
Edificio di Farmacia
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Single-cycle master
LM-13 - Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The aim of the Degree Course in Pharmacy is to provide a range of theoretical and practical knowledge in the biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, technological, pathophysiological, pharmacological and toxicological fields, which will allow graduates to deal with the entire sequence of the complex and multidisciplinary process that from structural design leads to the production, marketing and correct use of the prescription drug, according to codified standards. The Degree Course in Pharmacy also provides advanced scientific preparation in the healthcare field aimed at forming a professional figure of expert in the drugs and their use for therapeutic purposes. This specialized figure will be capable of serving as a fundamental element of connection between patient, doctor and public health structures, collaborating in monitoring the drug on the territory, the implementation of the therapy in both the local and hospital areas and will provide the patient and the doctor all the proper indications for a correct use of prescription drugs. On these bases, graduates from the Degree Course in Pharmacy will possess the scientific bases and the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to exercise the profession of pharmacist and to operate as experts of drugs and health products (medical devices, medical-surgical devices, cosmetics, dietetics, food supplements, herbal products, in vitro diagnostics).
The professional profile of pharmacist generated will be of a healthcare professional who contributes to the achievement of the objectives set by the National Health Service in the context of his scientific and technological multidisciplinary skills, in order to adequately respond to the changing needs of the society in the health field.
With the achievement of the Degree in Pharmacy and the related professional qualification, graduates will carry out, in accordance with Directive 2005/36 / EC, and subsequent amendments, the profession of pharmacist and will be authorized to exercise the following professional activities:
- preparation of the pharmaceutical form of drugs;
- manufacture and control of drugs;
- control of drugs in control laboratories
- storage, conservation and distribution of drugs in the wholesale trade phase;
- preparation, control, storage and distribution of drugs in pharmacies open to the public;
- preparation, control, storage and distribution of drugs in hospitals (hospital pharmacies);
- dissemination of information and advice in the field of drugs use.
These activities fall within the minimum common field coordinated by this directive; the training course may also consider other professional activities carried out in the European Union in the field of drugs in order to allow equal employment opportunities in the European context.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Thanks to mobility programs such as Erasmus +, Erasmus + Placement, and Erasmus Mundus, the Degree Course in Pharmacy offers its students the opportunity to spend training periods abroad. The Erasmus Placement Program also offers the possibility of carrying out a training internship abroad in companies as well as in other organizations or universities.
University and Institution partners involved in these programs mainly reside in Europe and the Balkan regions.
The locations, with whom Agreements have been established, offer the possibility of carrying out activities in a wide range of areas. During the mobility period, the student can:
- continue his/her studies by attending courses and the respective exams;
- carry out the thesis;
- carry out the internship in Hospital Pharmacies.
Each student is followed by a tutor identified within the Course.
Procedure for the recognition of study periods abroad: each student must propose a Learning Agreement regarding the training activities that lead to the recognition of a number of credits adequate for the period of stay abroad, namely:
- 60 credits for an academic year;
- 30 credits for an academic semester;
- 20 credits for an academic quarter;
- 20 credits for the internship period in the hospital pharmacy whose maximum duration is 4 months.
The study period abroad will be recognized as valid upon the acquisition of at least 70% of the credits specified in the learning agreement, while the thesis or internship activity will be considered valid only after acquisition of all credits.
For students who have satisfactorily accomplished the training program, the appropriate incentives, proposed by the teacher in charge, will be given by the Faculty's Commission during the graduation session. More specifically, additional points will be added to the degree mark, varying from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 points depending on the duration of the study period, the amount of credits attained, and the overall results obtained by the student.
Attendance is mandatory for laboratory courses, and strongly recommended for lectures.
Admission requirements
Admission to the single-cycle Master's degree programme in Pharmacy is capped pursuant to Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999. Applicants to the single-cycle Master's degree programme in Pharmacy must hold an upper secondary-school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained abroad, and adequate knowledge.

Admission assessment
Admission to the first Year of the single-cycle Master's degree programme in Pharmacy is subject to the candidate's taking the online multiple-choice TOLC-F test by CISIA ( This selective test assesses the knowledge and skills required for attending the programme. The TOLC-F test consists of four sections, with questions on Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Logic and English (optional). The required knowledge level is equal to that achieved in upper secondary school. The schedule of TOLC-F tests held by our and other Italian universities is available at Enrolment procedures and deadlines will be detailed in the call for applications to be posted on the University website at
The required knowledge will be assessed through the admission test. In order to meet these requirements, candidates must achieve the minimum score set out in the call for applications. Admission is based on merit ranking, up to the number of places available.

Waivers from test requirements and admission to years subsequent to the first one are governed by the call for applications.
For information:

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities
Enrolled students who have not achieved at least 4 points in the basic mathematics module of TOLC-F will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA). For this purpose, they will attend remedial activities organized by the University, and then take a remedial test to prove they have filled their gaps. Students with OFA may not take the Mathematics and Statistics exam before fulfilling said requirements.
Learn more at
Candidates who took the test and were not admitted may enrol in a limited number of single courses (with up to 60 places available), as provided by academic regulations, to earn credits to be used for future enrolment in a degree programme, upon passing the admission test, if any.

Transfer students
In case of transfer from another degree programme or from another university, admission to years subsequent to Year I will be subjected to an assessment of the student's previous academic records by the Interdepartmental Academic Board. Please refer to the call for applications for further details.
Programme description and courses list
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Anatomy 9 72 Italian BIO/16
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Biology 7 56 Italian BIO/13
Calculus and Statistics 6 56 Italian MAT/05
General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry 10 96 Italian CHIM/03
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analytical Chemistry 8 80 Italian CHIM/01
Physics 6 56 Italian FIS/01
Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany 8 80 Italian BIO/15
- Pharmaceutical botany4
- Plant Biology4
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene 10 80 Italian BIO/19 MED/42
- Unità didattica: Igiene4
- Unità didattica: Microbiologia applicata4
- Unità didattica: Virologia2
General Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy 10 80 Italian BIO/14
- General Pharmacology4
- Pharmacognosy6
Organic Chemistry 10 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physiology 11 96 Italian BIO/09
Not specified period
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Inorganic Analysis of Substances Having Pharmaceutical Interest and Qualitative Analysis Laboratory 7 72 Italian CHIM/08
- Inorganic Analysis of Substances having Pharmaceutical Interest5
- Qualitative Analysis Laboratory2
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General Biochemistry 6 48 Italian BIO/10
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General Pathology and Pathophysiology 11 88 Italian MED/04
- General Pathology4
- Pathophysiology7
Medicinal Chemistry 1 10 80 Italian CHIM/08
Nutrition Physiology and Pharmacology, and Dietetic Products 10 80 Italian BIO/09 BIO/14 CHIM/10
- Dietetic products4
- Nutrition Pharmacology3
- Nutrition Physiology3
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Metabolic and Functional Biochemistry 8 72 Italian BIO/10
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy 10 80 Italian BIO/14
Principles of Quantitative Pharmaceutical Analysis and Laboratory for Quantitative Analysis 8 80 Italian CHIM/08
- Laboratory for quantitative analysis2
- Principles of quantitative pharmaceutical analysis6
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Assays and Methods of Analysis of the Pharmacopoeias and Lab of Drug Identification 12 128 Italian CHIM/08
- Unità didattica: Laboratorio di identificazione dei farmaci4
- Unità didattica: Saggi e metodologie analitiche delle farmacopee8
Medicinal Chemistry 2 10 80 Italian CHIM/08
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I and Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology I 12 120 Italian CHIM/09
- Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology I3
- Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I9
Drugs and Innovation 8 64 Italian BIO/14
- Personalized pharmacological Therapy4
- Pharmacology and special populations4
Pharmaceutical Market and Regulatory Aspects of Health Products 8 64 Italian CHIM/09
- Pharmaceutical market4
- Regulatory aspects of health products4
Phytopharmacy 8 64 Italian BIO/14
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemotherapy and Biological Drugs 8 64 Italian BIO/14
Drug Development and Scientific Communication 8 64 Italian BIO/14
- Clinical Pharmacology4
- Drug scientific communication4
Hormones/phytohormones and Metabolic Diseases 8 64 Italian MED/13
- Modulo: Ormoni/fitormoni4
- Modulo: Patologie metaboliche4
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Toxicology 10 80 Italian BIO/14
Cosmetic Products 8 64 Italian CHIM/09
- Decorative cosmetics4
- Dermocosmetics4
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Experimental Laboratory 8 0 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Professional Training in Pharmacy (first part) 10 0 Italian
Study plan rules
1 - Nel IV anno lo studente dovrà acquisire 8 CFU in attività formative scelte liberamente fra quelle attivate dall'Ateneo, purché coerenti con il suo percorso formativo e previa approvazione del Collegio Didattico Interdipartimentale. A questo scopo, il corso di laurea rende disponibili alcuni insegnamenti, ciascuno dei quali è costituito da due moduli di 4 CFU. Non è possibile optare per due moduli di insegnamenti opzionali diversi.
In base a modalità che di anno in anno verranno comunicate sul sito di Scienze del Farmaco, nel periodo giugno-luglio, lo studente iscritto al terzo anno di corso, potrà esprimere la propria scelta per uno degli insegnamenti di seguito riportati (pari a 8 CFU).
Gli insegnamenti verranno attivati se scelti da almeno 6 studenti.
La valutazione degli insegnamenti a scelta verrà effettuata con votazione espressa in trentesimi.
Gli studenti sono pregati di verificare le propedeuticità relative agli insegnamenti a scelta nella tabella delle propedeuticità.
A partire dall'AA 2017-18, qualora decidesse di svolgere una tesi sperimentale, lo studente potrà conseguire gli 8 CFU optando per l'attività a scelta "Laboratorio sperimentale". Tale opzione non è obbligatoria.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Drugs and Innovation 8 64 Italian year BIO/14
Pharmaceutical Market and Regulatory Aspects of Health Products 8 64 Italian year CHIM/09
Phytopharmacy 8 64 Italian year BIO/14
Drug Development and Scientific Communication 8 64 Italian First semester BIO/14
Hormones/phytohormones and Metabolic Diseases 8 64 Italian First semester MED/13
Cosmetic Products 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/09
Experimental Laboratory 8 0 Italian Open sessions
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation Ii and Lab of Pharmaceutical Technology Ii Medical Devices and Cosmetic Prod 12 120 Italian CHIM/09
- Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology II3
- Medical Devices and Cosmetic Products3
- Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation II6
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Pharmacology 7 56 Italian BIO/14
Toxicological Chemistry and Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis 6 56 Italian CHIM/08
- Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis1
- Toxicological Chemistry5
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Professional Training in Pharmacy (second part) 20 0 Italian
Final Exam 15 0 Italian
The attendance at the laboratory courses is mandatory and it is mandatory the enrollment to such laboratories. For the modality and timing of the enrollment in laboratory courses, students must carefully consult the website of the Degree Course, and the Ariel website of the teachers, who is responsible for the specific laboratory.

The admission to the LABORATORY QUALITATIVE OF ANALYSIS is subordinate to passing the exam of GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, AND STOICHIOMETRY, by February 28 of the academic year of attendance of the laboratory itself.

The admission to the LABORATORY OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS is subordinate to the attendance (not to passing the exam) of the LABORATORY QUALITATIVE OF ANALYSIS. Since the LABORATORY OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS is dispensed in the second semester, the laboratory of qualitative analysis can be attended in the first semester of the same academic year.

The admission to the LABORATORY OF DRUG IDENTIFICATION is subordinate to passing the exam of the PHARMACEUTICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY I by January 31st and to the attendance (not to passing the exam) of the LABORATORY OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS.

The admission to the LABORATORY OF PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY I is subordinate to passing the exam of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY and to the attendance (not passing the exam) of the LABORATORY OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS.

The admission to the LABORATORY OF PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY II is subordinate to the attendance (not passing the exam) of the LABORATORY OF PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY I.

The admission to the LABORATORY OF CHEMICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS is subordinate to the attendance (not the passing of the exam) of the LABORATORY OF DRUG IDENTIFICATION.

Concerning the prerequisites for the exams, students can take the exams listed in the left column of the table below only after having passed the exams reported in the right column.

Removal of prerequisites to exams - If an exam is not included in the right column of the Student Information Booklet, but it was reported in the Student Information Booklets of previous academic years, the removal of this prerequisite is extended to all students, regardless of their year of enrollment.

Addition of prerequisites to exams - If new prerequisites to exams are inserted in the Student Information Booklets, students must respect them if they are present in the Student Information Booklets of the academic year preceding the one in which they take the exam.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Applied Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene Animal Biology (compulsory), Human Anatomy (compulsory)
Applied Pharmacology Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Assays and Methods of Analysis of the Pharmacopoeias and Lab of Drug Identification Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Principles of Quantitative Pharmaceutical Analysis and Laboratory for Quantitative Analysis (compulsory)
Chemotherapy and Biological Drugs Applied Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Cosmetic Products Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Drug Development and Scientific Communication Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Drugs and Innovation General Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy (compulsory)
General Biochemistry Animal Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory)
General Pathology and Pathophysiology General Biochemistry (compulsory), Physiology (compulsory)
General Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy Animal Biology (compulsory), Human Anatomy (compulsory), Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany (compulsory)
Hormones/phytohormones and Metabolic Diseases General Pathology and Pathophysiology (compulsory)
Inorganic Analysis of Substances Having Pharmaceutical Interest and Qualitative Analysis Laboratory Analytical Chemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry 1 Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Physiology (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry 2 Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Metabolic and Functional Biochemistry General Biochemistry (compulsory)
Nutrition Physiology and Pharmacology, and Dietetic Products General Biochemistry (compulsory), General Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy (compulsory), Physiology (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Market and Regulatory Aspects of Health Products Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I and Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology I Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory), Physiology (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation Ii and Lab of Pharmaceutical Technology Ii Medical Devices and Cosmetic Prod Chemotherapy and Biological Drugs (compulsory), Medicinal Chemistry 2 (compulsory), Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I and Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology I (compulsory)
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy General Biochemistry (compulsory), General Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy (compulsory), Physiology (compulsory)
Physiology Animal Biology (compulsory), Calculus and Statistics (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory), Human Anatomy (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Phytopharmacy Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Principles of Quantitative Pharmaceutical Analysis and Laboratory for Quantitative Analysis Inorganic Analysis of Substances Having Pharmaceutical Interest and Qualitative Analysis Laboratory (compulsory)
Toxicological Chemistry and Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis Assays and Methods of Analysis of the Pharmacopoeias and Lab of Drug Identification (compulsory)
Toxicology Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
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Erasmus and international mobility tutor 

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more