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to analyze the geomorphological hazard and risk related to geomorphological processes in natural and anthropized environments and in urban territories.
Ability to analyze the relationships between geomorphological processes, landscape, and cultural resources.
Basic skills for managing geomorphological data applied to the urban environment.
Ability to read geomorphological documents (thematic and application maps) and to communicate research results.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Course provided every other year. It's activated in a.y. 2024/2025

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Introduction
Geomorphology, Applied geomorphology, urban geomorphology: definition and key concepts, fields of intervention. Methods and tools.
Hazard, vulnerability, and geomorphological risk: definitions and basic concepts.
The geomorphological landscape as a resource; human impacts.
Anthropic processes: origin, development and implications on geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios.
Applied geomorphology and territorial planning.
2.Hazard and geomorphological risk
Hazards and risks related to weathering and mass wasting. Consequences in anthropic contests and in urban areas. Mitigation interventions.
-Weather hazards and consequences on surface processes and the territory, particularly in urbanized areas.
Hazards and risks related to underground water flow, channeled waters and river and conseguence for human settlement and activities. Mitigation interventions and defense works.
Hazards and risks on coast: erosion and defense works. Implications in urban areas and for tourism. Anthropic works and effects on coastal dynamics.
Hazards and risks in karst environments: sinkhole and hydrological factors.
Hazards and risks in different morphoclimatic and morphogenetic environments in relation to settlements, tourism, and geomorphological assets.
3.Geomorphological processes, anthropic activity and tourism
Geomorphological landscape and tourism. Geocultural itineraries and thematic paths: hazard and risks for fruirtors; impacts of tourism, leisure and sport activities on geomorphological heritage. Case studies.
4.Geomorphological-applied cartography: reading, realization and use in territorial planning.
Reading and interpretation of geomorphological maps, applied geomorphological maps, hazard and risk maps and territorial planning, geosite cartography.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the key concepts of Earth Sciences, in particular Physical Geography and -geomorphology. Basic knowledge of cartography and Geographic Information Systems.
Teaching methods
Different methods and techniques to achieve educational and training objectives will be used, in particular:
- frontal lessons;
- laboratory activities
- outdoor teaching activities: urban and extra-urban environments (when possible);
- multimedia tools;
- individual and/or group projects;
- discussion activities in small groups.
Teaching Resources
Personal notes, scientific publications indicated in class, pdf of the lessons, reference texts.
Suggested textbooks:
Thornbush M.J., Allen C.D. -Urban geomorphology: landforms and processes in cities Paperback 2018
Panizza M., Manuale di geomorfologia applicata, Ed. Franco Angeli
Fred G. Bell, Geologia ambientale Teoria e pratica, Ed. Zanichelli

For basic concepts of geomorphology:
Gutierrez M. Geomorphology. Ed. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group
For further information
Reynard E., Brilha J.- Geoheritage. Assessment, Protection, and Management, Ed. Elsevier
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam aims to:
- ascertain the student's knowledge of geomorphology issues applied to natural and urbanized contexts;
- ascertain the student's ability to read in the landscape the evidence of surface processes responsible for geomorphological hazards and risks as well as impacts on the environment and natural resources, also through the interpretation of study cases.
- ascertain the student's ability to organize, describe and present a topic concerning applied geomorphology and to identify possible mitigation actions.
-assess the ability to read geomorphological maps, applied geomorphological cartography and other thematic maps.
The exam consists of an oral test on the teaching contents (lessons, laboratory, and field activities).
In detail it includes: the discussion of a report relating to a case study accompanied by a presentation and cartographic material one question related to the course topics, and one based on interpretation of maps/images;
knowledge of the contents, the ability to interpret case studies and the reference cartography will be assessed; Exhibition capacity will also be evaluated.
The three parts have the following weights: personal elaboration and discussion 40%, coursa topics 40% exposition and presentation 20%. The exam can be passed with a grade greater than or equal to 18/30.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Pelfini Manuela