Council of Research Fellows

The Council is the highest representative body of Type A and Type B Research Fellows at the University. The Council promotes and coordinates the participation of Research Fellows in the academic organization, counsels the governing bodies of the University, and submits proposals on matters concerning the role of Research Fellows.

The proposals put forward by the Council are submitted to the governing bodies of the University for assessment within their respective competencies. In particular, the Council expresses non-binding opinions on:

  • changes to the University Regulations for Research Fellowships
  • changes to the Regulations governing teaching and scientific activities of Research Fellows
  • changes to the University Statute, on matters regarding Research Fellows.

The Council may submit independent proposals, motions or requests regarding:

  • the activities of Research Fellows
  • the conditions for their research, teaching and planning activities
  • access to services and research calls
  • cultural and social initiatives.

These opinions and proposals are adopted by resolution of the Council in plenary session. The Council is required to express opinions, and fulfil any other requirements, within 30 days of the request. The governing bodies of the University consider the opinions expressed by the Council.

The Council is composed of a representative of Research Fellows for each Department of the University, chosen by the Fellows of the Department itself. The representative of PhD students and the representatives of Temporary Researchers elected in the Academic Senate are guest members. Each member remains in office for two years and may be re-elected only once.

The members of the Council are required to participate regularly in the Council sessions. If a member is unable to attend a session, he or she can delegate one of the other Fellows on the Board of his/her own Department as alternate member. The members of the Council are required to report regularly to the Research Fellows of their respective Department on the activities of the Council.

Name Surname Office
NICCOLO' TOMMASO DONATI representative of the Department of Social and Political Sciences - President
MARCO FILIPPI representative of the Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio" - Vice President
CHIARA BERTULESSI representative of the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations - Secretary
GIACOMO DELLA FERRERA representative of the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage
ANNA LIEBMAN representative of the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law
ALEX CAVALLERI representative of the Department of Biosciences
GIULIA LUNGHI representative of the Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine
ANDREA CITARELLA representative of the Department of Chemistry
GIULIA TERRANOVA representative of the Department of Private Law and Legal History
LUCA BAGNATO representative of the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
MATTIA DI PIERRO representative of the Department of Philosophy "Piero Martinetti" 
MATTEO CHIGHIZOLA representative of the Department of Physics "Aldo Pontremoli" 
ELENA ABATI representative of the Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation
ALESSANDRO DE PICCOLI representative of the Department of Computer Science  “Giovanni Degli Antoni”
CHIARA  BERTULESSI representative of the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations
DINO FESTI representative of the Department of Mathematics  "Federigo Enriques"
FRANCESCA GRASSI SCALVINI representative of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
FRANCESCO ROMEO representative of the Department of Oncology and Hemato-Oncology
ALESSIO TUGNOLO representative of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy
CLAUDIA VANETTI representative of the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences 
ELEONORA MARTEGANI representative of the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences
RICCARDO ASNAGHI representative of the Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health
CLARA BERNARDELLI representative of the Department of Health Sciences 
BEATRICE CAIRO representative of the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health
RITA NASTI representative of the Department of Environmental Science and Policy
REBECCA FERRISI representative of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
BEATRICE DE FELICE representative of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
MARIA ITALIA representative of the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
SALVATORE PRINCIOTTO representative of the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences
GIULIA GABRIELLI representative of the Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies
VALENTINA VASTA representative of the Department of Law "Cesare Beccaria"

representative of the Department of Historical Studies

BARBARA TANZI IMBRI representative of the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics
CARLA COLOMBO representative of fixed-term research fellows in the Academic Senate
ANDREA ROMANO representative of fixed-term research fellows in the Academic Senate
FABRIZIO PAGNONI representative of fixed-term research fellows in the Academic Senate
Name Surname Office
NICCOLO' TOMMASO DONATI representative of the Department of Social and Political Sciences - President
MARCO FILIPPI representative of the Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio" - Vice President
CHIARA BERTULESSI representative of the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations - Secretary
MICAELA GARZIANO representative of the Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation
BARBARA TANZI IMBRI representative of the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics
MATTEO CHIGHIZOLA representative of the Department of Physics “Aldo Pontremoli”
CLAUDIA VANETTI representative of the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences