Energy for Agriculture

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course analyzes from the engineering point of wiew the most important solutions to produce energy in agriculture, using renewable sources.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the energy production technologies based on Renewable Sources.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The teaching program does not change, as well as the reference material. Teaching is delivered remotely in synchronous mode, with the help of the MSTeams platform, following the timetables defined by the Didactic Secretariat. The methods for verifying learning and the related assessment criteria remain unchanged.
Course syllabus
ENERGY - Production and consumption of energy in the world. Environmental impact of energy production. Renewables sources. Agriculture and energy production.
BIOMASS ENERGY SOURCE - Biomass definition and characteristics. Biomass from crops and animal; processing residues and wastes.
ENERGY CHAINS FOR BIOENERGY - Thermochemical processes (combustion, gasification, pyrolysis). The biofuels supply chain. Plants for biomass combustion and gasification. Investments and managing costs.
ENERGY CHAINS FOR BIOFUELS - Biochemical processes and extraction of vegetable oil. The organic matter supply chain. Anaeobica Digestion plants (biogas and biomethane). Plants for pure vegetable oil and biodiesel production. Investments and managing costs.
SUN - Solar energy: features and availability. Plants for the production of electricity (solar photovoltaic) and heat (solar thermal).
WATER - Hydraulic energy: characteristics and availability. Hydroelectric and mini-hydro plants.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY - Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach and methodology. Study Cases.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge about: energy sector, agricultural mechanisation and cropping systems are useful for students interested to the course. There are no differences between students attending and not attending the course.
Teaching methods
The course lasts 60 hours and follows the timetable established by the Didactic Secretariat for the Degree Course. The total 6 ECTS are composed of 4.5 ECTS of Frontal Lessons and 1.5 ECTS of Classroom Exercises. The teaching is provided through the projection of slides. Attendance at the course is recommended.
Teaching Resources
The materials utilized during the Lessons and Class-room Practices are downloading (.pdf format) from Unimi-ARIEL 2.0 website. There are no differences between students attending and not attending the course.
Referral texts (not mandatory and available in the library):
- "Energia da biomasse agricole", di M. Fiala, Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 978-88-387-7090-6
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams are oral, including calculation aspects; the use of calculators is therefore permitted. During the course exercises are carried out aimed at solving technical problems that can be found in the operational practice and the passing of the exam.
The evaluation, related to the entire course, is carried out in thirtieths.
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Fiala Marco
From Monday to Wednesday , h. 2.00-4.00 pm (by appointment)
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Production, Landscape, Agroenerggy