Finanziamento pubblico e privato delle attività nel settore della salute
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Gli obiettivi formativi dell'insegnamento si propongono di sviluppare la conoscenza di metodologie e strumenti relativi alla struttura finanziaria delle aziende e all'assunzione delle decisioni di investimento. In particolare, saranno forniti agli studenti metodologie e strumenti relativi alla analisi finanziaria, al valore finanziario del tempo, ai concetti di rischio e rendimento, di leva finanziaria e costo del capitale, di analisi degli investimenti e del valore d'azienda.
Expected learning outcomes
Al termine del corso, lo/la studente/ssa avrà acquisito le conoscenze di base finalizzate a interpretare e analizzare le principali teorie di finanza d'azienda e le applicazioni alla realtà, con particolare riferimento alle aziende sanitarie. Attraverso le metodologie e gli strumenti acquisiti, lo/la studente/ssa sarà in grado di formulare valutazioni di natura quali e quantitativi in merito sia alle condizioni di fattibilità ed economicità degli investimenti, sia all'efficienza della struttura finanziaria.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
As part of the course, the following topics will be developed, specifically developed for healthcare companies:
· Financial decisions
· The time value of money
· The criteria for choosing investments
· The fundamentals of capital budgeting
· The estimate of the cost of capital
· Debt and taxes
· Valuation and financial models
Further information regarding the program will be published on the website
· Financial decisions
· The time value of money
· The criteria for choosing investments
· The fundamentals of capital budgeting
· The estimate of the cost of capital
· Debt and taxes
· Valuation and financial models
Further information regarding the program will be published on the website
Prerequisites for admission
It is preferable to have followed and supported with a positive evaluation the courses on Governance, leadership and management of the health sector and healthcare companies and Strategy and performance management in companies in the healthcare sector.
Teaching methods
The teaching methodologies of the course include:
· frontal lessons
· case studies with guided discussions
· individual or group assignment presentations
· frontal lessons
· case studies with guided discussions
· individual or group assignment presentations
Teaching Resources
Students, whether attending or not, are required to prepare for the exam on the teachers' slides and further bibliographic proposals will be promptly reported before or during the course.
The teachers will make the slides and support material available to students on the website, in the part dedicated to teaching, useful for understanding the topics covered.
The teachers will make the slides and support material available to students on the website, in the part dedicated to teaching, useful for understanding the topics covered.
Assessment methods and Criteria
· Written exam with open-ended questions (grade out of thirty)
· Individual assignment on the topics covered during the course (evaluable from -1 to +3 points)
The criteria for the evaluation of the written test and for the individual assignment will take into account the correctness of the contents, the clarity of argument and the capacity for critical analysis and re-elaboration.
· Individual assignment on the topics covered during the course (evaluable from -1 to +3 points)
The criteria for the evaluation of the written test and for the individual assignment will take into account the correctness of the contents, the clarity of argument and the capacity for critical analysis and re-elaboration.
Lessons: 40 hours
Amatucci Fabio Michele
Amatucci Fabio MicheleProfessor(s)