Environmental Impact of Agro-Food Production Systems
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
Provide information about principles and methodologies, with particular regard to the Life Cycle Assessment, for the evaluation of emissions, consumptions (materials and energy) and related environmental impacts of some agricultural production processes.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge about the environmental impact assessment of agricultural production processes and the identification of key-processes and potential mitigation strategies.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
The current direction is to deliver all the teaching activities (theoretical and practical lessons and exams) in presence in the Città Studi campus. Based on the future Covid-19 public health situation and the Rectoral Decrees in force, different indication will be eventually communicated in the Master Degree website.
Course syllabus
Definition of "sustainability" and its meaning for agro-food and agro-energy production systems
Description of the most updated methods for environmental impact assessment: (i) energy indicators, (ii) Life Cycle Assessment
Case studies of the main Italian agricultural processes
1 - Environmental sustainability: definition, different aspects of sustainability, Why to measure the sustainability? Issues and challenges of sustainability assessment
2 - Indicator of energetic performance: applicability and limits, the indexes EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) and CED (Cumulative Energy Demand);
3 Life Cycle Assessment. The holistic approach of life cycle: plus and minus, Why and when to apply LCA. The 4 steps of LCA:
GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION. Functional unit: definition, significance, applicative examples; System boundary: background, foreground and core processes, allocation
LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY. Inventory data collection: primary data (directly collected and measured) secondary data (databases and modelling of the main emissions sources of agricultural activities);
LCIA. Conversion of inventory data in environmental impact, selection of the impact categories, characterization and normalisation, sensitivity analysis; DATA INTERPRETATION: identification of environmental key-process for impact mitigation.
4 - Case studies and applicative examples of environmental impact assessment of: i) Cereal cultivation (maize and rice); ii) field operations; iii) dairy process (milk and cheese production), iv) beef production v) renewable energy production from biomass
Description of the most updated methods for environmental impact assessment: (i) energy indicators, (ii) Life Cycle Assessment
Case studies of the main Italian agricultural processes
1 - Environmental sustainability: definition, different aspects of sustainability, Why to measure the sustainability? Issues and challenges of sustainability assessment
2 - Indicator of energetic performance: applicability and limits, the indexes EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) and CED (Cumulative Energy Demand);
3 Life Cycle Assessment. The holistic approach of life cycle: plus and minus, Why and when to apply LCA. The 4 steps of LCA:
GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION. Functional unit: definition, significance, applicative examples; System boundary: background, foreground and core processes, allocation
LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY. Inventory data collection: primary data (directly collected and measured) secondary data (databases and modelling of the main emissions sources of agricultural activities);
LCIA. Conversion of inventory data in environmental impact, selection of the impact categories, characterization and normalisation, sensitivity analysis; DATA INTERPRETATION: identification of environmental key-process for impact mitigation.
4 - Case studies and applicative examples of environmental impact assessment of: i) Cereal cultivation (maize and rice); ii) field operations; iii) dairy process (milk and cheese production), iv) beef production v) renewable energy production from biomass
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the main agro-food chains
Teaching methods
Traditional Lectures (3 CFU)
Practices in classroom, homework, case study analysis (1 CFU).
Practices in classroom, homework, case study analysis (1 CFU).
Teaching Resources
Slides and videos on Ariel website
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Bacenetti Jacopo, Zucali Maddalena Enrica
Wednesday from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm (appointment must be fixed within the previous Friday)