University Statute

The Statute is the main regulatory act of the University and establishes its organization and operating rules. 

Issue and entry into force

  • Issued by Rector's Decree on 15 March 2012
  • Published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic no. 73 of 27 March 2012
  • Entered into force on 11 April 2012

Latest amendments (2020)

  • Amended by Rector's Decree on 4 May 2020
  • Published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic no. 125 of 16 May 2020.
  • The amendments entered into force on 31 May 2020

CHAPTER I - General Rules

Art. 1 - Guiding principles and purposes
Art. 2 - Freedom and promotion of research
Art. 3 - Freedom and purpose of teaching
Art. 4 - Collaborations
Art. 5 - Funding and resource planning
Art. 6 - Entities and foundations supporting university activities
Art. 7 - Organizational and administrative principles
Art. 8 - Work environment, non-discrimination and equal opportunities
Art. 9 - Historical, artistic, natural and cultural heritage
Art. 10 - Cultural, sporting and recreational activities, freedom of association and assembly
Art. 11 - Principles of conduct and Code of ethics

CHAPTER II - Regulatory sources 

Art. 12 - Statute
Art. 13 - Regulations
Art. 14 - University General Regulations
Art. 15 - University Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting
Art. 16 - University Teaching Regulations
Art. 17 - Rules for the calls for professors
Art. 18 - Regulations on academic duties of professors and researchers
Art. 19 - Regulations for the awarding of fixed-term research contracts
Art. 20 - Regulations for the awarding of research grants
Art. 21 - Regulations for the awarding of teaching agreements
Art. 22 - Regulations of Departments
Art. 23 - Regulations of Faculties and Schools
Art. 24 - Other Regulations on teaching, research and services

CHAPTER III - Governance

Art. 25 - Rector
Art. 26 - Academic Senate
Art. 27 - Board of Directors
Art. 28 - Independent Evaluation Unit
Art. 29 - Board of Auditors
Art. 30 - Student Conference
Art. 31 - University Council
Art. 32 - Ethics Committee
Art. 33 - Disciplinary Board
Art. 34 - Equal opportunity, employee well-being and anti-discrimination Committee
Art. 35 - Student rights authority

CHAPTER IV - Teaching and scientific facilities and activities

Art. 36 - Department functions and duties
Art. 37 - Department establishment and staff
Art. 38 - Departmental bodies
Art. 39 - Teaching duties and degree programme management
Art. 40 - Faculties and Schools
Art. 41 - Doctoral programmes and schools
Art. 42 - Postgraduate schools
Art. 43 - University masters courses
Art. 44 - Specialization courses and ongoing education
Art. 45 - Teaching and additional teaching services
Art. 46 - Interuniversity and framework-agreement teaching initiatives 

CHAPTER V - Service centres and facilities

Art. 47 - University centres
Art. 48 - Interdepartmental research centres
Art. 49 - Functional centres
Art. 50 - Service centres
Art. 51 - Affiliated research centres
Art. 52 - University spin-offs
Art. 53 - Interuniversity centres and consortia
Art. 54 - University library system
Art. 55 - Historical, cultural and natural heritage
Art. 56 - University sports committee

CHAPTER VI - Administrative and human resources organization

Art. 57 - Organization and functions of the Administration
Art. 58 - General manager
Art. 59 - Management and managerial responsibilities
Art. 60 - Technical and administrative staff
Art. 61 - Professional training, qualification and updating 

CHAPTER VII - Final provisions

Art. 62 - Elected functions
Art. 63 - Incompatibility
Art. 64 - Operation of governing bodies
Art. 65 - Deadlines for internal opinions
Art. 66 - Indemnity
Art. 67 - Academic calendar
Art. 68 - Transitional rules
Art. 69 - Repeal rules