Medicinal Chemistry 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The most important learning objective of the course is to transmit a rational approach to understanding the activity of drugs and their design.
The participants at the end of the course will be able to understand the relationships that link the chemical structure of a drug to its pharmacological activity through the study of the physico-chemical and stereo-electronic properties, and of the mechanism of action.
The aim of the course is also the study of the main chemical-pharmaceutical strategies useful for the optimization of the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs.
In particular, starting from the knowledge acquired in the course of Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry 1, the course deals with the study of drugs active on the central and peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, antiulcer and lipid-lowering drugs.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will have to know, for the different classes of drugs studied, how the prototype was discovered and the main steps through which the class was developed. Therefore, starting from the structure of a model compound, students should know how the structure can be modified in order to increase its activity and selectivity, optimize the pharmacokinetic properties and decrease toxicity. For each molecule studied, students should also be able to frame it correctly from the point of view of therapeutic application and mechanism of action, identify the essential pharmacophore and its mode of interaction with the target, if known, and they should be able to comment the structure-activity relationships.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea AL

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Discovery and development, structure-activity relationship, and mechanism of action of the following class of drugs:
-Cholinergic, anticholinergic and anticholinesterase drugs
-Drugs acting on the adrenergic system
- Anxiolytics and hypnotic drugs
- Anticonvulsants
-Opioid analgesics
-Local anesthetics
- Antipsychotics
- Antiparkinson
- Overview of drugs acting on the cardio-circulatory system with selected examples; focus on antianginal and antihypertensive drugs
- Diuretics
- Lipid-lowering agents
- Oral hypoglycemic drugs and incretinomimetics
- Non-steroidal antinflammatory drugs (NDAIDs)
-Anti-allergic drugs
-Anti-ulcer drugs
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the general topics studied in the course "Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry 1"
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
-Power point presentations of the lessons, in pdf file, available on Ariel
-Suggested text-books:
a) G. L. Patrick: "Chimica Farmaceutica", Edizione integrata a cura di Gabriele Costantino, EdiSES, ultima edizione italiana.
b) Gasco, Gualtieri, Melchiorre: "Chimica Farmaceutica" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, ultima edizione.
Assessment methods and Criteria
There are seven exam sessions available each academic year. Students can participate to all exam sessions. Upon request, further sessions may be opened reserved to students enrolled as "fuori corso".
Examination modalities:
a) The exam is a written test (2 hour time limit) including four questions. The first question focus on a specific class of drugs, of which the student must report the general structure, the medicinal chemistry strategies used to develop that class of drugs, the therapeutic use and the main structure-activity relationships. The other 3 questions require the examination of the structure (provided to the student) of a given drug. The student is required to discuss the mode of action, the therapeutic application, the structure-activity relationships and the chemico-physical properties relevant for the biological activity. For some molecules, the synthetic approach may be required. In order to pass the written test, the student must sufficiently answer the first question (related to a class of drugs) and at least two other questions. The vote of the written test is in anyway the result of an overall evaluation of the paper.
b) Alternatively, the students can take two partial tests, one in February and one in June. Each test will consist of a written test (90 minutes time limit) comprising 3 questions. In order to pass the same student must receive a sufficient assessment in both tests. The result obtained in the first test will be notified before the second test is held. The final score is given by the mathematical average of the grades assigned in the two tests.
In order to be admitted to the exam it is necessary to have passed the exam of Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry 1.
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Conti Paola

Linea MZ

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The program is focused on the study of drugs that act the following levels:
a) Parasympathetic neurotransmission: nicotinic and muscarinic agonists and antagonists, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
b) Sympathetic neurotransmission: adrenergic receptors agonists and antagonists, MAO and COMT inhibitors.
c) Cardio-circulatory system: cardiac glycosides, antianginal, calcium channel blockers, potassium channel activators, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin antagonists, renin inhibitors, diuretics, lipid-lowering agents, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants.
d) Respiratory, and gastric systems: anti-allergy, anti-ulcer, anti-asthma and hypoglycemic drugs.
e) Inflammation: Nonsteroidal (NSAIDs) anti-inflammatory drugs.
f) Central nervous system: analgesics, local and general anesthetics, anxiolytics and hypnotic-sedatives, anticonvulsants, antiparkinson, , antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants and related substances of abuse.

Particular emphasis will be given to the study of:
a) Mechanisms of action of drugs: study of biomolecular processes involving neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, second messengers; study of structural characteristics (stereo-electronic requirements, topology, topography, conformational equilibria) of drugs (ligands) for the interaction with the main molecular targets (receptors, enzymes, ion channels).
b) Discovery and development of drugs: structural modifications of biologically active natural compounds; effect of the variation of molecular portions of lead compounds on affinity-activity-selectivity-bioavailability profiles.
Prerequisites for admission
The course of Medicinal and toxicological chemistry 2 is the context in which the knowledge previously acquired in the courses of general and inorganic chemistry and, above all, of organic chemistry, biochemistry and medicinal and toxicological chemistry 1 are applied to the study of the drugs' mechanism of action and development.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with diapo projection.
Lessons attendance is strongly advised.
Teaching Resources
Diapo and recordings of the lessons will be available online at MyAriel website.
Students can choose one of the following books for the study of the subject:

a) Gasco, Gualtieri, Melchiorre: "Chimica Farmaceutica" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, last Ed.

b) T. L. Lemke, D. A. Williams: "Foye's Principi di Chimica Farmaceutica", Piccin Editore, last Ed.
available online:

c) G. L. Patrick: "Introduzione alla Chimica Farmaceutica", EdiSES, last Ed.

In addition, students can use the following books to deepen some topics that will be reported during the lessons:

a) "Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics", McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, last Ed. available online

b) Analogue Based Drug Discovery vol I, vol II & vol III.
available online:
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students have seven exam sessions available each academic year. Students can present themselves to all exam sessions (there is no jump of session). On request it is possible to open extraordinary sessions reserved for students who are out of course or repeating.
The overall exam consists of a written test which, if judged sufficient, is followed by an oral test.
The written test, lasting 120 minutes, to be carried out without the help of notes or books, consists of 4 questions of equal weight for the calculation of the score out of thirty.
The questions focus on the discussion of the development, of the structure-activity relationships, of the interactions with specific targets and of the physico-chemical properties of the drugs treated in the program; questions include writing the drug structure.
After the correction of the written exams, which takes place within one week, the student is summoned for the oral exam. This consists of:
- a review of the written test in which the student is informed about the results of the correction.
- two questions relating to the whole program, aimed at ascertaining the ability to critically expose and argue the knowledge acquired.
The written test and the oral test have equal weight on the final grade.
As an alternative to the overall exam, students have the opportunity to take two in itinere tests lasting 120 minutes each in written form, respectively in February and July.
Each in itinere test includes 4 questions of a general nature. Passing both tests corresponds to passing the overall exam.
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 10
Lessons: 80 hours
Professor: Romeo Sergio
By appointment
Via Mangiagalli 25 - 2° piano
Monday 10:30-12:30, by appointment via email
Via Mangiagalli 25, second floor, office 2062