Lithological Maps

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
GEO/02 GEO/07
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the basic concepts about the use of geological maps as a support for the correct and sustainable management of the territory, the ability to extract geological information from geological maps and the skills necessary to collect information from existing material and from its elaboration for specific targets.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: basic knowledge and ability to read a geological map and to recognize the main characteristics on the distribution of rock types in a territory. Ability to identify the main geological processes that shape a landscape and the consequences on its characteristics, including stability, resources and local problems. Ability to extract the main information on substrate, surface deposits and tectonic phenomena.
Ability to retrieve data (in analogical and digital format), to basically analyse and process them with digital tools (GIS), integrating databases of different content
Applied knowledge and skills: students should be able to apply their knowledge and skills by demonstrating a basic geological approach for the identification of geological issues important for their work. Acquisition of adequate skills both to interact with geologists using a common language and to understand the importance of geological knowledge for the protection and management of the territory
Making judgements: the training is expected to develop a critical approach to basic geological problems, developing the ability for a preliminary assessment of the possible geological problems of a land. Skills in developing autonomous judgments, including elaboration of the geological information useful for land management.
Communication skills: students must develop a correct language for the description of the geological elements of the territory form the study of geological maps, in order to communicate correctly with specialists.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Course provided every other year. It's activated in a.y. 2024/2025

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The teaching is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the basic geological skills necessary to understand the data archived in a geological map. The second part explains the method of producing geological maps and the symbolic representation of the geological elements illustrated in the first part of the teaching. The third illustrates examples of practical applications for understanding and defining activities in complex landscape-environmental systems. The teaching includes a daily excursion, to observe the geologcal representation of a territory.
Detail of the contents provided:
- Rocks and rock cycle
- Orogeny and territory modeling. Quaternary substrate-cover relationships
- How the geological map is created (from the survey to the database)
- Criteria for representing geological elements: Areal elements (substrate, Quaternary covers), linear elements (boundaries, faults, morphological elements etc.), point elements (bedding of geological surfaces, springs etc.). Explanatory notes
- Geological maps as three-dimensional objects: geological sections, kmz files, 3D models
- Examples of application of geological maps for land management: instability maps, seismic microzonation, civil engineering, master plans etc.
- Access to geological maps: CARG and other maps
- Interpretation of geological maps
- Reading of the geological landscape during a field trip
Prerequisites for admission
Lessons are planned for students enrolled in the first and second year of the Degree Course, coming from different educational paths: no specific prerequisites are required; awareness of basic concepts of geological disciplines is useful.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures and practical activities on physical objects (rock samples, geological maps). Activities with digital tools are planned for the acquisition of geological maps, for their management and for comparisons between landforms and distribution of rock bodies and surface deposits. A daily excursion is planned at the end of the course to verify the knowledge acquired in the field.
Teaching Resources
Program for attending and non-attending students (6 credits): - Lecture notes and materials, websites.
- ISPRA portal
- Lombardy Region Geoportal
- Publications indicated during the lectures
Assessment methods and Criteria
For attending and non-attending students, the ability to demonstrate orally, with adequate terminology and vocabulary, the knowledge acquired, including a comment on geological maps
GEO/07 - PETROLOGY AND PETROGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 48 hours
Monday, 10.30-12.30
Via Mangiagalli 34, II floor
Monday, 12.30 - 13.30
Via Botticelli 23, Milano