
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing practical and theoretical information, allowing them use the concepts developed by biogeography and ecology in for planning activities at the regional, national and international level, that will allow to conserve and value biodiversity also through the integration of human activities.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will acquire the basic concepts of biogeography, understanding how natural and human processes determine the distribution of biodiversity at multiple spatial scales.
The students will be able to use these concepts in order to propose a landscape planning approach that takes into account the issues of biodiversity both inside and outside protected areas.
Those competences will be acquired by frontal teaching combined with practical activities (laboratories / field excursions) and with workgroups. The development of the communication skills, stimulated by interactive lectures and brief presentations, will also be particularly important.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is comprised of three modules, one focusing on basic concepts, and two focusing on management and conservation implications of biogeography, both in concept and practice.

Part I: foundations of biogeography. Population biology. Metapopulations. Dispersal, speciation and extinction. Island biogeography. Connectivity and fragmentation. Biomes and biogeographic regions. Taxonomic groups of Europe and Italy. Deterministic and stochastic drivers of extinction. Connections between biogeography and conservation.
Part II. Local wildlife management. Invasive species: risks, impacts and management. Conservation: habitat restoration and rewilding. Principles and methods of biodiversity monitoring.
Part III. Landscape biodiversity management. Species distribution models: analysis and projection. Legislation. Protected areas. Landscape planning for conservation. Systematic conservation planning.
Prerequisites for admission
The course assumes basic competence in physical geography and ecology. Nonetheless, discussion and reinforcement of previously studied concepts are always possible during lectures. Lectures are in Italian, with supporting powerpoint slides partly in English.
Teaching methods
The course combines frontal lectures, always emphasizing interaction and critical thinking, with practical sessions focusing on problem solving. Excursions and special seminars by external experts can be included, particularly for topics of special relevance.
Teaching Resources
Recommended reading:
Quammen 1997. The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions. Scribner.
Primack 2013. Biologia della conservazione. Zanichelli.
The course will involve analysis and discussion of current scientific literature.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Evaluation for this course is a combination of a report about practical activities carried out during the course and a short oral exam. Particular emphasis is placed, besides knowledge of the topics discussed, on critical reasoning and problem solving.
BIO/05 - ZOOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Canessa Stefano
By appointment via email