Urban and Spatial Plannig 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Module 1: Urban and regional planning
The aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to urban and spatial planning tools. In particular, the students will acquire the ability to relate current spatial government planning tools to emerging sector planning tools, policies and action plans, related to sustainable mobility, mitigation (carbon neutral/negative, climate neutral), adaptive urban planning and design, environmental regeneration of soil and air, neighbourhood services and services for social and economic integration, etc. Knowledge of urban planning and design tools is complemented by the exploration of analysis tools and related techniques for the description and representation of urban and spatial processes applied to a case study.

Module 2: Laboratorio di progettazione urbana e territoriale
The objective of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain professional experience in urban and territorial design in a context of which it is possible to have direct knowledge, through the physical exploration of places, the availability of data for the construction of cognitive frameworks and interaction with stakeholders (representatives of institutions, sector experts, economic operators, developers, associations and inhabitants).
The workshop experience pursues a twofold objective: a) to enable the student to perfect the in-depth knowledge of a specific urban and territorial design technique, acquired in module 1, in an applied form; b) to be able to manage a pro-active confrontation in team work with the various professional competences and skills necessary for the packaging of an urban and territorial regeneration project: this through the specificity of the analyses, the clarity of the relevant technical narratives and the effectiveness of the graphic and parametric representations.
Expected learning outcomes
Module 1:
The acquisition of expert knowledge of a broad spectrum of urban and spatial planning tools in use and of emerging techniques related to the sustainability of urbanisation processes, adaptation to the effects of climate change, environmental and socio-economic performance.
The acquisition of tools for the analysis and representation of urban and territorial spatial processes.

Module 2:
To develop the ability to deal with a realistic urban and spatial planning context. To become expert(s) in the practice of some specific techniques of urban and territorial planning and design. To implement in a professionalising key the ability to interact with stakeholders in order to acquire and integrate different (expert and experience) knowledge of the project context. To acquire and experiment with tools and methods of project packaging and communication. Know how to work in a team.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
Lesson period
Second semester
Module 1: Urban and regional planning
ICAR/21 - URBAN DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Modulo 2: Laboratorio di progettazione urbana e territoriale
ICAR/21 - URBAN DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours