Toxicological Chemistry and Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective of the course is to study the link between the chemical structure and the toxicity of the molecules. The principal classes of substances of abuse will be considered as regard as their potential of abuse, the relative Italian legislation and their pharmacological action. The principal analytical methods for the detection of the drugs of abuse in both biological and non-biological samples will be taken into account, even by means of practical experiments in laboratory.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to know the potential of abuse of the most common drugs of abuse and the relative Italian legislation. Students will also be able to know the principal analytical and sample preparation techniques to be applied in the field of chemical and toxicological analysis.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea Unica

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have attended the previous courses and passed the preparatory exams
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with three questions on the program of the lessons and of the laboratory
Toxicological Chemistry
Course syllabus
History of toxicological chemistry. History of poisons and their definition and classification. Diagnosis of poisoning. Methods in chemical and toxicological investigation. Generic and specific investigation. Withdrawal and conservation of samples. Immunological screening. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons. Sniffing.
Volatile anesthetics. Volatile organic poisons (CO, HCN) and their detection. Ethanol and its legislation related to driving. Methanol. Drugs of abuse. Legislation relative to drug dealing, detention and abuse. Opium, opiates, opioids. Cocaine. Cannabis. Psychostimulants. LSD, GHB. Psychoactive plants. Psychoactive mushrooms. Barbiturates. Benzodiazepines. Doping
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
The slides of the course are on the ARIEL site
Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis
Course syllabus
Generic investigation on plasma samples. Determination of ethanol in beverages. Determination of ethanol by microdiffusion. Extraction of methadone from a syrup and its determination by GC/FID. Extraction of nicotine from hair and its determination by GC/MS. Extraction of morphine from urine samples
Teaching methods
Practical exercitations in laboratory
Teaching Resources
Experimental procedures are on the ARIEL site and are given and explained in the preliminary lesson
Laboratory of Chemical and Toxicological Analysis
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 1
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Turno 1
Professor: Roda Gabriella
Turno 2
Professor: Roda Gabriella
Turno 3
Professor: Pallavicini Marco
Toxicological Chemistry
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Roda Gabriella