Professional Training in Pharmacy (first part)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The purpose of the professional training is to allow the students to become familiar with pharmacy practice, using and improving all the knowledges about medicinal products and the other healthcare products acquired during the degree courses. This activity allows also to acquire skills on regulations and requirements connected to the pharmacist's role.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will have acquired the skills in health communication and problem solving along with the basic principles of pharmaceutical etics and deontology of behavior. Moreover, student will have learnt to provide and, when appropriate, to choose the appropriate medicinal products among those available on the Italian market.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
In order to achieve the educational objectives, internships in community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy must include activities on following topics:
- management of drugs for human and legislation on dispensing to the public;
- management of narcotic and psychotropic drugs;
- management of doping drugs;
- management of poisons;
- management of drugs for veterinary use;
- magistral or officinal galenic preparations;
- oxygen and oxygen therapy;
- vaccines;
- digital health and drug traceability;
- dietary supplements and foods for specific groups;
- products and preparations of plant origin;
- cosmetic products;
- medical devices and medical-surgical devices;
- pharmacy organization open to the public and self-inspection activities;
- financial and business management of pharmacy;
- emergency management and first aid in pharmacy;
- relationships with the citizen;
- other services.
Prerequisites for admission
To begin the practical-assessment internship (tirocinio pratico-valutativo, TPV), as of the second semester of the fourth year of the course, the student must have passed all the examinations with a grade in thirtieths of the first three years, have attended the general and specific courses prescribed by the safety regulations (provided by the University and by Ordine dei Farmacisti di Milano, Lodi, Monza Brianza), possess the related certificates, and have agreed on the training activity with the head of the host pharmacy and eventually of the hospital pharmacy or territorial pharmaceutical services as well as with the professional and academic tutors.
Teaching methods
The practical-assessment internship is carried out for no more than 40 hours per week, for a total of 900 hours, of which at least 450 hours are to be carried out at a community pharmacy, and corresponds to 30 CFUs. Attendance at the pharmacy is within the pharmacy's opening hours, excluding night hours, and with the assistance of the professional tutor. The TPV can be carried out, even for non-continuous periods in any case not less than one month, in a number of host locations not exceeding three and must be completed within 24 months of its commencement.
Teaching Resources
- Guidelines on curricular evaluation internship (TPV)
- European Pharmacopoeia.
Assessment methods and Criteria
If the student chose for the degree qualifying to practice the pharmacist profession, she or he must take the practical evaluation test (prova pratica valutativa, PPV) that precedes the discussion of the degree thesis. The exam consists of an oral interview with a committee of equal composition made up of university professors and pharmacists appointed by the Professional Order, with the aim of evaluating the professional skills acquired during the practical internship in pharmacy (tirocinio pratico-valutativo, TPV). The grade is expressed by a judgment of suitability/unsuitability, which is communicated to the student by the Student Secretary's Office by e-mail.
Conversely, if the student did not choose for the qualifying degree, it does not have to take the PPV and the license to practice the pharmacist profession can be obtained after graduation by passing the State exam and a language test.
- University credits: 10
Pharmacy traineeship: 0 hours