Experimental Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Experimental laboratory offers the possibility to Pharmacy students who have chosen to do an experimental thesis to convert their free credits into credits for the preparation of their thesis.
Expected learning outcomes
The evaluation of the student is based on the whole period of training during the preparation of the experimental thesis. Such evaluation will take into account his/her ability to get integrated in the working environment, to learn the techniques required for the experimental work, to apply them and also to discuss the result of his/her work in a critical manner.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Research project to be developed during the experimental thesis.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have chosen an experimental thesis, must have indicated Experimental Laboratory teaching in the syllabus, and must have basic knowledge regarding safety for working in research laboratories. Those who have opted for a semi-experimental or compilative thesis cannot choose for this educational activity.
Teaching methods
Experimental research in the laboratory and discussion of the results obtained with the tutor.
Teaching Resources
Scientific literature related to the topic of the experimental work.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The thesis tutor evaluates the student's performance based on the behavior and achievements throughout the experimental research period. The evaluation is expressed by a grade in thirtieths with a minimum score of 18/30.
- University credits: 8
Individual study and practice: 0 hours