Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics and for Research Integrity shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following that of its publication on the University website (12 January 2024).

The Code of Ethics:

  • determines the fundamental values of the university community,
  • promotes the recognition and respect of individual rights, as well as the acceptance of duties and responsibilities towards the Institution, both by teachers and staff and by students,
  • dictates the rules of conduct within the community.

The rules are aimed at avoiding all forms of discrimination and abuse, as well as regulating cases of conflict of interest or intellectual property.


  • Issued by Rector's Decree on 19 July 2011
  • Issued by Rector's Decree on 18 January 2019 (the new version of the Code of Ethics includes and updates the 2011 text, giving ample space to Research Integrity, which features among the duties of the Ethics Committee pursuant to the Rector's Decree of 20 July 2014).


Chapter I - General rules and principles
Art. 1 - Academic freedom
Art. 2 - Equal consideration and respect
Art. 3 - General duties of University members
Art. 4 - Skills development and merit recognition
Art. 5 - Abuse of power
Art. 6 - Collaboration with external entities
Art. 7 - Incompatibility and conflict of interest
Art. 8 - Use of the University's name and logo
Art. 9 - Use of University resources and environmental sustainability
Art. 10 - University duties

Chapter II - Teaching activities
Art. 11 - Basic principles for teaching activity
Art. 12 - Rights and duties of University teachers
Art. 13 - Rights and duties of students

Chapter III - Scientific Research
Part I: General Principles
Art. 14 - Basic principles of scientific research
Part II: Designing and planning research
Art. 15 - Designing and planning research
Art. 16 - Feasibility, and social and environmental impact
Art. 17 - Merit recognition and principle of non-discrimination
Art. 18 - Definition of the roles and duties of researchers
Art. 19 - Management of funds
Art. 20 - Procedures and roles for the processing and storage of materials and data
Art. 21 - Knowledge and respect for norms and regulations
Part III: Conducting research
Art. 22 - Conducting research with diligence
Art. 23 - Methodologies
Art. 24 - Documentation and data
Art. 25 - Protection of persons involved in research
Art. 26 - Informed consent
Art. 27 - Storage and processing of personal data
Art. 28 - Protection of animals involved in research
Art. 29 - Preservation of biological specimens and experimental organisms
Part IV - Dissemination of results
Art. 30 - Dissemination and social relevance of research
Art. 31 - Confidentiality
Art. 32 - Patents
Art. 33 - Authorship
Art. 34 - Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
Art. 35 - Open science
Art. 36 - Publishing duties
Art. 37 - Duties in ex-ante evaluations
Art. 38 - Other evaluation procedures
Art. 39 - Autonomy and responsibility in organizing conferences and seminars
Art. 40 - Gender equality

Chapter IV - Dissemination of the Code and education to research integrity
Art. 41 - Dissemination of the Code and education to research integrity
Art. 42 - Advice from the Ethics Committee

Chapter V - Sanctions and proceedings
Art. 43 - Ethical misconduct
Art. 44 - Initiation of the proceedings
Art. 45 - Ethics Committee proceedings
Art. 46 - Penalties for ethical misconduct