Independent Evaluation Unit
Based on Laws no. 370/1999 and 240/2010, and on the University Statute (art. 28), the Independent Evaluation Unit supervises:
- the quality in teaching;
- the research activity carried out by departments;
- the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative services;
- the consistency of the scientific or professional curriculum of contract lecturers (titolari dei contratti di insegnamento as per art. 23(1) of Law 240/2010).
Furthermore, the Independent Evaluation Unit ensures the proper implementation of the Quality Assurance system and expresses a binding opinion on whether initial requirements for new Study Programmes are met (Ministerial Decree no. 6/2019). Lastly, the Independent Evaluation Unit assesses offices and staff, with the aim of promoting merit and improving organizational and individual performance (Article 14 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).

Read about the student survey.
Internal members:
- Prof. Giuseppe Arconzo (President), full professor in academic field GE0/02 - GIUR-05/A-Diritto costituzionale e pubblico at theDiritto Pubblico Italiano e Sovranazionale Department
- Prof.ssa Rossana Guglielmetti, associate professor in academic field L-FIL-LET/08 - Medieval and Humanistic latin literature at the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics
- Prof.ssa Claudia Moscheni, associate professor in academic field BIOS-12/A - Anatomia umana at the Department of Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
External members:
- Prof. Raffaele Miniaci, full professor in academic field SECS-P/01 - Political Economy at the University of Brescia
- Prof. Giovanni Valotti, full professor in academic field SECS-P/07 - Business Economics, at University Bocconi” di Milano
- Prof. Guido Capaldo, full professor in Ingegneria Economico Gestionale pat l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Dott.ssa Marcella Gargano, Direttrice Generale della Direzione generale delle istituzioni della formazione superiore del Ministero dell’università e della ricerca
- Dott. Walter Bergamaschi, Direttore Generale dell’Agenzia di Tutela della Salute (ATS) della Città Metropolitana di Milano
Student representative:
- Mr. Paolo Vittorio Guglielmi
The Independent Evaluation Unit works side by side with a support office, which is part of the Performance, Quality Assurance, Assessment and Open Science Policy Division and also assists the activities of the Quality Assurance Board.
This support office acts as a secretariat to the Independent Evaluation Unit and contributes to drawing up the annual reports on:
- the University's financial statements
- student opinion surveys
- the Self-Assessment, Periodic Assessment and Accreditation system (more commonly known as AVA system)
- the overall performance of the assessment system, and the transparency and integrity of internal controls.
The office also assists in the drafting of opinions and other documents requested to the Independent Evaluation Unit in its capacity of OIV (Independent Evaluation Body, from the Italian Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione). These documents include:
- an opinion on the Performance Measurement and Evaluation System;
- a statement of compliance with publication requirements;
- a draft performance evaluation of the Director General;
- a formal approval of the Performance Report;
- a report on the overall performance of the assessment system, and the transparency and integrity of internal controls.
Furthermore, the office contributes to checking the professional and scientific background of contract lecturers as defined in art. 23, paragraph 1 of Law 240/2010.
Lastly, it supports accreditation activities for study programmes and PhDs, including by organising the Independent Evaluation Unit hearings on study programmes, PhDs and departments, and by taking the minutes of such hearings.
Wednesday, February 12 - meeting
Monday, March 10 - audition
Tuesday, March 11- meeting
Monday, April 14 - meeting
Monday, May 12 - audition
Tuesday, May 13 - meeting
Monday, May 19 - audition
Thursday, June 12 - meeting
Monday, July 7 - meeting
Monday, September 22 - meeting
The Independent Evaluation Unit examines during each monthly session only the documentation received by the Support Office at least ten days before the session ([email protected]).