
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Toxicology, defined as the science of poisons, studies the adverse effects of exogenous agents (e.g. pesticides, food additives, drugs, environmental pollutants, etc.) on living beings, their mechanism action and the evaluation of their hazard and the identification of safe uses through risk assessment. Toxicology is a multidisciplinary science that uses the knowledge and techniques of most branches of biology, biochemistry, physiology and medicine, chemistry, math and physics.
The purpose of the course is to provide:
1. The bases for a correct characterization of the adverse effects of xenobiotics, defining methods and approaches used in the toxicological evaluation. Particular attention will be paid to drugs.
2. The characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the adverse effects.
3. Organ toxicity, trying to define the type of damage induced at the level of the individual organs and the substances involved.
4. The characterization of the toxic effects of different classes of chemicals, such as pesticides, metals, solvents, natural toxins.
5. The bases of pharmacovigilance.
Expected learning outcomes
Assessment of learning: oral exam, in which the learning of the topics covered, the ability of synthesis and connection will be evaluated. The student's ability to frame the problems of toxicological evaluation in the perspective of assessing human and environmental safety will be evaluated. The student will have to demonstrate that he/she has understood the key concepts and the main operational tools that characterize the safety assessment of xenobiotics. The exam will last up to 30 minutes and up to five questions will be asked about the program. The answer to each question will be assigned a score from 0-30 and the weighted average of the scores obtained in the single questions will represent the final mark.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea AL

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is to provide:
1. The basis for a correct characterization of the adverse effects of xenobiotics, defining methods and approaches used in the toxicological evaluation.
2. The characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the adverse effects, with particular attention to drugs.
3. Organ toxicity, trying to define the type of damage induced at the level of the individual organs and the substances involved, with particular attention to drugs.
4. The characterization of the toxic effects of the different classes of chemicals, such as pesticides, metals, solvents, biotechnology products, ionizing radiation, natural toxins.
In particular, the following topics will be presented in depth: 
- elements of general toxicology 
- absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion 
- mechanisms of cellular damage and repair systems 
- genotoxicity and chemical carcinogenesis 
- immunotoxicology 
- hematotoxicity 
- developmental and reproductive toxicity 
- hepatotoxicity 
- nephrotoxicity 
- neurotoxicity 
- gastrointestinal toxicity 
- cardiovascular toxicity 
- pulmonary toxicity 
- skin toxicity 
- ocular toxicity 
- drug toxicity 
- drug of abuse toxicity 
- endocrine disruptors 
- metal toxicity 
- solvent toxicity 
- pesticide toxicity 
- food toxicology 
- toxicology of biotechnological products 
- toxicology of nanomaterials
- natural toxins 
- radiation ionizing 
- outline of occupational toxicology 
- outline of ecotoxicology and environmental fate 
- risk assessment 
- European agencies 
- n vitro methods 
- pharmacovigilance 
- pharmaco-utilization and analysis of administrative databases

Seminars by experts in specific field of toxicology are also provided.
Prerequisites for admission
Toxicology is a multidisciplinary science, which uses knowledge and techniques from most branches of biology, biochemistry, physiology and medicine, chemistry, mathematics and physics. A minimum knowledge of these subjects is necessary to be able to follow the course.
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching with recommended frequency.
Teaching Resources
The recommended textbooks are:
- Galli, Corsini, Marinovich. Tossicologia, Ed. Piccin
- Casarett & Doull. Elements of toxicology of John B. III Watkins, Curtis D. Klaassen. Ed. CEA
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of learning: oral exam, in which the learning of the topics covered, the ability of synthesis and connection will be evaluated. Typically the exam will last about 30 minutes and at least five questions will be asked about the program. The answer to each question will be assigned a score from 0-30 and the weighted average of the votes obtained in the single questions will represent the final score.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Caffino Lucia

Linea MZ

Lesson period
Second semester
In case of emergency, lessons will take place remotely using the MicrosoftTeams platform.
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is to provide:
1. The basis for a correct characterization of the adverse effects of xenobiotics, defining methods and approaches used in the toxicological evaluation.
2. The characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the adverse effects, with particular attention to drugs.
3. Organ toxicity, trying to define the type of damage induced at the level of the individual organs and the substances involved, with particular attention to drugs.
4. The characterization of the toxic effects of the different classes of chemicals, such as pesticides, metals, solvents, biotechnology products, ionizing radiation, natural toxins.
In particular, the following topics will be presented in depth:
- elements of general toxicology
- absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
- mechanisms of cellular damage and repair systems
- genotoxicity and chemical carcinogenesis
- immunotoxicology
- hematotoxicity
- developmental and reproductive toxicity
- hepatotoxicity
- nephrotoxicity
- neurotoxicity
- gastrointestinal toxicity
- cardiovascular toxicity
- pulmonary toxicity
- skin toxicity
- ocular toxicity
- drug toxicity
- drug of abuse toxicity
- endocrine disruptors
- metal toxicity
- solvent toxicity
- pesticide toxicity
- food toxicology
- toxicology of biotechnological products
- toxicology of nanomaterials
- natural toxins
- radiation ionizing
- outline of occupational toxicology
- outline of ecotoxicology and environmental fate
- hazard identification and risk assessment
- European agencies
- new approach methods
- pharmacovigilance

Seminars by experts in specific field of toxicology are also provided.
Prerequisites for admission
Toxicology is a multidisciplinary science, which uses knowledge and techniques from most branches of biology, biochemistry, physiology and medicine, chemistry, mathematics and physics. A minimum knowledge of these subjects is necessary to be able to follow the course.
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching with recommended frequency.
Teaching Resources
The recommended textbooks are:
- Galli, Corsini, Marinovich. Tossicologia, Ed. Piccin
- Casarett & Doull. Elements of toxicology of John B. III Watkins, Curtis D. Klaassen. Ed. CEA
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of learning: oral exam, in which the learning of the topics covered, the ability of synthesis and connection will be evaluated. Typically the exam will last about 30 minutes and 3-4 questions will be asked about the program. The answer to each question will be assigned a score from 0-30 and the weighted average of the votes obtained in the single questions will represent the final score.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Corsini Emanuela
Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, Via Balzaretti 9, Milano
By telephone or e-mail appointment
Dip. di Scienze Farmacologiche, Via Balzaretti 9, Milano