Management of Health Systems and Organisations (Classe LM-77)-Enrolled in Academic Year 2023-24

area Giurisprudenza
Master programme
A.Y. 2024/2025
LM-77 - Scienze economico-aziendali (EN)
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
The mission of the Master's Degree in Management of Healthcare Organizations and Health Sector is to train graduates with theoretical and technical knowledge on the management of the organizations of the health sector, allowing them to apply these logics and tools in the real world.

The master's degree will leave appropriate skills according to the expectations of the labor market, considering the main employment opportunities:
· For public and private health and socio-health companies, knowledge will be oriented towards value creation tools, improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of performances, analysis of organizational processes, understanding of the main corporate functions (management operational, organizational development, budget, planning and control, etc.);
· For companies in the health sector (pharmaceutical / biomedical companies, health insurance), knowledge will be oriented towards value creation tools, marketing logic and tools, market access and stakeholder management, analysis of health systems, knowledge of regional and national health system, to the logic of HTA;
· For consultancy firm, skills will be based on the dynamics and developments of the health sector and consulting skills, project management, design and implementation of organizational and institutional changes.;
· For agencies and regulatory institutions, skills will bring to manager the dynamics and developments of the health sector, the operation of public health companies and their decision-making and governance processes, health economics and HTA projects, policy processes -making under the technical and regulatory aspects, the stakeholder management / involvement processes.
The MASS degree course is aimed at those who want to become:
· specialist in the management of public and private healthcare and socio-healthcare companies within various corporate functions and managers of the programming agencies and regulatory institutions of the healthcare system;
· managers of companies operating in the health sector (pharmaceutical / biomedical companies, health insurance) and in consultancy firm.

The course prepares for the profession of (ISTAT codes):
Management specialists in the Public Administration - (
Control specialists in the Public Administration - (
Management and control specialists in private enterprises - (
Market analysts - (
Economic systems specialists - (
Business administration specialists - (

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Graduates who have obtained a degree in Italy in one of the following classes (or a foreign degree deemed equivalent) are eligible to apply to the MASS Degree Programme:
L-7 Civil and environmental engineering
L-8 Computer engineering
L-9 Industrial engineering
L-14 Legal services studies
L-16 Administrative and organisational studies
L-18 Business administration
L-20 Communication studies
L-33 Economics
L-36 Political science and international relations
L-37 Social studies in cooperation, development, and peace
L-40 Sociology
L-41 Statistics

Graduates must also have earned at least 24 CFU in the following subject areas:
a) Business administration SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09, SECS-P/10, SECS-P/11, ING-IND/35
b) Economics SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-P/03, SECS-P/05, SECS-P/06, SECS-P/12
c) Mathematics and Statistics SECS-S/01, SECS-S/02, SECS-S/03, SECS-S/04, SECS-S/05, SECS-S/06, MAT/01, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/09
d) Law IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/05, IUS/07, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/12, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/17
of which:
- at least 12 CFU from the subject areas listed in subparts a) and b)
- at least 6 CFU from the subject areas listed in subpart c)
Italian language proficiency is an essential component of this degree programme given the demands of those working in Italy's regional health system, although the programme has a strong international component as well, with a focus on issues like global health, and the option to complete one's internship abroad.
The admissions commission reserves the right to admit students, following a personal interview, who do not fully meet one or more admission requirements due to any misalignment in terms of academic degrees or credit systems, or for other objective reasons arising within the scope of the commission's review of the student's application package.

Likewise required is English-language proficiency at or above the B1 Level as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CFER).
Level B1 proficiency will be verified by the University of Milan Language Center (SLAM) at the admissions stage in one of the following ways:
- a language certificate, earned within three years prior to the date of submission, at a B1 level or higher (for the list of language certificates recognised by the University, please review: Certificates must be uploaded during the admissions process;
- English-language proficiency acquired through a SLAM programme completed during a Bachelor's degree programme. Certificates issued within the past four years are considered acceptable. The programme office will run an internal check in those cases - students are not required to submit their certificates;
- placement test, administered by SLAM:
Those who have neither submitted a valid certificate, nor demonstrated a sufficient proficiency, will be required to take a language-proficiency test during the admissions process.
Should a student fail to take, or fail to pass, the language-proficiency test, they will be given until 31 December 2021 to complete and submit a recognised certificate to SLAM.
Should the student fail to complete the requirement by 31 December, they will not be permitted to enrol in the Master's degree programme, nor to sit any later test.

Minimum requirements to be admitted into the Master's degree programme include a Bachelor's degree in one of the classes listed above, as well as having earned the requisite number of academic credits in business administration, economics, statistics, and law.
Students holding a foreign degree will be subject to an ad-hoc review of their academic CV in order to determine whether their background is substantially identical to the background required of students holding an Italian degree.
Candidates meeting the minimum requirements in terms of degree class, and credits earned, will be invited for a personal interview. Meeting the minimum requirements does not obviate a review of the student's specific educational background, which is mandatory.
An Assessment Commission, comprising instructors selected and appointed by the Academic Board, will be formed to assess students' educational backgrounds.
Such assessment is predicated on a student's academic merit, and the relevance of their studies to the programme. Accordingly, students must submit the following along with their application:
i) their study plan with a notation of the subject areas for each exam, marks awarded, and their regular and weighted grade-point average;
ii) a detailed CV;
iii) a brief personal statement (limited to a single, one-page document) on their relevant experience. Students failing to submit either of these documents may be disqualified from consideration.

The Commission will assess each applicant based on the following rubric:
Criterion 1: Academic CV
Description: assessment of the student's academic merit over their previous academic career, and their grade-point average.
Maximum points available: 60
Criterion 2: Relevance of their studies
Description: an assessment of the relevance of the student's educational background and/or experience in respect of the educational goals of the degree programme in Management of Health Systems and Organisations
Maximum points available: 40
The Commission reserves the right to conduct an online interview to assess the student's personal background.

During the application period, an orientation programme will be offered, which will include an Open House for the degree programme, and a help line so that the Programme Office can respond to prospective students' questions and concerns -
The master's degree course MASS offers the opportunity to carry out study periods at numerous European universities, where students can follow cycles of lessons and obtain valid credits for the achievement of their qualification.
Our international partners are selected from the most prestigious academic institutions in Spain (Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, University of Santiago de Compostela, Universidad Pùblica de Navarra in Pamplona, University of Oviedo, University of Salamanca, Complutense University of Madrid , University of La Coruña), France (Université du Droit et de la Santé de Lille), Portugal (University of Coimbra). The choice of courses is made before departure together with the Erasmus coordinator, and the credits obtained are officially recognized at the end of the exchange period and included in the study plan.
Attendance is not mandatory.

Courses list

course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Evaluation of Health Policies and Programs 9 60 Italian Third trimester SECS-P/01 SECS-P/03
Governance, Leadership and Management of the Health Sector and Healthcare Companies 12 80 Italian First trimester SECS-P/03 SECS-P/07
- Business administration and Management6
- Public economics6
Law and Management of Human Resources in Companies in the Health Sector 12 80 Italian Second trimester IUS/07 SECS-P/10
- Labour law6
- Organization studies6
Population Health Management 9 60 Italian First trimester MED/42
Quantitative Methods to Support Healthcare Decisions 6 40 Italian Third trimester SECS-S/01 SECS-S/06
Strategies and Performance Management in Companies in the Health Sector 9 60 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Final Examination 21 0 Italian Open sessions
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - Al secondo anno sono previsti 2 percorsi:
- Industria e imprese del settore salute (24 CFU);
- Aziende sanitarie pubbliche e private, agenzie ed enti regolatori (24 CFU)
Ognuno dei due percorsi è composto da due pacchetti di insegnamenti.
(Percorso 1 - Pacchetto 1)
Scegliere da 2 a 3 tra i seguenti insegnamenti:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Finanziamento pubblico e privato delle attività nel settore della salute 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07
Management and Evaluation of Innovation in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07 SECS-P/08
Market Access and Product Management in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07 SECS-P/08
Marketing in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/08
Private Consumption and Business Modeling 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07
(Percorso 1 - Pacchetto 2)
Scegliere almeno 1 insegnamento di quelli segnalati con (*) e un ulteriore insegnamento se necessario per conseguire i 24 CFU previsti dal percorso
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biostatistics and Epidemiology 6 40 Italian Second trimester MED/01
Employment Law in the Private Sector 6 40 Italian Second trimester IUS/07
Health Technology Assessment E Pharmacoeconomics 6 40 Italian First trimester MED/42
History and Evolution of Health Systems 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/12
Law and Ethics in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester IUS/20
Organizational Well-Being in Companies in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester M-PSI/05
Public Procurement 6 40 Italian Second trimester IUS/10
Risk Management and Legal Responsibility in Healthcare 6 40 Italian Second trimester MED/43
(Percorso 2 - Pacchetto 1)
Scegliere da 2 a 3 insegnamenti tra quelli di seguito riportati:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Accounting and Budgeting in Healthcare Companies 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07
Finanziamento pubblico e privato delle attività nel settore della salute 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07
Health Services Management and Operations 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07
Management and Evaluation of Innovation in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07 SECS-P/08
Organizational Development and Change Management 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07
Planning and Control in Healthcare Companies 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/07
Private Consumption and Business Modeling 6 40 Italian First trimester SECS-P/07
(Percorso 2 - Pacchetto 2)
Scegliere almeno 1 insegnamento di quelli segnalati con (*) e un ulteriore insegnamento se necessario per conseguire i 24 CFU previsti dal percorso
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biostatistics and Epidemiology 6 40 Italian Second trimester MED/01
Criminal Liability of the Health Professions 6 40 Italian Second trimester IUS/17
History and Evolution of Health Systems 6 40 Italian Second trimester SECS-P/12
Law and Ethics in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester IUS/20
Organizational Well-Being in Companies in the Health Sector 6 40 Italian First trimester M-PSI/05
Public Procurement 6 40 Italian Second trimester IUS/10
Public Sector Contracts and Careers 6 40 Italian First trimester IUS/07
Risk Management and Legal Responsibility in Healthcare 6 40 Italian Second trimester MED/43
Optional activities and study plan rules
6 - Gli studenti devono conseguire 9 CFU a scelta libera, anche con esami dell'altro percorso rispetto a quello scelto, laboratori didattici oppure con esami in insegnamenti impartiti in altri corsi di laurea o in altre facoltà, previa approvazione del Collegio Didattico.
7 - Gli studenti devono conseguire 3 CFU per Altre attività formative attraverso:
- accertamento di conoscenze progredite di lingua europea (B2).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
8 - Gli studenti devono conseguire 6 CFU per Altre attività formative attraverso:
- tirocinio formativo presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali
Presidente del Collegio Didattico
Prof. Federico Lega
Docenti tutor
Per l'orientamento:
Prof.ssa Marta Marsilio
Prof.ssa Silvana Castaldi
Prof. Corrado Dal Bo'
Prof.ssa Chiara Guglielmetti

Per le informazioni generali, i programmi degli esami, le aule, gli orari delle lezioni, consultare il sito web del corso di laurea.
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