Economics of Natural Resources
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide students with the tools necessary for an economic problem analysis of natural resources. In particular, the training is subdivided into a first phase where the conceptual framework of reference is presented, therefore different issues related to specific natural resources (air, soil, water, biodiversity) are dealt with under both the regulatory and the evaluative profile.
Expected learning outcomes
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
The lessons will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed both synchronously on the basis of the second semester schedule and asynchronously because they will be recorded and left available to students on the same platform.
Program and reference material
The program and reference material will not change.
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place in written form in the presence.
In particular, the exam will be aimed at:
- ascertaining the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertaining the ability to critically interpret economic-political phenomena on the basis of acquired skills;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language and the ability to present the arguments in a clear and orderly way.
Program and reference material
The program and reference material will not change.
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place in written form in the presence.
In particular, the exam will be aimed at:
- ascertaining the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertaining the ability to critically interpret economic-political phenomena on the basis of acquired skills;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language and the ability to present the arguments in a clear and orderly way.
Course syllabus
CFU n.1. The production system extended to exchanges with the environment. Comparison between the linear economic production system and the circular economic system. The role of natural resources in the economic system.
CFU n.2. Market goods and public goods. Environmental goods and resource allocation. Market failure. Property rights. Concept of externality.
CFU n.3. Economic analysis of environmental externalities. Coase theorem. The "polluter pays" principle. Analysis of economic and non-economic instruments for controlling externalities.
In-depth analysis: Environmental externalities in agriculture and effects on natural resources (soil and water)
CFU n.4. Economic analysis of natural resources. Interpretative models of the use of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Deepening: Natural resources, economic development and the "resource curse".
CFU n.5. The value of the environment. Monetary and non-monetary valuations. Willingness to pay. Total economic value.
In-depth analysis: Experimental methods for evaluating non-market goods.
CFU n.6. Economic analysis of investments with inclusion of environmental effects. Cost-benefit analysis. Environmental costs and benefits. Evaluation criteria.
In-depth analysis: simulation of a case of cost-benefit analysis.
CFU n.2. Market goods and public goods. Environmental goods and resource allocation. Market failure. Property rights. Concept of externality.
CFU n.3. Economic analysis of environmental externalities. Coase theorem. The "polluter pays" principle. Analysis of economic and non-economic instruments for controlling externalities.
In-depth analysis: Environmental externalities in agriculture and effects on natural resources (soil and water)
CFU n.4. Economic analysis of natural resources. Interpretative models of the use of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Deepening: Natural resources, economic development and the "resource curse".
CFU n.5. The value of the environment. Monetary and non-monetary valuations. Willingness to pay. Total economic value.
In-depth analysis: Experimental methods for evaluating non-market goods.
CFU n.6. Economic analysis of investments with inclusion of environmental effects. Cost-benefit analysis. Environmental costs and benefits. Evaluation criteria.
In-depth analysis: simulation of a case of cost-benefit analysis.
Prerequisites for admission
Microeconomics knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
The teaching is divided into lessons (5 ECTS) and exercises (1 ECTS). The exercises are aimed at the practical application of case studies.
The teaching material is deposited on the Ariel platform (slides, case studies, in-depth articles).
Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.
The teaching material is deposited on the Ariel platform (slides, case studies, in-depth articles).
Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Recommended Texts:
· R.K. Turner, D.W. Pearce, I. Bateman, Environmental Economics: An Elementary Introduction, Johns Hopkins Univ Pr. The text will be a reference for the most theoretical part of the teaching
· Slides presented to the course
· Handouts and documents distributed during teaching. This material will mainly be an aid for the analysis of case studies.
· R.K. Turner, D.W. Pearce, I. Bateman, Environmental Economics: An Elementary Introduction, Johns Hopkins Univ Pr. The text will be a reference for the most theoretical part of the teaching
· Slides presented to the course
· Handouts and documents distributed during teaching. This material will mainly be an aid for the analysis of case studies.
Assessment methods and Criteria
A written test is scheduled at the end of the course.
The test consists of a written report in which the student exposes the application of a technique acquired during teaching and provides a critical evaluation of the results.
The expected duration of the test is 2 hours.
The test consists of a written report in which the student exposes the application of a technique acquired during teaching and provides a critical evaluation of the results.
The expected duration of the test is 2 hours.
Lessons: 48 hours
Mazzocchi Chiara, Sali Guido
By appointment.
Celoria 2, Engineering building, office tel. 16488
by appointment