Production and Quality of Fish Products
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The main goal is to provide students the essential knowledge about world market of fish products, biology and production techniques of the main fish species. In particular, the chemical-physical characteristics of the water, the biology of aquatic species, the reproduction, the rearing systems, the nutritional requirements, the feeding techniques and the effects of different rearing parameters on the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of fish, molluscs and shellfish will be discussed.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquisition, also through laboratory activities and technical visits at fish farms and processing plants, of specific skills and critical sense useful for operating in the aquaculture and fish product sectors. The student will also acquire the knowledge necessary to identify the main farmed and caught aquatic species and to evaluate the quality and freshness of fish products.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The program is structured as follows:
- general aspects of fishing and aquaculture and production and consumption of fish and fish products in Italy and in the world; processing, packaging and labelling of seafood products (½ ECTS)
- basic aspects of systematic and biology of fish species; identification of the most important aquatic species for human consumption; nutrition and feeding (1 ECTS)
- description of different production systems used in aquaculture; characteristics of the systems and equipment for rearing; chemical and physical characteristics of water and water management (1 ECTS)
- production of sea bass and sea bream; production of trout and salmon; production of sturgeon and ell; production of alternative fish species; rearing techniques of molluscs and crustaceans (2 ECTS)
- aquaculture for conservation of wild fish populations; aquaculture in the developing country and production techniques of tilapia (½ ECTS)
- nutritive values of fish and aquaculture products and factors affecting quality; evaluation of quality parameters of fish product; environmental impact of intensive rearing (1 ECTS)
- general aspects of fishing and aquaculture and production and consumption of fish and fish products in Italy and in the world; processing, packaging and labelling of seafood products (½ ECTS)
- basic aspects of systematic and biology of fish species; identification of the most important aquatic species for human consumption; nutrition and feeding (1 ECTS)
- description of different production systems used in aquaculture; characteristics of the systems and equipment for rearing; chemical and physical characteristics of water and water management (1 ECTS)
- production of sea bass and sea bream; production of trout and salmon; production of sturgeon and ell; production of alternative fish species; rearing techniques of molluscs and crustaceans (2 ECTS)
- aquaculture for conservation of wild fish populations; aquaculture in the developing country and production techniques of tilapia (½ ECTS)
- nutritive values of fish and aquaculture products and factors affecting quality; evaluation of quality parameters of fish product; environmental impact of intensive rearing (1 ECTS)
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of biology, animal anatomy and physiology and animal husbandry and feeding.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson; seminars, case studies and student involvement with the aim to study in depth and verify the topics. Students are recommended to attend lessons.
Teaching Resources
Notes from the lessons. Power Point slides used during the lessons, multi-medial documents, scientific articles and links to websites downloadable from the online course on the Ariel Platform.
Specific textbooks
Cataudella S., Bronzi P. 2002 - Acquacoltura responsabile.
Baruchelli G. 2007 - Tecniche di allevamento e trasformazione della trota - Istituto Agrario San Michele all'Adige.
Ferrari P., Roncarati R., Dees A. 2003 -Tecnologie e strutture per impianti di acquacoltura e di pesca sportiva - GREENTIME Ed.
Webster C.D., Lim C.E. 2002 - Nutrient requirements and feeding of finfish for aquaculture
Manuale europeo di acquacoltura. 2014 - Relazione finale Progetto finanziato dalla Comunità Europea FISHFARM.
Specific textbooks
Cataudella S., Bronzi P. 2002 - Acquacoltura responsabile.
Baruchelli G. 2007 - Tecniche di allevamento e trasformazione della trota - Istituto Agrario San Michele all'Adige.
Ferrari P., Roncarati R., Dees A. 2003 -Tecnologie e strutture per impianti di acquacoltura e di pesca sportiva - GREENTIME Ed.
Webster C.D., Lim C.E. 2002 - Nutrient requirements and feeding of finfish for aquaculture
Manuale europeo di acquacoltura. 2014 - Relazione finale Progetto finanziato dalla Comunità Europea FISHFARM.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam and the evaluation is expressed by a vote out of thirty. Students will have to demonstrate, also through Power Point presentation of a topic discussed during the lessons, theoretical knowledge and capability of critically analysing the different production systems used in aquaculture and nutritive values of fish and aquaculture products.
Lessons: 48 hours
Toschi Ivan