Labour Law in Business Risk Management

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course, starting from an analysis of national and Euro-Union sources, aims to provide students with the most significant notions of labour law concerning the responsibility and risks associated with the management of enterprises. Enhancing the connection between law and economics, special attention will be paid to the analysis of labour contracts and tools for the management and organization of labour activity, especially during business crises.
The student, in order to successfully pass the exam, must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the profiles of the discipline of labour law and risks related to the management of enterprises as well as to apply the knowledge acquired in the resolution of legal cases proposed by the lecturer. Students are, in addition, required to demonstrate that they have acquired sufficient argumentative skills and adequate legal language property to enable them to communicate with specialized interlocutors. Finally, the student must demonstrate the ability to study the discipline of labour law and risks related to the management of enterprises with a high level of autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes
Specific learning objectives defined on the basis of the five Dublin descriptors.
- Knowledge and ability to understand: the student, for the purpose of successfully passing the exam, must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the discipline of labour law and the risks associated with business management.
- Application skills: the student must demonstrate through the practical cases examined in class the ability to apply the concepts learned to concrete situations.
- Autonomy of judgment: the student must demonstrate, in the course of the lectures and the profit examination, that he/she has developed legally grounded critical positions in relation to the topics of the course.
- Communication skills: the student must demonstrate that he/she has matured sufficient argumentative skills and adequate language property with regard to the topics covered in the course that enables him/her to communicate with specialized interlocutors.
- Ability to learn: the student must demonstrate that he/she has developed an adequate ability to understand the evolution of the labour discipline and its main interpretative issues that enables him/her to study the legal institutions with a high degree of autonomy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours