Agricultural Sciences - No longer available

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Agricultural Sciences - No longer available
Course sheet
A.Y. 2022/2023
Master programme
LM-69 - Agriculture
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The master degree in Agricultural Sciences, which belongs to the class L-69 "Agricultural Sciences and Technologies", aims at training master graduates with a high skills based on the most recent and advanced knowledge in the different agrarian sectors. The skills acquired will permit the graduate to realize the importance of a modern agriculture and of its role of combining the traditional mission of supplying food, with that of safeguarding the territory and producing safe and sustainable food. The master graduate will have the cultural, scientific and technical flexibility, gained through a multi-disciplinary/integrated approach to the different aspects, necessary to check and manage the ongoing adaptation of the agricultural productive system to the new needs of the complex and heterogeneous European society.
Considering the actual evolution of the most advanced agricultural areas in Italy and in Europe, the learning structure of the degree course is focused on three specific educational areas: 1) farm management and its links with the market, the production chains, and the territory and the environment involved; 2) livestock production, the livestock chains and the related relations with the environment sustainability and the food safety; 3) precision farming systems and methods and management of the digital technologies associated.
Common learning objectives of the master degree are a deepening of the skills and knowledge on agriculture and its management both at farm and at territory level, and the acquisition of the ability of planning, implementing and manage the production processes and the technical innovations in a view of a safeguard of the environment and the territory.
The profile of the master graduate in Agricultural Sciences is an upgrade of that acquainted by the bachelor graduate in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies. He/she will be able to perform all the activities foreseen by the Professional Register of the Agronomists. The knowledge and the skills provided will enable the graduate in Agricultural Sciences to work, at planning and direction level, in the following sectors: crop-livestock productions, organization of the extension services, public and private administration, research and teaching; farm economic and administrative direction; integrated rural development projects; planning livestock structures/buildings; monitoring and safeguard of the rural territory; choice and set up of technical production plants; machine, plant and structure check and safety; planning agriculture mechanization and water management activities in the territory energy management in renewable energy systems; practices for environmental protection and sustainable agriculture; commercialization and marketing of agriculture commodities.
Particularly, the master graduate will have the following job opportunities, depending on the curriculum chosen within the degree course
Management - Managerial functions of direction and coordination: in farms and agricultural enterprises; in the agricultural sector of public institutions; in technical and commercial agricultural extension services. Moreover: private counselling in agricultural sectors.
Livestock systems - Managerial functions of direction and coordination: in livestock farms and agricultural enterprises linked to the livestock sector; in the livestock sector of public institutions; in technical and commercial livestock extension services. Moreover: private counselling in livestock sectors; research and development in private enterprises and research centres.
Precision farming - technical/professional services to support agricultural production; ICT (Information and communications technology) enterprises for agriculture (informatics, modelling, remote sensing, etc.); high innovation start-up for the agro-food sys; industry of agriculture precision technologies and farm machineries; technical and commercial support to farm adopting PF systems.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Course of study in Agricultural Sciences gives many opportunities for stages abroad mainly through the Erasmus+ programme. About 30 foreign Universities of the EU are involved in this students exchange. The areas of study which can be followed by the students abroad are almost all those included in this course of study. In general, students who make a stage abroad attend local courses or participate in research for the preparation of their thesis. The learning agreement is outlined in collaboration with the person in charge for the Erasmus of the degree program, as regards both the choice of courses and the organization of the internship at the partner university. Students must obtain the formal approval of the examinations that they intend to carry out at the host university from professors who hold equivalent or similar teachings at the University of Milan before completing the learning agreement. As regards experimental activities abroad, which can constitute part or the entire program of the internship, a letter of agreement from a professor of the partner university is required, along with the formal approval on the objectives, on the program and on the term of the internship by a professor of the degree program, who will also act as supervisor. Other possibilities exist in terms of cultural exchange with non EU universities (in China, Japan, Latin America) not involved in the Erasmus programme.
Course attendance is strongly recommended.
Admission requirements
Graduates in class L-25 (Agricultural sciences and technologies), as well as in the corresponding class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99, may access the programme if they have earned at least 30 credits in the following academic fields:
FIS/01 to FIS/07
MAT/01 to MAT/09
INF/01 - Computer science
SECS-S/01 - Statistics
CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
BIO/01 - General botany
BIO/02 - Systematic botany
BIO/03 - Environmental and applied botany
BIO/04 - Plant physiology
BIO/05 - Zoology
BIO/13 - Applied biology

Graduates from classes other than class L-25, who, in addition to 30 credits in the aforementioned academic fields, have earned at least 60 credits in the following academic fields, may also access the programme:
AGR/01 - Economy and rural appraisal
AGR/02 - Agronomy and herbaceous crops
AGR/03 - General arboriculture
AGR/04 - Horticulture and floriculture
AGR/07 - Agricultural genetics
AGR/08 - Agricultural hydraulics
AGR/09 - Agricultural mechanics
AGR/10 - Rural constructions and agro-forestry territory
AGR/11 - General and applied entomology
AGR/12 - Plant pathology
AGR/13 - Agricultural chemistry
AGR/15 - Food science and technology
AGR/16 - Agricultural microbiology
AGR/17 - General zootechnics and genetic improvement
AGR/18 - Animal nutrition and feeding
AGR/19 - Special zootechnics
AGR/20 - Zooculture
ICAR/06 - Topography and cartography
ICAR/15 - Landscape architecture
IUS/03 - Agricultural law
IUS/14 - European Union law
SECS-P/08 - Economics and business management
VET/01 - Anatomy of domestic animals
VET/02 - Veterinary physiology

Proficiency in English at a B1 level or higher, under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), is required for admission.
The B1-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B1, obtained no more than 3 years prior to submission (for the list of language certificates recognized by the University please refer to the website: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a Bachelor's degree programme through SLAM courses and tests. The test must have been passed within the last four years. Our offices will perform an internal check, without the applicant having to attach any statements;
- Placement test, delivered by SLAM.
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be invited to take the test through the admission procedure.
Candidates who do not sit or pass the placement test will have until 31 December to obtain and submit a recognized certificate to SLAM.
Students who do not meet the requirement by 31 December will not be admitted to the Master's degree programme and may not sit further tests.

Admission assessment
During application assessment, an admission board will evaluate the curricular requirements of the candidates and, if necessary, may ask for further documents.
The board may also highlight any shortcomings to be filled before the admission interview. The interviews will take place via videoconference. Connection details will be notified to the candidates within one week of the interview date.

Programme description and courses list
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Policy and Rural Appraisal 14 112 Italian AGR/01
- Agricultural policy6
- Rural appraisal8
Mechanization of Agricultural Processes 8 64 Italian AGR/09
- Meccanizzazione aziendale4
- Tecnologie avanzate per l'agricoltura4
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Experimental Methodologies in Agriculture 6 68 Italian AGR/17
Landscape Planning 8 80 Italian AGR/10
- Pianificazione del territorio4
- Progettazione del paesaggio4
Livestock, Environment and Food Safety 8 80 Italian AGR/18 AGR/19
- Zootecnia e ambiente4
- Zootecnia e sicurezza alimentare4
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cropping Systems 8 80 Italian AGR/02
Hydrology and Water Management for Agriculture 8 80 Italian AGR/08
- Gestione delle risorse idriche in agricoltura4
- Idrologia4
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Economics of Agricultural Markets 8 64 Italian AGR/01
- Mercati internazionali3
- Mercati nazionali5
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 22 0 Italian
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian AGR/02
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian AGR/01
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English AGR/17
Developing Soft Skills in Science: Case-Studies from Microbial Biotechnology 6 56 English AGR/16
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian AGR/09 AGR/19
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian AGR/10
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English AGR/01
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English IUS/10 IUS/14
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian AGR/18
- Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici2
- Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti4
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian VET/01
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian AGR/09 AGR/12
- Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione4
- Elementi di difesa di precisione4
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English AGR/18
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 4 32 Italian AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Impatto energetico0.75
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.5
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 24 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.5
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Diritti Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economicaImpatto energetico0.75
- Impatto energetico0.25
- Riciclo e bioeconomiaAccesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.25
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 6 48 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita1
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.75
- Impatto energetico1
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.75
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English AGR/11 AGR/12
- Unita' didattica 1: plant disease management3
- Unita' didattica 2: pest management3
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian AGR/12
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian AGR/19
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English AGR/04
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian AGR/18
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian AGR/09
Study plan rules
- Insegnamenti a scelta programmata

Gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata permettono allo studente di caratterizzare ulteriormente il profilo formativo, coerentemente al curriculum prescelto.
I 18 CFU relativi a tali insegnamenti si ottengono con tre esami da selezionare liberamente all'interno della tabella sottostante. Alcuni di questi (insegnamenti coordinati) propongono contenuti didattici integrati e per essi viene consigliata, anche se non è obbligatoria, la scelta a "pacchetto" di tre esami.
Il Collegio Didattico si riserva la possibilità di attivare solo gli insegnamenti coordinati che avranno raggiunto una soglia minima di scelte in fase di compilazione dei piani di studio.
Gli insegnamenti con titolo in inglese sono erogati esclusivamente in lingua inglese.

Agricoltura di precisione

1)Modellistica applicata all'agricoltura di precisione
2)Irrigazione di precisione
3)Applicazioni di campo dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 1: Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 2: Elementi di difesa di precisione


1)Marketing dei prodotti agroalimentari
2)Economia dell'innovazione in agricoltura
3)Economia delle risorse naturali


1)Ingegneria naturalistica
2)Rappresentazione informatica del territorio

Zootecnia di precisione

1)Alimentazione animale di precisione
- U.D. 1: Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti
- U.D. 2: Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici
2)Produzione, riproduzione e sanità animale: monitoraggio e gestione
3)Sensoristica e automazione per la zootecnia di precisione
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian year AGR/02
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian First semester AGR/01
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/01
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/10
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian First semester AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian First semester AGR/18
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian Second semester AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian Second semester AGR/09 AGR/12
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/18
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English Second semester AGR/11 AGR/12
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/12
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/04
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/09
- Insegnamenti a scelta libera

Il piano didattico comprende 9 CFU a libera scelta dello studente, da destinare ad insegnamenti selezionati nell'ambito di quelli attivati per il corso di laurea, compresi gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata, o nell'ambito degli altri corsi di laurea della Facoltà e dell'Ateneo, oppure da destinare ad altre attività formative valutabili in crediti. Ai fini dell'acquisizione dei 9 crediti a libera scelta il Collegio Didattico propone gli insegnamenti indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Tra le attività formative spendibili in quelle a libera scelta vi sono la partecipazione a seminari, convegni, corsi di aggiornamento, o ad altre attività organizzate dall'Ateneo o da un altro Ente, purché congruenti con il percorso formativo, di norma fino ad un massimo di 4 CFU. Il riconoscimento di crediti per queste attività deve essere preventivamente concordato col proprio docente tutor.
Rientrano poi tra queste attività i laboratori REE (Research-Enriched Education) (3 CFU) che il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali attiva di anno in anno. Con tali laboratori si intende sviluppare un approccio culturale alla didattica in cui i docenti prendano parte al processo di innovazione delle metodologie didattiche focalizzato sullo studente e sull'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie, avviando progetti di sperimentazione di insegnamenti che adottino una didattica innovativa finalizzata all'integrazione didattica/ricerca.
Tali laboratori prevedono mediamente 6 giornate di esercitazioni e lavoro applicato in laboratorio o in campo (es. aziende agricole didattico sperimentali di UNIMI) sotto la supervisione di personale docente e non docente, con brevi introduzioni metodologiche alle attività in programma.
Le basi conoscitive alle quali i laboratori REE fanno riferimento sono parte dei programmi dei corsi che gli studenti hanno già svolto o che svolgeranno successivamente.
I laboratori REE attivati per l'a.a. 2022-2023 sono indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English First semester AGR/17
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian First semester AGR/09 AGR/19
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English First semester AGR/01
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian Second semester VET/01
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian Second semester AGR/19
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English Second semester AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian Second semester AGR/18
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Policy and Rural Appraisal 14 112 Italian AGR/01
- Agricultural policy6
- Rural appraisal8
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Equipment, Plants and Machinery for Livestock Production 8 88 Italian AGR/09 AGR/10
- Gestione dei reflui zootecnici4
- Meccanizzazione degli allevamenti zootecnici2
- Strutture per gli allevamenti zootecnici2
Experimental Methodologies in Agriculture 6 68 Italian AGR/17
Livestock, Environment and Food Safety 8 80 Italian AGR/18 AGR/19
- Zootecnia e ambiente4
- Zootecnia e sicurezza alimentare4
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cropping Systems 8 80 Italian AGR/02
Genetics and Animal Reproduction 10 96 Italian AGR/17 VET/01
- Miglioramento genetico e biotecnologie in zootecnia6
- Tecnologie della riproduzione animale4
Rabbit, Poultry and Aquaculture Productions 8 64 Italian AGR/20
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Feed Formulation and Production Technologies 6 60 Italian AGR/18
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 22 0 Italian
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian AGR/02
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian AGR/01
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English AGR/17
Developing Soft Skills in Science: Case-Studies from Microbial Biotechnology 6 56 English AGR/16
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian AGR/09 AGR/19
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian AGR/10
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English AGR/01
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English IUS/10 IUS/14
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian AGR/18
- Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici2
- Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti4
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian VET/01
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian AGR/09 AGR/12
- Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione4
- Elementi di difesa di precisione4
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English AGR/18
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 24 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.5
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Diritti Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economicaImpatto energetico0.75
- Impatto energetico0.25
- Riciclo e bioeconomiaAccesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.25
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 4 32 Italian AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Impatto energetico0.75
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.5
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 6 48 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita1
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.75
- Impatto energetico1
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.75
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English AGR/11 AGR/12
- Unita' didattica 1: plant disease management3
- Unita' didattica 2: pest management3
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian AGR/12
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian AGR/19
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English AGR/04
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian AGR/18
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian AGR/09
Study plan rules
- Insegnamenti a scelta programmata

Gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata permettono allo studente di caratterizzare ulteriormente il profilo formativo, coerentemente al curriculum prescelto.
I 18 CFU relativi a tali insegnamenti si ottengono con tre esami da selezionare liberamente all'interno della tabella sottostante. Alcuni di questi (insegnamenti coordinati) propongono contenuti didattici integrati e per essi viene consigliata, anche se non è obbligatoria, la scelta a "pacchetto" di tre esami.
Il Collegio Didattico si riserva la possibilità di attivare solo gli insegnamenti coordinati che avranno raggiunto una soglia minima di scelte in fase di compilazione dei piani di studio.
Gli insegnamenti con titolo in inglese sono erogati esclusivamente in lingua inglese.

Agricoltura di precisione

1)Modellistica applicata all'agricoltura di precisione
2)Irrigazione di precisione
3)Applicazioni di campo dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 1: Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 2: Elementi di difesa di precisione


1)Marketing dei prodotti agroalimentari
2)Economia dell'innovazione in agricoltura
3)Economia delle risorse naturali


1)Ingegneria naturalistica
2)Rappresentazione informatica del territorio

Zootecnia di precisione

1)Alimentazione animale di precisione
- U.D. 1: Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti
- U.D. 2: Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici
2)Produzione, riproduzione e sanità animale: monitoraggio e gestione
3)Sensoristica e automazione per la zootecnia di precisione
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian year AGR/02
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian First semester AGR/01
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/01
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/10
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian First semester AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian First semester AGR/18
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian Second semester AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian Second semester AGR/09 AGR/12
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/18
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English Second semester AGR/11 AGR/12
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/12
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/04
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/09
- Insegnamenti a scelta libera

Il piano didattico comprende 9 CFU a libera scelta dello studente, da destinare ad insegnamenti selezionati nell'ambito di quelli attivati per il corso di laurea, compresi gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata, o nell'ambito degli altri corsi di laurea della Facoltà e dell'Ateneo, oppure da destinare ad altre attività formative valutabili in crediti. Ai fini dell'acquisizione dei 9 crediti a libera scelta il Collegio Didattico propone gli insegnamenti indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Tra le attività formative spendibili in quelle a libera scelta vi sono la partecipazione a seminari, convegni, corsi di aggiornamento, o ad altre attività organizzate dall'Ateneo o da un altro Ente, purché congruenti con il percorso formativo, di norma fino ad un massimo di 4 CFU. Il riconoscimento di crediti per queste attività deve essere preventivamente concordato col proprio docente tutor.
Rientrano poi tra queste attività i laboratori REE (Research-Enriched Education) (3 CFU) che il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali attiva di anno in anno. Con tali laboratori si intende sviluppare un approccio culturale alla didattica in cui i docenti prendano parte al processo di innovazione delle metodologie didattiche focalizzato sullo studente e sull'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie, avviando progetti di sperimentazione di insegnamenti che adottino una didattica innovativa finalizzata all'integrazione didattica/ricerca.
Tali laboratori prevedono mediamente 6 giornate di esercitazioni e lavoro applicato in laboratorio o in campo (es. aziende agricole didattico sperimentali di UNIMI) sotto la supervisione di personale docente e non docente, con brevi introduzioni metodologiche alle attività in programma.
Le basi conoscitive alle quali i laboratori REE fanno riferimento sono parte dei programmi dei corsi che gli studenti hanno già svolto o che svolgeranno successivamente.
I laboratori REE attivati per l'a.a. 2022-2023 sono indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English First semester AGR/17
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian First semester AGR/09 AGR/19
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English First semester AGR/01
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian Second semester VET/01
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian Second semester AGR/19
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English Second semester AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian Second semester AGR/18
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Agricultural Policy and Rural Appraisal 14 112 Italian AGR/01
- Agricultural policy6
- Rural appraisal8
Geomatics in Agriculture 8 72 Italian AGR/08 ICAR/06
- Analisi della variabilità spaziale in agricoltura4
- Telerilevamento per l'agricoltura4
Mechanization of Agricultural Processes 8 64 Italian AGR/09
- Meccanizzazione aziendale4
- Tecnologie avanzate per l'agricoltura4
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Experimental Methodologies in Agriculture 6 68 Italian AGR/17
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cropping Systems 8 80 Italian AGR/02
Hydrology and Irrigation Systems for Agriculture 8 80 Italian AGR/08
- Idrologia4
- Progettazione e gestione degli impianti di irrigazione4
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Machinery, Plants and Equipment for Precision Farming 8 72 Italian AGR/09 AGR/10
- Controllo delle condizioni ambientali in zootecnia di precisione4
- Macchine e impianti per l'agricoltura di precisione4
Precision Farming 8 72 Italian AGR/02 AGR/19
- Agronomia di precisione4
- Controllo del benessere animale4
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 22 0 Italian
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian AGR/02
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian AGR/01
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English AGR/17
Developing Soft Skills in Science: Case-Studies from Microbial Biotechnology 6 56 English AGR/16
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian AGR/09 AGR/19
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian AGR/10
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English AGR/01
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 48 English IUS/10 IUS/14
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian AGR/18
- Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici2
- Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti4
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian VET/01
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian AGR/09 AGR/12
- Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione4
- Elementi di difesa di precisione4
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English AGR/18
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 3 24 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.5
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Diritti Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economicaImpatto energetico0.75
- Impatto energetico0.25
- Riciclo e bioeconomiaAccesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita0.25
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 4 32 Italian AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Impatto energetico0.75
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.5
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 6 48 Italian AGR/01 AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Accesso al cibo; qualità del cibo; stili di vita1
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.75
- Impatto energetico1
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.75
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian AGR/03
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English AGR/11 AGR/12
- Unita' didattica 1: plant disease management3
- Unita' didattica 2: pest management3
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian AGR/12
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian AGR/19
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English AGR/04
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian AGR/18
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian AGR/09
Study plan rules
- Insegnamenti a scelta programmata

Gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata permettono allo studente di caratterizzare ulteriormente il profilo formativo, coerentemente al curriculum prescelto.
I 18 CFU relativi a tali insegnamenti si ottengono con tre esami da selezionare liberamente all'interno della tabella sottostante. Alcuni di questi (insegnamenti coordinati) propongono contenuti didattici integrati e per essi viene consigliata, anche se non è obbligatoria, la scelta a "pacchetto" di tre esami.
Il Collegio Didattico si riserva la possibilità di attivare solo gli insegnamenti coordinati che avranno raggiunto una soglia minima di scelte in fase di compilazione dei piani di studio.
Gli insegnamenti con titolo in inglese sono erogati esclusivamente in lingua inglese.

Agricoltura di precisione

1)Modellistica applicata all'agricoltura di precisione
2)Irrigazione di precisione
3)Applicazioni di campo dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 1: Applicazione delle tecnologie dell'agricoltura di precisione
- U.D. 2: Elementi di difesa di precisione


1)Marketing dei prodotti agroalimentari
2)Economia dell'innovazione in agricoltura
3)Economia delle risorse naturali


1)Ingegneria naturalistica
2)Rappresentazione informatica del territorio

Zootecnia di precisione

1)Alimentazione animale di precisione
- U.D. 1: Alimentazione di precisione dei ruminanti
- U.D. 2: Alimentazione di precisione dei monogastrici
2)Produzione, riproduzione e sanità animale: monitoraggio e gestione
3)Sensoristica e automazione per la zootecnia di precisione
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Simulation Modelling for Precision Agriculture 5 68 Italian year AGR/02
Advanced Dairy Technologies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/15
Agri-Food Marketing 6 64 Italian First semester AGR/01
Economics of Innovation in Agriculture 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/01
Gis (Geographical Information System) for Rural Landscape 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/10
Precision Irrigation 5 60 Italian First semester AGR/08
Precision Livestock Feeding 6 72 Italian First semester AGR/18
Production and Quality of Fish Products 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/20
Production, Reproduction and Animal Health: Monitoring and Management 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/19
Soil Bioengineering 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/08
Tree Growing Strategies 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Economics of Natural Resources 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/01
Energy for Agriculture 6 60 Italian Second semester AGR/09
Field Applications of Precision Agriculture 8 88 Italian Second semester AGR/09 AGR/12
International Cooperation and Crop-Livestock Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/18
Plant Disease and Pest Management 6 56 English Second semester AGR/11 AGR/12
Plant Protection Management 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/12
Protected Cultivation Systems 6 56 English Second semester AGR/04
Sensors and Automation for Precision Livestock 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/09
- Insegnamenti a scelta libera

Il piano didattico comprende 9 CFU a libera scelta dello studente, da destinare ad insegnamenti selezionati nell'ambito di quelli attivati per il corso di laurea, compresi gli insegnamenti a scelta programmata, o nell'ambito degli altri corsi di laurea della Facoltà e dell'Ateneo, oppure da destinare ad altre attività formative valutabili in crediti. Ai fini dell'acquisizione dei 9 crediti a libera scelta il Collegio Didattico propone gli insegnamenti indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Tra le attività formative spendibili in quelle a libera scelta vi sono la partecipazione a seminari, convegni, corsi di aggiornamento, o ad altre attività organizzate dall'Ateneo o da un altro Ente, purché congruenti con il percorso formativo, di norma fino ad un massimo di 4 CFU. Il riconoscimento di crediti per queste attività deve essere preventivamente concordato col proprio docente tutor.
Rientrano poi tra queste attività i laboratori REE (Research-Enriched Education) (3 CFU) che il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali attiva di anno in anno. Con tali laboratori si intende sviluppare un approccio culturale alla didattica in cui i docenti prendano parte al processo di innovazione delle metodologie didattiche focalizzato sullo studente e sull'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie, avviando progetti di sperimentazione di insegnamenti che adottino una didattica innovativa finalizzata all'integrazione didattica/ricerca.
Tali laboratori prevedono mediamente 6 giornate di esercitazioni e lavoro applicato in laboratorio o in campo (es. aziende agricole didattico sperimentali di UNIMI) sotto la supervisione di personale docente e non docente, con brevi introduzioni metodologiche alle attività in programma.
Le basi conoscitive alle quali i laboratori REE fanno riferimento sono parte dei programmi dei corsi che gli studenti hanno già svolto o che svolgeranno successivamente.
I laboratori REE attivati per l'a.a. 2022-2023 sono indicati nella tabella sottostante.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cytogenetic of Livestock 4 48 English First semester AGR/17
Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems 4 40 Italian First semester AGR/09 AGR/19
Marketing to Breeding 6 48 English First semester AGR/01
Tree Propagation and Nursery Industry 6 56 Italian First semester AGR/03
Animal Morphology and Physiology (upgrade) 4 36 Italian Second semester VET/01
Multimedia Communication Laboratory in Agriculture 4 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03 AGR/19
Planning and Realization of Urban Green Spaces 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/03
Precision Dairy Farming 3 40 Italian Second semester AGR/19
Quality and Genuineness of Milk and Dairy Products 6 64 English Second semester AGR/15
Ree Rumen - Precision Feeding for the Environment: Rumen, Methane, and Nutrition 3 44 Italian Second semester AGR/18
Learn more
Tutor per i piani di studio:
lettera iniziale cognome studenti A-B: Prof.ssa Luisa Maria Pellegrino
lettera iniziale cognome studenti C: Prof. Pietro Marino Gallina
lettera iniziale cognome studenti D-E-F: Prof.ssa Alessia Perego
lettera iniziale cognome studenti G-H-I-K-L: Prof.ssa Noemi Negrini
lettera iniziale cognome studenti M-N: Prof. Roberto Pretolani
lettera iniziale cognome studenti O-P: Prof. Aldo Calcante
lettera iniziale cognome studenti Q-R: Prof.ssa Arianna Facchi
lettera iniziale cognome studenti S-T: Prof. Salvatore Roberto Pilu
lettera iniziale cognome studenti U-V-Z: Prof. Luca Rapetti

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more