Biostatistics and Epidemiology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is divided into two modules. The epidemiology module aims to develop knowledge on methodologies for evaluating the appropriateness and validity of observational studies and tools to quantify how exposure to a risk (or protective) factor can affect the health of a population. In addition, the course aims to i) define the type of study most suitable for answering questions relating to the relationship between exposure and health in the population ii) the computational methods to quantify possible relationships and their strength iii) to provide tools to critically evaluate the epidemiological literature. The biostatistics module aims to develop the ability to use appropriate methodological tools to critically evaluate the quality of clinical research in particular for the aspects of study planning and their internal validity. The course aims to define the most suitable types of analysis in relation to the end-points adopted. This module will also address the problems related to the reproducibility of clinical research, also in relation to the ethical aspects of biomedical research, and the different approaches to statistical inference.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the epidemiology module the student should be able to recognize and evaluate appropriate study designs to answer questions related to the causality of diseases, evaluate possible errors, strengths and weaknesses depending on the research question and critically read the literature.
The aim of the biostatistics module is to develop the ability to critically evaluate the results of clinical studies, both experimental and observational, through the learning of the principles of the study design and analysis of clinical trials and the concept of statistical inference, and to evaluate the type of analysis adopted in relation to the end-point of the study.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1. Definition and purposes of epidemiology
2. Principles of Causality: causal interpretation of the exposure-disease relationship
3. Design of epidemiological studies:
- Descriptive studies
- Analytical studies: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies
4. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
5. Confounding and modification effects
6. Outline of the reproducibility problem.
7. Evaluation of diagnostic tests
8. Description of a scientific article structure
1. The logic of statistical inference: frequentist approach, the sampling distribution, the confidence interval and the hypothesis test.
2. Statistical tests for comparing means and proportions with independent and paired data
3. Sample size calculation.
4. Measures of disease occurrence: prevalence and incidence
5. Disease association measures: rates, risks, odds and their relationships
6. Impact measures in public health: attributable risk
7. Outline of logistic regression
the Bayesian approach to inference.
4. The problem of reproducibility.
5. Statistical tests for comparing means and proportions with independent and paired data.
6. Outline of simple and multiple linear regression.
7. Survival analysis.
Prerequisites for admission
Statistics Basic Course
Teaching methods
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, discussions, group work, interactive activities for learning through applications, case studies and computational methods, reading of articles and presentations by students.
Teaching Resources
The lecturer will provide students with slides and supporting material useful for understanding the topics covered (articles, handouts, books, supporting links, videos).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The objective of the learning assessment is to ascertain the theoretical/methodological knowledge acquired by the student during the course, his or her ability to correctly apply descriptive and interpretative models to small sets of real data, and finally, to evaluate the results of a clinical, experimental or observational study and place them in the context of a critical analysis of the literature.
The examination is written, but there will be the possibility of supplementing it with an oral examination (optional).
The written examination consists of open and multiple-choice questions and calculation exercises. Each question or exercise is given a score, which is awarded to the student if the answer is correct. The sum of the scores makes up the exam grade, expressed in thirtieths.
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Rossi Marta
Professor: Rossi Marta
tuesday 2.00 pm- 3.00 pm
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