
Studenti a lezione di Giurisprudenza
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Single-cycle master
LMG/01 - Law
Single-cycle master
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
Italian, English
International title
Double Degree
The Master's Degree Programme in Law provides focussed and specialised training, with a systematic and methodological approach, in the field of legal institutions. The breadth of the programme is both national and international, and it is interdisciplinary in scope. In-class learning will include, in addition to lectures, a discussion section intended to explore the students reading comprehension and ability to analyse legal scholarship and case opinions. With a focus on international issues, the Law programme offers a number of English-language classes, and a broad selection of study-abroad programmes which, along with the Erasmus + exchange programme, contemplate participation in a double degree programme, summer school, moot courts, and internships with major law firms and international institutions.
The Master's degree programme in Law prepares students to launch a traditional career in the field, as attorney magistrate or notary, whilst providing students with the opportunity to explore a number of other law-related career paths, for which a thorough knowledge of law is required - either in a self-employed capacity or as salaried employees.
Professional opportunities for those earning this degree may be summarised, in a very general way, using the ISTAT professional classification as follows:

- Role in the workforce: The professions included in this category represent and safeguard the interests of individuals and organisations in legal proceedings, and at the various levels of civil, criminal, and administrative actions; they draft deeds, contracts, and other legal documents; they provide legal advice and counsel; they act as Arbitrator and mediator in an alternative-dispute-resolution setting.
- Skills associated with this role: students on this track must possess adequate knowledge in the field of civil, criminal, administrative, and tax matters.
- Employment opportunities: Legal practice, upon completion of the legal-apprenticeship period with a law firm (this requirement may be fulfilled, in part, through enrolment in the Postgraduate School of Legal Professions) and passing the State Exam to be able to practice law.

- Role in the workforce: Generate and record inter vivos and testamentary deeds; notarise the same; retain them; issue copies, excerpts, and certifications for the same; determine the intent of the contracting parties, and memorialise such intent in writing, ensuring the lawfulness of the deed or other official document resulting there from; recommend the proper legal instrument for the parties to reach their goals; vet the legal compliance of the content of any resulting agreement or transaction.
- Skills associated with this role: These professionals must possess adequate knowledge in the field of legal affairs, civil, zoning, tax, international, and EU law in particular.
- Employment opportunities: solo practitioner or member of a firm, upon completion of an apprenticeship through a notary's offices (which requirement may be met through enrolment in the Postgraduate School of Legal Professions) and passing the state exam for notaries.

- Role in the workforce: Adjudicate criminal, civil, and administrative matters at various levels of proceedings; oversee criminal procedure and exercise the power of the State in criminal proceedings; conduct judicial review of public expenditures under current statutes and regulations.
- Skills associated with this role: These professionals must possess adequate knowledge in the field of civil, criminal, administrative, international, and EU law.
- Employment opportunities: Courts of ordinary, administrative, and tax regulation, upon passing the State Exam.

Corporate legal affairs personnel
- Role in the workforce: These professionals address, manage, and coordinate operations through designated offices regarding the legal aspects of a business (especially in regulated professions: banking, insurance, and financial intermediation); they generate deeds, contracts, and other legal documents; they provide consulting on legal matters within their assigned department or division.
- Skills associated with this role: These professionals must possess solid knowledge in the legal field, civil, criminals and tax matters in particular.
- Employment opportunities: Employment in corporate legal affairs offices.

Public administration legal affairs personnel
- Role in the workforce: These professionals address, manage, and coordinate operations through designated offices regarding the legal aspects of their public agency or entity, or the Public Administration at large; they generate deeds, contracts, and other legal documents; they provide consulting on legal matters within their assigned department or division.
- Skills associated with this role: These professionals must possess solid knowledge in the legal field, administrative matters in particular.
- Employment opportunities: legal affairs departments within entities of public administration, national and supranational public entities, and industry supervisory authorities (Bank of Italy, Consob, Ivass, Italian Antitrust Authority, Pension Fund Supervisory Commission, Data Protection Authority, Energy and Natural Gas Authority, etc.), upon passing the state examination.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The programme offers a wide variety of study-abroad opportunities, with a full range of coursework options. Starting from Year II, students can take part in the Erasmus+ programme and spend a study period at one or more European universities. Our university partners are located in: Austria (Innsbruck), Belgium (Brussels, Leuven), Croatia (Zagreb), Denmark (Copenhagen), Finland (Helsinki), France (Cergy Paris, Montpellier, Paris, Reims, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Caen), Germany (Frankfurt, Konstanz, Tübingen, Osnabrück, Heidelberg), Greece (Thessaloniki), Ireland (Galway), Norway (Bergen), the Netherlands (Leiden, Nijmegen, Wageningen), Poland (Krakow, Wrocław, Poznań), Portugal (Coimbra, Lisbon), Czech Republic (Prague), Romania (Timișoara), Spain (Barcelona, Girona, Granada, Huelva, A Coruña, Lleida, Madrid, Oviedo, Pamplona, Universidad del País Vasco), Sweden (Lund, Stockholm), Hungary (Budapest). Students admitted to the programme participate in training activities at the host university, where they also have the opportunity to work on their final thesis. In addition to receiving a scholarship, students earn university credits for the exams and activities completed abroad, as well as a bonus point on their final degree mark. A similar programme, the Swiss European Mobility Programme, is in place for Switzerland (Geneva, Lucerne and Fribourg).
Students also have the option of spending six months studying in one of the following non-European countries: U.S. (Cornell University), China (Xiamen, Shanghai, Suzhou, Beijing and Shaanxi), Japan (Kobe), Brazil (Paraná, Minas Gerais), South Korea (Seoul), Canada (Montreal), Israel (Reichman University), Russia (Moscow) . They will earn university credits, as well as a bonus point on their final degree mark, upon completion of exams and other activities at the host university.
Two double-degree programmes are currently in place with the University of Toulouse and the University of Cergy Paris (France), allowing top students who are fluent in French to earn both an Italian and a French degree.
Starting from Year III, students can take part in the Erasmus+ Placement programme and do an internship at companies, law firms and other institutions in a number of European countries (currently England, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, and Portugal). In addition to receiving a scholarship, students earn university credits for their internship, as well as a bonus point on their final degree mark.
Additionally, every year the Faculty gives students a chance to join a team to take part in national and international moot court competitions.
Lastly, students have the opportunity to take part in international Summer Schools.
Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Admission requirements
Qualifications and skills required for admission
Admission into the Master's Degree Programme in Law is conditional upon earning a secondary, high-school, or college-preparatory diploma, or other equivalent foreign diploma, and suitable recognised educational qualifications.
Enrolment in the programme is not capped.

Admission assessment
The Faculty requires a non-binding self-assessment test (CISIA Consortium TOLC-SU). This is mandatory for all students, and intended to educate students on the choice they are making, assess their educational background, especially their general baseline of knowledge, and their reasoning and logic abilities. The dates and procedures for the test will be provided in the general call for applications.

Additional learning requirements (OFA)
Students may matriculate regardless of their test results. Students scoring less than 20/50 on the first three sections or less than 12/30 in the Reading comprehension and Italian language portion of the test will be assigned additional learning requirements (OFA) aimed at filling these gaps. The OFA must be satisfied within the first year of the programme through the remedial work contemplated by the University. Information on OFA procedures and failure to complete the OFA will be provided on the degree programme's webpage.

English-language OFA Proficiency Level B2
In order to fulfil the Additional Learning Requirement (Obbligo Formativo Aggiuntivo - OFA) for English and sit the English-language exam required by the study plan, students must achieve B2 proficiency per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This proficiency level may be certified as follows:
-          By submitting a language certificate attesting B2 or higher level in English and issued no more than three years before the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: ( The certificate must be uploaded during the enrolment procedure, or subsequently to the portal;
-         By taking a placement test offered by the University Language Centre (SLAM) between October and December of the first year (or in January for single-cycle programmes). Students who fail the test will be required to take a SLAM course.
The placement test is mandatory for all those who do not hold a valid certificate attesting to B2 or higher level.
Those who have not taken the placement test by the end of December (end of January for single-cycle programmes) or fail the end-of-course exam six times must obtain the necessary certification privately in order to fulfil the OFA and sit the English exam.

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2024 to 30/09/2024

Read the Call

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Constitutional Law 13 91 Italian IUS/08
Private Law 13 91 Italian IUS/01
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Philosophy of Law 9 63 Italian IUS/20
Roman Law 12 84 Italian IUS/18
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Economics 9 63 Italian SECS-P/01
History of Medieval and Modern Law 12 84 Italian IUS/19
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Commercial Law 15 105 Italian IUS/04
Criminal Law 15 105 Italian IUS/17
Labour Law 12 84 Italian IUS/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Comparative Private Law 9 63 Italian IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 9 63 Italian IUS/21
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General Theory of Law 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Sociology of Law 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Optional activities and study plan rules
1a - Students must choose one of the following exams:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Comparative Private Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/21
1b - Students must choose one of the following exams:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
General Theory of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Sociology of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Civil Procedural Law 14 98 Italian IUS/15
Criminal Procedural Law 14 98 Italian IUS/16
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
International Law 9 63 Italian IUS/13
Greek Law 6 42 Italian IUS/18
History of Modern Codification 6 42 Italian IUS/19
History of Roman Law 6 42 Italian IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 6 42 Italian IUS/19
Ius Commune 6 42 Italian IUS/19
Law and History 6 42 English IUS/19
Roman Law of People and Family 6 42 Italian IUS/18
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Administrative Law 9 63 Italian IUS/10
European Union Law 9 63 Italian IUS/14
Advanced Roman Law 6 42 Italian IUS/18
Exegesis of the Roman Law Sources 6 42 Italian IUS/18
Fundamentals of European Law 6 42 Italian IUS/18
History of Human Rights 6 42 Italian IUS/19
History of the Legal Professions 6 42 Italian IUS/19
Roman Law 6 42 Italian IUS/18
Optional activities and study plan rules
2a - Students must earn 6 credits (CFU) through an elective exam chosen from the IUS/18 or IUS/19 academic field
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Exegesis of the Roman Law Sources 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Fundamentals of European Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Greek Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of Human Rights 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/19
History of Modern Codification 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of Roman Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of the Legal Professions 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/19
Ius Commune 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
Law and History 6 42 English First semester IUS/19
Roman Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/18
Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Roman Law of People and Family 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Moot Court: Law and Religion 3 20 English IUS/11 IUS/21
Seminar: Moot Mediation Competition 3 20 English IUS/20
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Administrative Justice 9 63 Italian IUS/10
Legal Informatics Skills 3 21 Italian
Canon Law 9 63 Italian IUS/11
Complementary Course: "civil Liability and Insurance. Comparison of Civil Law and Common Law Models" 3 20 Italian IUS/02
Complementary Course: "corporate Insolvency Solutions" 3 20 Italian IUS/15
Complementary Course: "legal Clinic in Notary Law and Practice" 3 20 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: "private It Law" 3 26 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: Anglo-American Private Law 3 20 Italian IUS/02
Complementary Course: Comparative Climate Change Litigation 3 20 Italian IUS/02
Complementary Course: Legal Assets and New Properties 3 20 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: Punitive Justice and Restorative Justice 3 20 Italian IUS/20
Complementary Course: Roman Criminal Law 3 20 Italian IUS/18
Complementary Course: Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective 3 20 Italian IUS/02
Ecclesiastical Law 9 63 Italian IUS/11
Legal Clinic: "legal Gender Studies" 3 20 Italian IUS/20
Legal English Exam 3 30 Italian L-LIN/12
Moot Court Competition: Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition 3 20 Italian IUS/18
Moot Court: Jessup 3 20 English IUS/13
The Instruments of Gender Equality 3 24 Italian IUS/08
Women's Time 3 24 Italian IUS/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Tax Law 9 63 Italian IUS/12
Complementary Course: "financial Market Contracts" 3 20 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: "islamic Law" 3 20 Italian IUS/11
Complementary Course: "judaic and Israeli Law" 3 20 Italian IUS/11
Complementary Course: "sport: Regulations and Contracts" 3 20 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: Cases and Materials of Civil Procedural Law 3 20 Italian IUS/15
Complementary Course: Chinese Law and Roman Tradition 3 20 Italian IUS/18
Complementary Course: Circulation of Cultural Goods 3 30 Italian IUS/01
Complementary Course: Criminal Law: Cases and Solutions 3 20 Italian IUS/17
Complementary Course: Criminology of the Encounter 3 20 Italian IUS/17
Complementary Course: Crimmigration Issues (complementary module of the Criminal Law Clinic) 3 20 Italian IUS/17
Complementary Course: Introduction to French Law 3 21 French IUS/21
Complementary Course: Law and Religion in a Multi-Cultural Society. Laboratory At the San Vittore Prison 3 20 Italian IUS/11
Complementary Course: Legal Clinic in International Criminal Law and Case Analysis 3 20 Italian IUS/17
Complementary Course: Legal Clinic On Wrongful Convictions (Italy Innocence Project) 3 20 Italian IUS/16
Complementary Course: Migration Law - Current Challenges for Lawyers 3 20 English IUS/14
Complementary Course: the Law of Evidence in Civil Proceedings 3 20 Italian IUS/15
Gender Based Violence: an Interdisciplinary Approach 3 20 Italian IUS/08
Legal French Exam 3 30 Italian L-LIN/04
Legal Spanish Exam 3 30 Italian L-LIN/07
Moot Court Competition: International Criminal Court 3 20 English IUS/17
Moot Court: Vis Arbitration Moot 3 20 English IUS/15
Urban Regulations and Political Memory: Towards Understanding Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Urban Development 3 30 English IUS/10
Women in Tech: New Frontiers of Gender-Related Rights and Artificial Intelligence 3 10 English IUS/08
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Criminal Justice, Punishment and Fundamental Rights 3 21 English IUS/17
Women's Time: Between Equality and Freedom 3 24 Italian IUS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
3a - Students must choose one of the following exams:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Canon Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/11
Ecclesiastical Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/11
3b - Students must earn 18 CFU through two electives selected from amongst related or complementary courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Administrative Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/10
Advanced Corporate Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/04
Advanced Criminal Procedure 9 63 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Canon Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/11
Company Crisis and Insolvency Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/15
Comparative Private Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/21
Constitutional Justice 9 63 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Criminal Law - Special Part 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/17
Ecclesiastical Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/11
Economic Policy 9 63 Italian Second semester SECS-P/02
European Union Competition Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/14
History of Roman Law 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/19
Labour Law (ADVANCED) 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/07
Law of Obligations 9 63 Italian First semester IUS/01
Private and Procedural International Law 9 63 Italian Second semester IUS/13
3d - Students must take an exam in the legal terminology of one foreign language
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Legal English Exam 3 30 Italian First semester L-LIN/12
Legal French Exam 3 30 Italian Second semester L-LIN/04
Legal Spanish Exam 3 30 Italian Second semester L-LIN/07
3e - (3 CFU) Practical Skills
Credits for "other practical skills" are earned by:
- attending seminars offered by Faculty instructors, if approved by the instructor;
- attending additional teaching modules or courses;
- attending foreign-language courses;
- holding a Computer Skills License;
- taking part in other study-related or skills-development activities, if approved by the Faculty.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Complementary Course: "civil Liability and Insurance. Comparison of Civil Law and Common Law Models" 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/02
Complementary Course: "corporate Insolvency Solutions" 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/15
Complementary Course: "financial Market Contracts" 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: "islamic Law" 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Complementary Course: "judaic and Israeli Law" 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Complementary Course: "legal Clinic in Notary Law and Practice" 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: "private It Law" 3 26 Italian First semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: "sport: Regulations and Contracts" 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: Anglo-American Private Law 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/02
Complementary Course: Cases and Materials of Civil Procedural Law 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Complementary Course: Chinese Law and Roman Tradition 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Complementary Course: Circulation of Cultural Goods 3 30 Italian Second semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: Comparative Climate Change Litigation 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/02
Complementary Course: Criminal Law: Cases and Solutions 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Complementary Course: Criminology of the Encounter 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Complementary Course: Crimmigration Issues (complementary module of the Criminal Law Clinic) 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Complementary Course: Introduction to French Law 3 21 French Second semester IUS/21
Complementary Course: Law and Religion in a Multi-Cultural Society. Laboratory At the San Vittore Prison 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Complementary Course: Legal Assets and New Properties 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/01
Complementary Course: Legal Clinic in International Criminal Law and Case Analysis 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Complementary Course: Legal Clinic On Wrongful Convictions (Italy Innocence Project) 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Complementary Course: Migration Law - Current Challenges for Lawyers 3 20 English Second semester IUS/14
Complementary Course: Punitive Justice and Restorative Justice 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/20
Complementary Course: Roman Criminal Law 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/18
Complementary Course: the Law of Evidence in Civil Proceedings 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Complementary Course: Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/02
Fundamental Rights in the European Union 3 21 English Second semester IUS/14
Gender Based Violence: an Interdisciplinary Approach 3 20 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Legal Clinic: "legal Gender Studies" 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/20
Moot Court Competition: International Criminal Court 3 20 English Second semester IUS/17
Moot Court Competition: Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition 3 20 Italian First semester IUS/18
Moot Court: Jessup 3 20 English First semester IUS/13
Moot Court: Law and Religion 3 20 English year IUS/11 IUS/21
Moot Court: Vis Arbitration Moot 3 20 English Second semester IUS/15
Seminar: Moot Mediation Competition 3 20 English year IUS/20
The Instruments of Gender Equality 3 24 Italian First semester IUS/08
Urban Regulations and Political Memory: Towards Understanding Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Urban Development 3 30 English Second semester IUS/10
Women in Tech: New Frontiers of Gender-Related Rights and Artificial Intelligence 3 10 English Second semester IUS/08
Women's Time 3 24 Italian First semester IUS/08
Women's Time: Between Equality and Freedom 3 24 Italian IUS/08
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Civil Law 12 84 Italian IUS/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Restorative Justice (legal clinic) 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 24 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
4a - Students must earn 12 CFU through two electives selected from amongst related or complementary courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Access to Justice in a Multilevel Constitutional System 6 42 English First semester IUS/09
Advanced Administrative Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
Advanced Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Advanced Corporate Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Advanced Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Advanced Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Agriculture and Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/02 IUS/13
An Introduction to Italian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective 6 42 English Second semester IUS/01
Anglo-American Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Anti-Discrimination Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Antitrust Law and Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/04
Arbitration Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Auditing and Auditing Skills 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Banking and Financial Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Banking, Insurance Contract, and Financial Markets Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01
Business Administration and Organization 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Business Economics and Management 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/08
Canon Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Civil Enforcement Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Civil Procedural Law Advanced 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/15
Civil Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01 IUS/15
Collective Redress and Sustainability 6 42 English First semester IUS/02
Commercial Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04 IUS/15
Company Crisis and Insolvency 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/15
Company Crisis and Insolvency Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/15
Comparative and European Law and Religion 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Comparative Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Comparative Constitutional Traditions 6 42 English First semester IUS/21
Comparative Contract Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/02
Comparative Industrial Relations Systems 6 42 English Second semester IUS/07
Comparative Labour Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/07
Comparative Private Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/02
Comparative Private Law Advanced 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/21
Competition Law and Economics 6 42 English First semester IUS/04
Compliance and Integrity Management 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Constitution and Revenue System 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/12
Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Constitutional Law Advanced (ITALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Constitutional Law and New Technologies 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Constitutional Law and the Judiciary 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/08
Consumer Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01
Contracts On Regulated Markets 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01 IUS/02
Copyright Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Corporate Criminal Law and Procedure 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16 IUS/17
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility 6 42 English Second semester IUS/04
Criminal Commercial Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminal Labour Law and Corporate Compliance 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminal Law (SPECIAL PART) 6 45 Italian First semester IUS/17
Criminal Law Clinic 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminal Law of Public Administration 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Cyber Security, Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Data 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Deontology of Legal Professions 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Digital Transition, Proceedings and Drafting of Public Administration Documents 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/10
Disabled People Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Ecclesiastical Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Economic Analysis of Private Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01 IUS/02
Economic Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 6 42 English First semester SECS-P/02
Economic Policy 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/02
Economics of (organized) Crime and Corruption 6 42 English First semester SECS-P/03
Economics of Financial Intermediaries 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/11
Empirical Legal Studies 6 42 English Second semester SECS-P/11
Employment and Benefits Disputes and Litigation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Environmental Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
Environmental Sustainability 6 42 English First semester IUS/10
Ethics, Market and Institutions 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Eu Administrative Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/10
Eu Administrative Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/10
Eu Competition Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Internal Market Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/14 IUS/16
Eu Law On Business and Human Rights 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Eu Migration and Asylum Law 6 42 English IUS/14
Eu Migration and Asylum Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Procedural Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
European Company Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/04
European Labour Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/07
European Monetary and Economic Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/13 IUS/14
European Transport Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Exegesis of the Roman Law Sources 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Family and Succession Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01
Financial Markets and Securities Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/04
Fundamentals of European Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Gender Justice 6 42 English Second semester IUS/08
General Theory of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Greek Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of Human Rights 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/19
History of Modern Codification 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of Roman Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of the Legal Professions 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/19
Industrial Economics and Policy 6 42 Italian SECS-P/01
Insurance Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Internal Market Law and Eu Competition Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
International and European Economic Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/13
International and European Financial Law and Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
International Climate Change and Energy Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/02 IUS/13
International Commercial and Investment Arbitration 6 42 English First semester IUS/13 IUS/15
International Contracts and Business Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/13
International Criminal Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/17
International Human Rights Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
International Law Advanced 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/13
International Organizations and Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
International Refugee Protection and Sustainable Development 6 42 English First semester IUS/13
International, European, and Comparative Environmental Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/02 IUS/13
Ip Law (Industrial and Intellectual Property Right) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/04
Ius Commune 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
Juvenile Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/16
Labour Economics 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/01
Labour Law (advanced) 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/07
Labour Law and Artificial Intelligence 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Labour Law and Environmental Sustainability 6 42 English Second semester IUS/07
Labour Law for Business Economics 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/07
Labour Law in Business Risk Management 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07
Labour Law in the Public Administration 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/07
Labour Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07 IUS/15
Law and Bioethics 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Law and Economics of Green Transition and Social Justice 6 42 English Second semester SECS-P/02
Law and History 6 42 English First semester IUS/19
Law and Philosophy in a Cross-Cultural Perspective 6 42 English Second semester IUS/20
Law and Policies of Social Rights Protection in Europe 6 42 English First semester IUS/21
Law and Religion: Cases and Solutions 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Law of Obligations 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01
Law of Religious Entities and Non-Profit Organisations 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Law, Culture and Development in a Global World 6 42 English IUS/20
Legal Anthropology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Argumentation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Clinic On Human Rights and Social Vulnerability 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Information Technology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Logic 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Legal Medicine and Insurance Law 6 42 Italian First semester MED/43
Legal Sociology of Labour and Social Policy 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
M and A: the Contract 6 42 English First semester IUS/04
Media Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Monetary and Political Economics 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/01
Navigation Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/06
Negotiation, Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution 6 42 English First semester IUS/20
Occupational Medicine 6 42 Italian Second semester MED/44
Parliamentary Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/08
Philosophy of Human Rights 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Prison Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Private and Procedural International Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/13
Public and Private Partnership for Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/10
Public Economic Law and Public Contracts Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/05 IUS/10
Public Finance 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/03
Public Health and Sustainability 6 42 English First semester IUS/13
Regional Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/09
Restorative Justice (legal clinic) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Roman Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/18
Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Roman Law of People and Family 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
Scientific Innovation and Legal Challenges of Food Regulation 6 42 English Second semester AGR/18 IUS/08
Security, Law and Religion 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/20
Social Security Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07
Sociology of Humans Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Sociology of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Space Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Strategies of Organized Crime Control 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/10 IUS/17
Sustainable Development in Global Trade (WTO) Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/13
Sustainable Transport: Legal Issues 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Tax Law Clinic 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/12
Teaching Law and Economics 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20 SECS-P/01
The Economics of Crime 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/03
The European Union and Third Countries: Relations with Switzerland 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/14
The Italian Judicial System 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
The Right to Vital Goods, Scientific Assessments and New Technologies 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Theory of Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Tools for the Protection of Company Assets 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01
Trade Liberalization and Labour Rights 6 42 English First semester IUS/07
Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07
Transnational Commercial Litigation 6 42 English Second semester IUS/15
Urban Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
Women's Rights in the Constitutional State 6 45 Italian First semester IUS/08
4b - Students must earn 12 CFU through two elective exams, 6 CFU each.
Amongst the electives available to the student are the classes available through the Faculty's Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes, as listed below.
Students may also elect to take coursework through another study programme, within their available electives, and subject to the approval of the Interdepartmental Academic Board. Coursework that is too similar in name or content to that offered by the Faculty of Law will be excluded.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Administrative Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
Advanced Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Advanced Corporate Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Advanced Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Advanced Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
An Introduction to Italian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective 6 42 English Second semester IUS/01
Anglo-American Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Arbitration Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Artificial Intelligence and Labour Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/07
Banking and Financial Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Business Administration and Organization 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Business Economics and Management 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/08
Canon Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Civil Enforcement Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Civil Procedural Law Advanced 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/15
Civil Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01 IUS/15
Commercial Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04 IUS/15
Comparative and European Law and Religion 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/11
Comparative Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/21
Comparative Contract Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/02
Comparative Labour Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/07
Comparative Law: Religion 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Comparative Private Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/02
Comparative Private Law Advanced 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/21
Competition Law and Economics 6 42 English First semester IUS/04
Compliance and Integrity Management 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/07
Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Constitutional Law Advanced (ITALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Consumer Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01
Contracts On Regulated Markets 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/01 IUS/02
Copyright Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
Corporate Criminal Law and Procedure 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16 IUS/17
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility 6 42 English Second semester IUS/04
Criminal Commercial Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminal Justice, Punishment and Fundamental Rights 3 21 English IUS/17
Criminal Law Clinic 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Criminology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Cyber Security, Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Data 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Deontology of Legal Professions 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Disabled People Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Ecclesiastical Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/11
Economic Analysis of Private Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01 IUS/02
Economic Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 6 42 English First semester SECS-P/02
Economic Policy 6 42 Italian Second semester SECS-P/02
Environmental Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
Eu Administrative Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/10
Eu Competition Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Internal Market Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Law On Business and Human Rights 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Eu Migration and Asylum Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Eu Procedural Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
European Company Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/04
European Labour Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/07
European Monetary and Economic Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/13 IUS/14
European Transport Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/14
Exegesis of the Roman Law Sources 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Financial Markets and Securities Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/04
Fundamentals of European Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Gender Justice 6 42 English Second semester IUS/08
General Theory of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Greek Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of Modern Codification 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of Roman Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
History of the Legal Professions 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/19
Insurance Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/04
International Climate Change and Energy Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/02 IUS/13
International Commercial and Investment Arbitration 6 42 English First semester IUS/13 IUS/15
International Criminal Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/17
International Human Rights Law 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
International Law Advanced 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/13
International Organizations and Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
International, European, and Comparative Environmental Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/02 IUS/13
Ip Law (Industrial and Intellectual Property Right) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/04
Ius Commune 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/19
Juvenile Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/16
Labour Economics 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/01
Labour Law (advanced) 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/07
Labour Law and Artificial Intelligence 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Labour Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07 IUS/15
Law and Bioethics 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Law and History 6 42 English First semester IUS/19
Law and Philosophy in a Cross-Cultural Perspective 6 42 English Second semester IUS/20
Law of Obligations 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/01
Law, Culture and Development in a Global World 6 42 English IUS/20
Legal Anthropology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Information Technology 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Legal Logic 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/20
Legal Medicine and Insurance Law 6 42 Italian First semester MED/43
M and A: the Contract 6 42 English First semester IUS/04
Media Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/08
Navigation Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/06
Negotiation, Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution 6 42 English First semester IUS/20
Occupational Medicine 6 42 Italian Second semester MED/44
Parliamentary Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/08
Prison Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/16
Private and Procedural International Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/13
Public and Private Partnership for Sustainable Development 6 42 English Second semester IUS/10
Public Economic Law and Public Contracts Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/05 IUS/10
Public Finance 6 42 Italian First semester SECS-P/03
Regional Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/09
Restorative Justice (legal clinic) 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/17
Roman Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/18
Roman Law of People and Family 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/18
Scientific Innovation and Legal Challenges of Food Regulation 6 42 English Second semester AGR/18 IUS/08
Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/20
Social Security Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07
Sociology of Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Strategies of Organized Crime Control 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/10 IUS/17
Sustainable Development in Global Trade (WTO) Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/13
Sustainable Transport: Legal Issues 6 42 English Second semester IUS/13
Teaching Law and Economics 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20 SECS-P/01
The Italian Judicial System 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/15
Theory and Practice of International Tax Law 6 42 English First semester IUS/12
Theory of Justice 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law 6 42 Italian Second semester IUS/07
Urban Law 6 42 Italian First semester IUS/10
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Access to Justice in a Multilevel Constitutional System 6 42 English IUS/09
Advanced Administrative Law 6 42 Italian IUS/10
Advanced Administrative Law 9 63 Italian IUS/10
Advanced Corporate Law 9 63 Italian IUS/04
Advanced Corporate Law 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Banking and Financial Law 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Business Economics and Management 6 42 Italian SECS-P/08
Canon Law 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Civil Procedural Law Advanced 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Collective Redress and Sustainability 6 42 English IUS/02
Commercial Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian IUS/04 IUS/15
Company Crisis and Insolvency 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Company Crisis and Insolvency Law 9 63 Italian IUS/15
Company Crisis and Insolvency Law 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Comparative Constitutional Traditions 6 42 English IUS/21
Comparative Labour Law 6 42 English IUS/07
Comparative Law: Religion 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Comparative Private Law 6 42 Italian IUS/02
Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian IUS/21
Competition Law and Economics 6 42 English IUS/04
Constitution and Revenue System 6 42 Italian IUS/12
Constitutional Law and the Judiciary 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Consumer Law 6 42 Italian IUS/01
Copyright Law 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Criminal Law - Special Part 9 63 Italian IUS/17
Criminal Law (SPECIAL PART) 6 45 Italian IUS/17
Ecclesiastical Law 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Economic Analysis of Private Law 6 42 Italian IUS/01 IUS/02
Economic Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 6 42 English SECS-P/02
Economics of (organized) Crime and Corruption 6 42 English SECS-P/03
Environmental Law 6 42 Italian IUS/10
Environmental Sustainability 6 42 English IUS/10
Ethics, Market and Institutions 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Eu Competition Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
Eu Internal Market Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
Eu Migration and Asylum Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
Eu Procedural Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
European Monetary and Economic Law 6 42 English IUS/13 IUS/14
European Transport Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
European Union Competition Law 9 63 Italian IUS/14
History of Roman Law 9 63 Italian IUS/18
History of the Criminal Justice 9 63 Italian IUS/19
Insurance Law 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Internal Market Law and Eu Competition Law 6 42 Italian IUS/14
International Commercial and Investment Arbitration 6 42 English IUS/13 IUS/15
International Law Advanced 6 42 Italian IUS/13
International Refugee Protection and Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/13
International, European, and Comparative Environmental Law 6 42 English IUS/02 IUS/13
Juvenile Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian IUS/16
Labour Economics 6 42 Italian SECS-P/01
Labour Law (advanced) 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Labour Law (ADVANCED) 9 63 Italian IUS/07
Labour Law for Business Economics 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Labour Law in the Public Administration 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Law and Bioethics 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Law and Policies of Social Rights Protection in Europe 6 42 English IUS/21
Law of Obligations 9 63 Italian IUS/01
Law of Obligations 6 42 Italian IUS/01
Law of Religious Entities and Non-Profit Organisations 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Legal Logic 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Legal Medicine and Insurance Law 6 42 Italian MED/43
Legal Sociology of Labour and Social Policy 6 42 Italian IUS/20
M and A: the Contract 6 42 English IUS/04
Monetary and Political Economics 6 42 Italian SECS-P/01
Negotiation, Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution 6 42 English IUS/20
Parliamentary Law 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Philosophy of Human Rights 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Public Economic Law and Public Contracts Law 6 42 Italian IUS/05 IUS/10
Public Finance 6 42 Italian SECS-P/03
Public Health and Sustainability 6 42 English IUS/13
Regional Law 6 42 Italian IUS/09
Roman Law 6 42 English IUS/18
Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Law 6 42 English IUS/20
Sustainable Development in Global Trade (WTO) Law 6 42 English IUS/13
Tax Law Clinic 6 42 Italian IUS/12
The Economics of Crime 6 42 Italian SECS-P/03
Theory and Practice of International Tax Law 6 42 English IUS/12
Tools for the Protection of Company Assets 6 42 Italian IUS/01
Trade Liberalization and Labour Rights 6 42 English IUS/07
Urban Law 6 42 Italian IUS/10
Women's Rights in the Constitutional State 6 45 Italian IUS/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Comparative Public Law 6 42 Italian IUS/21
Advanced Criminal Procedure 9 63 Italian IUS/16
Advanced Criminal Procedure 6 42 Italian IUS/16
Agriculture and Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/02 IUS/13
An Introduction to Italian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective 6 42 English IUS/01
Anglo-American Law 6 42 Italian IUS/21
Anti-Discrimination Law 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Antitrust Law and Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/04
Arbitration Law 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Artificial Intelligence and Labour Law 6 42 English IUS/07
Auditing and Auditing Skills 6 42 Italian SECS-P/07
Banking, Insurance Contract, and Financial Markets Law 6 42 Italian IUS/01
Business Administration and Organization 6 42 Italian SECS-P/07
Civil Enforcement Law 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Civil Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian IUS/01 IUS/15
Comparative and European Law and Religion 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Comparative Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian IUS/21
Comparative Contract Law 6 42 English IUS/02
Comparative Industrial Relations Systems 6 42 English IUS/07
Comparative Private Law Advanced 6 42 Italian IUS/02
Compliance and Integrity Management 6 42 Italian SECS-P/07
Constitutional Justice 9 63 Italian IUS/08
Constitutional Justice 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Constitutional Law Advanced (ITALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW) 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Constitutional Law and New Technologies 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Contracts On Regulated Markets 6 42 Italian IUS/01 IUS/02
Corporate Criminal Law and Procedure 6 42 Italian IUS/16 IUS/17
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility 6 42 English IUS/04
Criminal Commercial Law 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Criminal Labour Law and Corporate Compliance 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Criminal Law Clinic 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Criminal Law of Public Administration 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Criminology 6 42 Italian IUS/17
Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law 6 42 English IUS/13
Cyber Security, Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Data 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Digital Transition, Proceedings and Drafting of Public Administration Documents 6 42 Italian IUS/10
Disabled People Law 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Economic Policy 6 42 Italian SECS-P/02
Economic Policy 9 63 Italian SECS-P/02
Economics of Financial Intermediaries 6 42 Italian SECS-P/11
Empirical Legal Studies 6 42 English SECS-P/11
Employment and Benefits Disputes and Litigation 6 42 Italian IUS/15
Eu Administrative Law 6 42 English IUS/10
Eu Administrative Law 6 42 Italian IUS/10
Eu Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 6 42 Italian IUS/14 IUS/16
Eu Law On Business and Human Rights 6 42 English IUS/13
European Company Law 6 42 English IUS/04
European Labour Law 6 42 English IUS/07
Family and Succession Law 6 42 Italian IUS/01
Financial Markets and Securities Law 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Fundamental Rights in the European Union 3 21 English IUS/14
Gender Justice 6 42 English IUS/08
International and European Economic Law 6 42 Italian IUS/13
International and European Financial Law and Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/13
International Climate Change and Energy Law 6 42 English IUS/02 IUS/13
International Contracts and Business Law 6 42 Italian IUS/13
International Criminal Law 6 42 English IUS/17
International Human Rights Law 6 42 English IUS/13
International Organizations and Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/13
Ip Law (Industrial and Intellectual Property Right) 6 42 Italian IUS/04
Labour Law and Environmental Sustainability 6 42 English IUS/07
Labour Law in Business Risk Management 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Labour Transactional Law and Litigation 6 42 Italian IUS/07 IUS/15
Law and Economics of Green Transition and Social Justice 6 42 English SECS-P/02
Law and Philosophy in a Cross-Cultural Perspective 6 42 English IUS/20
Law and Religion: Cases and Solutions 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Legal Anthropology 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Legal Argumentation 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Legal Clinic On Human Rights and Social Vulnerability 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Legal Information Technology 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Media Law 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Navigation Law 6 42 Italian IUS/06
Occupational Medicine 6 42 Italian MED/44
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 6 42 Italian SECS-P/07
Prison Law 6 42 Italian IUS/16
Private and Procedural International Law 9 63 Italian IUS/13
Private and Procedural International Law 6 42 Italian IUS/13
Public and Private Partnership for Sustainable Development 6 42 English IUS/10
Scientific Innovation and Legal Challenges of Food Regulation 6 42 English AGR/18 IUS/08
Security, Law and Religion 6 42 Italian IUS/11
Social Security Law 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Sociology of Humans Law 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Space Law 6 42 English IUS/13
Strategies of Organized Crime Control 6 42 Italian IUS/10 IUS/17
Sustainable Transport: Legal Issues 6 42 English IUS/13
Teaching Law and Economics 6 42 Italian IUS/20 SECS-P/01
The European Union and Third Countries: Relations with Switzerland 6 42 Italian IUS/14
The Italian Judicial System 6 42 Italian IUS/15
The Right to Vital Goods, Scientific Assessments and New Technologies 6 42 Italian IUS/08
Theory of Justice 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Transnational Commercial Litigation 6 42 English IUS/15
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Deontology of Legal Professions 6 42 Italian IUS/20
Eu Migration and Asylum Law 6 42 English IUS/14
Industrial Economics and Policy 6 42 Italian SECS-P/01
Labour Law and Artificial Intelligence 6 42 Italian IUS/07
Law, Culture and Development in a Global World 6 42 English IUS/20
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Access to Justice in a Multilevel Constitutional System Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Administrative Justice Administrative Law (compulsory), Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Administrative Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Advanced Administrative Law Administrative Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Advanced Comparative Public Law Comparative Public Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Advanced Corporate Law Commercial Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Advanced Criminal Procedure Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Criminal Procedural Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Advanced Roman Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory), Roman Law (compulsory)
Agriculture and Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
An Introduction to Italian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Anglo-American Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Anti-Discrimination Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Antitrust Law and Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Arbitration Law Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Auditing and Auditing Skills Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Banking and Financial Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Banking, Insurance Contract, and Financial Markets Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Business Administration and Organization Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Business Economics and Management Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Canon Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Civil Enforcement Law Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Civil Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Civil Procedural Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Civil Procedural Law Advanced Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Civil Transactional Law and Litigation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Collective Redress and Sustainability Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Commercial Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Commercial Transactional Law and Litigation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Company Crisis and Insolvency Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Company Crisis and Insolvency Law Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Constitutional Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Contract Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Industrial Relations Systems Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Labour Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Law: Religion Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Private Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Private Law Advanced Comparative Private Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative Public Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Comparative and European Law and Religion Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Competition Law and Economics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Compliance and Integrity Management Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Constitution and Revenue System Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Constitutional Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Constitutional Law Advanced (ITALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Constitutional Law and New Technologies Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Constitutional Law and the Judiciary Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Consumer Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Contracts On Regulated Markets Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Copyright Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Corporate Criminal Law and Procedure Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Commercial Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Labour Law and Corporate Compliance Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Law (SPECIAL PART) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Law - Special Part Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Law Clinic Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Law of Public Administration Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminal Procedural Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Criminology Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Cyber Security, Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Data Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Deontology of Legal Professions Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Digital Transition, Proceedings and Drafting of Public Administration Documents Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Disabled People Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Ecclesiastical Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Economic Analysis of Private Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Economic Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Economic Policy Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Economics of (organized) Crime and Corruption Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Economics of Financial Intermediaries Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Empirical Legal Studies Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Employment and Benefits Disputes and Litigation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Environmental Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Environmental Sustainability Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Ethics, Market and Institutions Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Administrative Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Competition Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Internal Market Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Law On Business and Human Rights Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Migration and Asylum Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Eu Procedural Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
European Company Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
European Labour Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
European Transport Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
European Union Competition Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
European Union Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Exegesis of the Roman Law Sources Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Family and Succession Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Financial Markets and Securities Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Fundamentals of European Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Gender Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
General Theory of Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Greek Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
History of Human Rights Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
History of Modern Codification Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
History of Roman Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
History of the Criminal Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
History of the Legal Professions Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Industrial Economics and Policy Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Insurance Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Internal Market Law and Eu Competition Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Climate Change and Energy Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Commercial and Investment Arbitration Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Contracts and Business Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Criminal Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Human Rights Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Law Advanced Constitutional Law (compulsory), International Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Organizations and Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International Refugee Protection and Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International and European Economic Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International and European Financial Law and Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
International, European, and Comparative Environmental Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Ip Law (Industrial and Intellectual Property Right) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Ius Commune Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Juvenile Criminal Procedure Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Economics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law (ADVANCED) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Labour Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law (advanced) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Labour Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law and Artificial Intelligence Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law and Environmental Sustainability Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law for Business Economics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law in Business Risk Management Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Law in the Public Administration Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Labour Transactional Law and Litigation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and Bioethics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and Economics of Green Transition and Social Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and History Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and Philosophy in a Cross-Cultural Perspective Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and Policies of Social Rights Protection in Europe Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law and Religion: Cases and Solutions Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law of Obligations Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law of Religious Entities and Non-Profit Organisations Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Law, Culture and Development in a Global World Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Anthropology Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Argumentation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Clinic On Human Rights and Social Vulnerability Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Information Technology Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Logic Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Medicine and Insurance Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Legal Sociology of Labour and Social Policy Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
M and A: the Contract Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Media Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Monetary and Political Economics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Navigation Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Negotiation, Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Occupational Medicine Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Parliamentary Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Philosophy of Human Rights Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Prison Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Private and Procedural International Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Public Economic Law and Public Contracts Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Public Finance Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Public Health and Sustainability Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Public and Private Partnership for Sustainable Development Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Regional Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Restorative Justice (legal clinic) Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Roman Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory), Roman Law (compulsory)
Roman Law of People and Family Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Scientific Innovation and Legal Challenges of Food Regulation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Security, Law and Religion Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Social Security Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Sociology of Humans Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Sociology of Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Space Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Strategies of Organized Crime Control Constitutional Law (compulsory), Criminal Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Sustainable Development in Global Trade (WTO) Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Sustainable Transport: Legal Issues Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Tax Law Civil Procedural Law (compulsory), Commercial Law (compulsory), Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Tax Law Clinic Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Teaching Law and Economics Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
The Economics of Crime Constitutional Law (compulsory), Economics (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
The European Union and Third Countries: Relations with Switzerland Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
The Italian Judicial System Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
The Right to Vital Goods, Scientific Assessments and New Technologies Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Theory and Practice of International Tax Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Theory of Justice Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Tools for the Protection of Company Assets Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Trade Liberalization and Labour Rights Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Transnational Commercial Litigation Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Urban Law Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
Women's Rights in the Constitutional State Constitutional Law (compulsory), Private Law (compulsory)
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The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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