Pharmacy Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV)
Students enrolled in the single-cycle Master’s degree programmes in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology have to complete a 900-hours internship known as TPV (Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo, which literally translates as “Practical Evaluation Internship”), at:
- a pharmacy open to the public, for at least 450 hours;
- optionally, at a hospital pharmacy under the supervision of the pharmaceutical department, for a maximum of 450 hours.
The TPV is worth 30 university credits (CFU/ECTS). Only students who have completed the TPV can take the Practical Evaluation Test (Prova Pratica Valutativa - PPV).
Please find below the requirements for starting the internship:
- E24 system:you can start the internship in the second semester of the fourth year after passing all the exams with marks out of 30 for the first three years. The attendance of Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I and Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory I is highly recommended. Starting from the second semester of the third year, students who had been officially enrolled in the second year as repeaters for not having been able to take all the first-year exams within the deadline established by the Study Programme, and who have passed all the exams with marks out of thirty for the first three years, may be authorised to start the internship by a resolution of the Interdepartmental Academic Board of the degree programme in Pharmacy.
- E25 system: you can start the internship in the second semester of the fourth year provided that you earn at least 150 CFU credits, passing all first- and second-year exams, and some third-year exams, including Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy or Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry I. We also recommend that you attend the course of Pharmaceutical technology and legislation I.
- E14 system: you can start the internship in the fourth year, after passing all the exams with marks out of 30 for the first three years, excluding Pharmaceutical Technology, Socioeconomics and Legislation, and Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory I. However, the attendance of Pharmaceutical Technology, Socioeconomics and Legislation, and Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory I is highly recommended. The duration is 900 hours.
- E15 system: you can start the internship in the second semester of the fourth year provided that you earn at least 150 CFU credits, passing all first- and second-year exams, and some third-year exams, including Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy or Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry I. We also recommend that you attend the course of Pharmaceutical technology and legislation I. The duration is 900 hours.
During the TPV, students participate in the day-to-day activities of the host pharmacy, to develop the skills required for professional practice with regard to:
- the management and dispensing of medicinal products for human use;
- the management of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- the management of doping drugs;
- the management of poisons;
- the management of medicinal products for veterinary use;
- galenical preparations (magistral and officinal formulas);
- oxygen and oxygen therapy;
- vaccines;
- digital health and drug traceability;
- food supplements and foods for specific groups;
- herbal medicinal products and preparations;
- cosmetic products;
- medical devices and medical-surgical aids;
- the organisation of a pharmacy open to the public and its self-audits;
- the financial and business management of a pharmacy;
- first aid and emergency care procedures in a pharmacy;
- how to liaise with citizens;
- other services.
With reference to the work health and safety regulation, you must:
- have taken the general safety training through the University service and deliver the attendance certificate to the host organization;
- have taken the specialist safety training through the Federation of Pharmacy Associations.
The host organization will have to upload the certificate on the placement portal in the internship activation stage, along with the training project.
1. General safety online training (UNIMI)
This is a 4-hour online training provided by the University.
- Registration
- Students enrolled in AY 2018/2019 and subsequent years: starting from AY 2019/2020, the competent University office will email all students enrolled in the second year instructions for accessing the training and the relevant procedures.You will receive the e-mail to your University address ([email protected]), starting from the month of February.
- Students enrolled in AY 2017/2018 and previous years: approximately every four months, starting from the month of February, the competent University offices verify the achievement of at least 140 credits (Pharmacy) or 150 CFU (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology), after which they will send the student an e-mail with instructions for accessing the training and the relevant procedures. You will receive the e-mail to your University address ([email protected]).
In both cases, the e-mail subject will be "UNIMI Student Access to the online Training Course of Prevention and Safety at Work". Please also note that the online training is available on the e-learning platform (AIFOS) for a limited period; after that, you will have to obtain certification at your own expense.
- Final test
At the end of the training, you must pass the final test and print the relevant certificate.
2. Specialist safety online training (Milan Pharmacy Association)
- Registration
You can register for the specialist safety training using the Pharmacy Association online service. To access, enter your tax code; if the system recognizes the tax code, please complete the registration right away so as not to invalidate the procedure; if the system does not recognize the tax code, please contact academic services for check and authorization. - When to take the training
The specialist safety training provided by the Association can and must be carried out only by students, both from Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, who have earned at least 140 credits, as provided by the University of Milan, and must be strictly completed within 15 days of enrolment.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology
List of tutors (E25, E15)
Students will have to choose and make arrangements with an academic tutor of their choice, among the following:
List of tutors (E24, E14)
Students won't need to make arrangements beforehand, their academic tutor will be assigned based to their surname initial:
Paola Minghetti (Coordinator)
- Silvia Araneo (A, D)
- Chiara Gennari (B)
- Irma Colombo (C)
- Carla Perego (F, L)
- Stefania Villa (E, G, H, I)
- Luca Palugan (J, K, L, N, V, Z)
- Alessandro Pedretti (M)
- Chiara Di Lorenzo (O, P, Q)
- Alessandra Colciago (R, T, U)
- Paola Conti (S, W, X, Y)
Setting up the paperwork for the TPV
Internship activation and extension procedure
- In your Unimia account, go to the Jobs and Traineeships section and then click on Inserimento e gestione cv; this will redirect you to AlmaGo, where you will have to complete your CV and make it visible to potential employers (on your first login, AlmaGo will ask you to confirm your biographical and academic data before allowing you to move on to the next CV sections).
- Now your host pharmacy tutor has to complete the training project online, as specified here below under “Information for pharmacies willing to host a TPV intern”. They also have to enter the name of your academic tutor.
- Once both the academic tutor and the COSP Internship Office have approved the training project, the pharmacy tutor has to: download the PDF file of the training project from the web portal, sign it and stamp it, have it signed by you, then upload it in the dedicated section of the same portal, along with the general safety training certificate. Please note that the documents must be uploaded at least 4 days before the internship start date.
- COSP Internship Office is now ready to finalise the paperwork for you to start your internship. Once all the paperwork is done, both you and the pharmacy and will be notified by email.
- Read the Privacy Notice linked here below.
- Before the start of the internship, send a request to the Order of Pharmacists via in order to receive your username and password to access your internship journal. Please note that you have to attach the training project and the COSP email specifying the scheduled start date of the internship.
NB. Should your internship be extended, please notify the Order of Pharmacists so that they can extend your access to the internship journal.
You can edit your journal at any time, but only before sending it to the academic tutor. After that, you will only be able to check if it has already been signed.
After completing your TPV, you have to:
- Fill in the online assessment form, using the link that COSP will send you via email. Your pharmacy tutor will also receive an email with the link to the assessment form. Don’t forget to save the assessment form as soon as you have filled it in.
- Upload the forms on the internship journal website, then send the internship journal to your tutor. If your tutor believes that the journal needs further editing, they can send it back to the previous step and ask you to make the necessary edits; in this case, you will receive a notification email, along with your tutor’s instructions.
- Once the internship journal has been duly filled in, it has to be signed by the academic tutor, a representative from the Order of Pharmacists and the Head of the TPV of the University. Then, the Student Office will enter the 30 CFUs on your academic record.
Academic Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Via Golgi 19 - Building 1, entrance D - Milan
For any enquiries on the internship journal, please contact the competent Order of Pharmacists.
Pharmacies that are interested in hosting a TPV intern must first obtain the authorisation from the competent Order of Pharmacists, and then register on the Placement service portal.
After registering on the portal, the pharmacy tutor has to go to Company login > Internships management > Agreement > Add new agreement and choose the option “Agreement for trade associations and associated enterprises”. In the drop-down menu, they have to select the agreement “2024 Federazione degli Ordini dei Farmacisti della Lombardia”.
Once the agreement is in force, the pharmacy tutor can complete the training project online. To do this, they have to go to Company login, then select Internships management > Training project - Add a new training project.
The next step is to enter the name of the academic tutor and complete each section of the training project as shown below (please copy and paste):
Internship title
Tirocinio professionale in farmacia
Activities to be carried out
Secondo l’art. 3 del Protocollo Nazionale:
- Gestione dei Medicinali uso umano e disciplina di dispensazione al pubblico;
- Gestione sostanze stupefacenti e psicotrope;
- Gestione dei medicinali dopanti;
- Gestione dei veleni;
- Gestione dei medicinali uso veterinario;
- Preparazioni galeniche magistrali o officinali;
- Ossigeno e ossigenoterapia;
- Vaccini;
- Sanità digitale e tracciabilità dei farmaci;
- Integratori alimentari, alimenti per gruppi speciali;
- Prodotti e preparati di origine vegetale;
- Prodotti cosmetici;
- Dispositivi medici e presidi medico-chirurgici;
- Organizzazione della farmacia aperta al pubblico e attività autoispettiva;
- Gestione economico-finanziaria e imprenditoriale della farmacia;
- Gestione delle emergenze e primo soccorso in farmacia;
- Altri servizi;
- Rapporto con il cittadino.
Educational and guidance goals
- Il tirocinio in farmacia ha la finalità di fornire allo/a studente/studentessa le conoscenze pratiche necessarie all’esercizio della professione in farmacia nel quadro della normativa vigente, dei principi e delle regole previste dal Codice Deontologico.
- Le finalità formative qualificanti del TPV consistono nel consolidamento delle nozioni acquisite durante il percorso di studio con l’apprendimento di abilità pratiche professionali di base presso le farmacie di comunità ed ospedaliere.
Il TPV contribuisce a consolidare il profilo del farmacista come professionista dell'area sanitaria che, nell'ambito delle sue competenze scientifiche e tecnologiche multidisciplinari partecipa al raggiungimento degli obiettivi definiti dal SSN per rispondere adeguatamente alle mutevoli esigenze della società in campo sanitario. Il farmacista è così in grado di operare per le finalità della sanità pubblica, anche attraverso l’accompagnamento personalizzato dei pazienti, inclusi quelli cronici, per l’aderenza alle terapie farmacologiche e la consulenza alla persona sana a fini di prevenzione delle malattie.
For a pharmacy to be authorized to host trainees, it must first apply with the Milan Association and accept the Regulations.
In the case of thesis internships at external organisations, the role of academic tutor is covered by the supervisor. When completing the online training project, select "thesis supervisor" from the "academic tutor" drop-down menu. Enter in the "internship title" box the title of the degree thesis followed by the name and surname of the supervisor, who will receive an online request for approval of the training project.
In addition to the professional internship recognized by the Pharmacy Association, you can carry out another internship (in a company or pharmacy) before graduation, with no award of CFU credits. This is a curricular internship (as you'll undertake it as a student).
Please note that in this case the pharmacy must have entered an internship agreement directly with the University and not with the Federation of Pharmacy Associations.
This is a curricular internship (as you'll undertake it as a student).