Research Observatory

The University's Research Observatory has been active since October 2014.

It is composed of academic experts, i.e. professors from different scientific-disciplinary sectors, as well as of technical-administrative staff. Its members are appointed every three academic years.

In accordance with its Regulations, the Observatory:

  • analyses the advancement of university projects funded under Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), assessing their impacts, expected outcomes and financial commitment, and integrates the results of this analysis into the Strategic Plan, by reporting to the Board of Directors and the Academic Senate
  • submits proposals to the governing bodies regarding interventions to improve the quality of research products, as well as the ability to attract resources and the national and international visibility of the University of Milan, by monitoring strengths and identifying potential weaknesses for each research field in which the University is active. It also informs the Independent Evaluation Unit and the Quality Assurance Board about the results of its analysis and the methods used, so as to support their activities, in line with a collaborative approach geared towards the continuous improvement of the University's research activities
  • gives advisory opinions, based on the guidelines issued by the Ministry of University and Research, on direct calls for the recruitment of scholars of highest repute, scholars who have had a tenure abroad for no less than three years, and scholars selected in the framework of top research funding programmes of the European Union or the Italian Ministry of University and Research, as listed in Ministerial Decree no. 919 of 22 July 2022
  • analyses and proposes strategies to support the principles and commitments contained in the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA), which the University has signed, for the purpose of analysing assessment criteria with a focus on quality, multilingualism and equality of research, in close collaboration with other national and international organisations
  • monitors the implementation of open science policies, as well as of training and awareness-raising initiatives launched within the University to ensure that research findings are disseminated in accordance with the principle of full transparency.

The Research Observatory is made up of academic experts and technical-administrative staff. Its members are renewed every three academic years. The current members will remain in office until 30 September 2027. 

The Vice Rector for Research, Monica Maria Grazia Diluca, is entitled by default to take part in the meetings of the Observatory. President of the Open Science Commission Flaminio Squazzoni and President of the University Committee for Libraries Gianclaudio Civale also attend the Observatory meetings as experts in their respective areas.

Paola Viani, full professor of Biochemistry – BIOS-07/A

Scientific Experts

  • Mathematics, Physics/ Sciences, lnformation and Communication, Engineering, Universe and Earth Sciences
    Stefano Forte, full professor of Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications – PHYS-02/A
    Pierangela Samarati, full professor of Computer Science – INFO-01/A
  • Life Sciences
    Paola Viani, full professor of Biochemistry – BIOS-07/A
    Giuseppe Danilo Norata, full professor of Pharmacology – BIOS-11/A
  • Social Sciences and Humanities
    Hykel Hosni, full professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science – PHIL-02/A
    Giovanna D’Adda, full professor of Economics – ECON-01/A

Administrative and technical staff

  • Angelo Casertano, Director General pro tempore
  • Paola Galimberti, Managing Director of Performance, Quality Assurance, Assessment, and Open Science Policy Division
  • Tiziana Morocutti, Managing Director of University Library Service Division.