Doctoral School

The Doctoral School of the University of Milan was established by Rector’s Decree on 2 March 2023, and officially started its operations on 1 October 2023. It comprises all PhD programmes that are administratively based at the University of Milan, with the aim to streamline and optimise policies concerning doctoral education. The Head of the Doctoral School and the members of its Committee (giunta) are elected from among the coordinators of all PhD programmes. The School fosters research competitiveness, by establishing relationships with national and international entities and companies.

PhD Programmes are grouped into five macro-areas:

  1. life sciences
  2. exact sciences
  3. medical sciences  
  4. humanities
  5. legal, political, economic and social sciences.

The School interacts with other academic bodies for everything concerning PhD programmes, and encourages intellectual exchange among scholars of various disciplines and with different experience levels, within a lively and inclusive community. It organises interdisciplinary training courses for all PhD students, fosters collaborations with companies engaged in research and development (R&D) and facilitates employment opportunities for PhD graduates through targeted job placement activities.

Further information

Doctoral education (dottorato di ricerca) represents the highest level of education in Italy, and equips researchers with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct high-quality research activities at universities, public administrations and private entities.

A Master’s degree (laurea magistrale) or equivalent foreign qualification is required in order to apply. Public competitions for admission to PhD programmes are announced every year.

PhD programmes last three or four years. Under the guidance of one or more supervisors, PhD students work on an original research project, which culminates in a final dissertation. PhD candidates defend their dissertation in a public session and are awarded the title of Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Dottore di ricerca).

  1. Planning and implementing strategies concerning PhD programmes
  2. Promoting, coordinating and organising interdisciplinary training and cultural activities, taking into account the characteristics of each PhD programme
  3. Ensuring the quality of teaching through internal audit.

Head of the Doctoral School
Luciano Pinotti (appointed on 31 July 2023) is full professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector AGR/18 - Animal nutrition and feeding at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS).

It is made up of the Head of the Doctoral School, the coordinators of PhD programmes, the Managing Director of the Academics and Training Division (with no right to vote) and one PhD student representative for each macro-area.

Managing Director of the Academics and Training Division
Enrico Tapella

Administrative secretariat
Michela Ferretti

[email protected]