Internship opportunities at the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB)

Under the internship agreement with our University, the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB) offers recent graduates from the University of Milan the opportunity to undertake an extracurricular internship of up to six months at its offices in Milan and Rome.
Interns will complete their university education with a work placement experience at CONSOB, which may help them choose their career path.
The calls for applications issued by CONSOB will be posted to this page.

Call for applications dated 16 November 2021, application deadline: 24 January 2022

Via Santa Sofia 9

e-mail: [email protected]

Ricevimento telefonico:
Tel.: 02/50312032
Orari: martedì/giovedì h.10:00 – h.12:00

CONSOB - Call for applications

È indetta una selezione per 21 tirocini extracurriculari della durata massima di 6 mesi presso le sedi di Roma e di Milano della Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB). La selezione si rivolge a laureati con titolo di studio di profilo giuridico.


La Consob riconoscerà un’indennità di partecipazione pari a 1.000 (mille) euro lordi mensili, erogata con cadenza mensile posticipata, a fronte del regolare svolgimento delle attività previste nel progetto formativo, che sarà attestato dal tutor del tirocinante.

Il tirocinio non potrà essere avviato o proseguito qualora il tirocinante svolga contestualmente attività lavorative o assimilate che, per cumulo di orario, possano impedire il regolare svolgimento del tirocinio ovvero determinare una durata complessiva di tutte le attività svolte (compresa l’attività di tirocinio) superiore a 40 ore settimanali ovvero comportare il mancato rispetto di quanto previsto in tema di impegno orario complessivo dal D.lgs. n. 66 dell’8 aprile 2003.



  1. possesso di Laurea di secondo livello specialistica o magistrale a ciclo unico, conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano in data successiva al 01/01/2022 con votazione non inferiore a 105/110, in giurisprudenza o altra laurea ad essa equiparata o equipollente;
  2. età non superiore ad anni 27 alla scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle candidature.


Come candidarsi


Scadenza per la presentazione: 19 luglio 2022

Documenti richiesti:

  1. domanda di ammissione alla selezione e dichiarazione sottoscritta ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 (cfr. allegato ad Avviso di selezione);
  2. curriculum vitae et studiorum in formato europeo, con indicazione del livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese e conoscenza dei principali pacchetti informatici;
  3. elenco degli esami sostenuti e relativa votazione (scaricabile da UNIMIA);
  4. abstract della tesi di laurea in non più di 400 parole;
  5. copia di eventuali pubblicazioni (paper, tesine, articoli, ecc.) su materie di interesse della CONSOB;
  6. copia di un documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità;
  7. stampa della schermata di UNIMIA riportante la media ponderata dei voti degli esami sostenuti.

Modalità di presentazione: tutta la documentazione di cui sopra dovrà essere trasmessa in formato pdf via mail a [email protected] (NON farà fede la data di invio, ma solo quella di ricevimento).

Processo di selezione

Alla chiusura dell’avviso, il COSP individuerà fra le candidature pervenute quelle da inoltrare alla CONSOB attraverso la verifica del possesso dei requisiti di partecipazione sopra descritti. Provvederà ad inoltrare un numero massimo di 6 nominativi sulla base dell’ordine decrescente del voto di laurea; a parità di voto, si dà preferenza al candidato con la media ponderata dei voti più elevata e, in caso di ulteriore parità, alla minore età anagrafica.

L’elenco dei nominativi inoltrati alla CONSOB sarà pubblicato sul portale di Ateneo entro venerdì 29 luglio 2022.

Le candidature così preselezionate dal COSP saranno valutate da parte di una commissione nominata dalla CONSOB che provvederà ad effettuare un esame cartolare delle candidature medesime. I candidati che avranno superato tale esame potranno essere invitati a sostenere un colloquio che verterà sulle conoscenze necessarie allo svolgimento del tirocinio e sulle motivazioni alla partecipazione.

Per tutte le informazioni su requisiti di partecipazione, processo di preselezione e di selezione, si rimanda a quando indicato nell’Avviso di selezione pubblicato da parte della CONSOB e disponibile alla presente pagina.

Per eventuali comunicazioni via mail, inserire nell’oggetto il riferimento al presente bando: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

È indetta una selezione per 16 tirocini extracurriculari della durata massima di 6 mesi presso le sedi di Roma e di Milano della Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB).

I tirocini proposti saranno articolati come segue:          

  • Giurisprudenza (8 posizioni);
  • Economia (8 posizioni);


La Consob riconoscerà un’indennità di partecipazione pari a 1.000 (mille) euro lordi mensili, erogata con cadenza mensile posticipata, a fronte del regolare svolgimento delle attività previste nel progetto formativo, che sarà attestato dal tutor del tirocinante.


  1. possesso di laurea specialistica, magistrale o a ciclo unico conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano in data successiva al 01/10/2021 con punteggio pari ad almeno 105/110, in uno dei corsi di laurea di cui all’avviso di selezione;
  2. età inferiore ad anni 27 alla scadenza del termine per la presentazione delle candidature.

Come candidarsi

Scadenza per la presentazione: 25 marzo 2022

Documenti richiesti:

  1. domanda di ammissione alla selezione e dichiarazione sottoscritta ai sensi degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 (cfr. allegato ad Avviso di selezione);
  2. curriculum vitae et studiorum in formato europeo, con indicazione del livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese e conoscenza dei principali pacchetti informatici;
  3. elenco degli esami sostenuti e relativa votazione (scaricabile da UNIMIA);
  4. abstract della tesi di laurea in non più di 400 parole;
  5. copia di eventuali pubblicazioni (paper, tesine, articoli, ecc.) su materie di interesse della CONSOB;
  6. copia di un documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità;
  7. stampa della schermata di UNIMIA riportante la media ponderata dei voti degli esami sostenuti.

Modalità di presentazione: tutta la documentazione di cui sopra dovrà essere trasmessa in formato pdf via mail a [email protected] (NON farà fede la data di invio, ma solo quella di ricevimento).

Processo di selezione

Alla chiusura dell’avviso, il COSP individuerà fra le candidature pervenute quelle da inoltrare alla CONSOB attraverso la verifica del possesso dei requisiti di partecipazione sopra descritti. Provvederà ad inoltrare - per ogni profilo di tirocinio (giurisprudenza ed economia), relativamente ai corsi di laurea attivi in Ateneo – un numero massimo di 3 nominativi sulla base dell’ordine decrescente del voto di laurea; a parità di voto, si dà preferenza al candidato con la media ponderata dei voti più elevata e, in caso di ulteriore parità, alla minore età anagrafica.

L’elenco dei nominativi inoltrati alla CONSOB sarà pubblicato sul portale di Ateneo entro martedì 12 aprile 2022.

Le candidature così preselezionate dal COSP saranno valutate da parte di una commissione nominata dalla CONSOB che provvederà ad effettuare un esame cartolare delle candidature medesime. I candidati che avranno superato detto esame cartolare – anche tenuto conto del numero degli stessi – potranno essere invitati a sostenere un colloquio che verterà sulle conoscenze necessarie allo svolgimento del tirocinio e sulle motivazioni alla partecipazione.

Per tutte le informazioni su requisiti di partecipazione, processo di preselezione e di selezione, si rimanda a quando indicato nel bando.

Per eventuali comunicazioni via mail, si chiede di inserire nell’oggetto il riferimento al presente bando: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

We are pleased to call for applications for 16 extracurricular internships of up to 6 months at the Rome and Milan offices of the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB).

Internship opportunities will be allocated as follows:          

Type A - Computer Science/Computer Engineering (8 positions)

Type B - Physics/Mathematics/Statistics (8 positions)


Internship stipend                        

CONSOB will pay a monthly stipend of € 1,000 (one thousand), on a deferred basis, for the activities set out in the training project, as certified by the intern's tutor.

The intern cannot start or continue an internship while carrying out any other work activities that may interfere with his/her duties as an intern.


  1. Have obtained a Master's or single-cycle degree from the University of Milan after 1 May 2021, scoring at least 105/110, in one of the degree programmes set forth in the call for applications;
  2. Be less than 27 years old on the application deadline date.


How to apply

Submission deadline: 24 January 2022

Required documents:

  1. Application for admission to the selection process and statement signed in accordance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 (see Annex to the Call for Applications);
  2. European CV specifying English language proficiency level and IT skills;
  3. Academic transcript of records (downloadable from UNIMIA);
  4. Abstract of the degree thesis of no more than 400 words;
  5. Copy of any publications (papers, dissertations, articles, etc.) on subjects of interest to CONSOB;
  6. Copy of a valid ID;
  7. Copy of UNIMIA screenshot showing the weighted average of exam grades.

Application procedure: All the above documents must be submitted in pdf format by email to [email protected]  (The date of submission will be the "date received", NOT the "date sent".)


Selection process

Upon closing of the call, the COSP will assess the applications and identify eligible candidates. It will submit, for each internship profile (A, B) and with respect to the degree programmes offered by the University, up to 3 applications based on the candidates' degree marks. In the event of a tie in marks, the graduate with the higher weighted average will prevail; in case of a further tie, the younger graduate will prevail.

The list of names submitted to CONSOB will be posted to the University portal by Monday, 7 February 2022.

The applications as pre-selected by the COSP will be further assessed by a committee appointed by CONSOB. The chosen candidates may be invited to sit for an interview that will focus on the skills required for the internship and their reasons for applying.

For more information on internship stipends and internship compatibility with other activities, application requirements, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the Call for Applications.

For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

We are pleased to call for applications for 21 extracurricular internships of up to 6 months at the Rome and Milan offices of the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB). Eligible applicants are graduates with a law degree.

Given the current health situation, CONSOB may provide for the activity to be carried out mostly remotely, in compliance with its internal workplace health & safety rules, without prejudice with any national measures governing access to the workplace in relation to the current health situation.

Internship stipend                        

CONSOB will pay a gross monthly stipend of € 1,000 (one thousand), on a deferred basis, for the activities set out in the training project, as certified by the intern's tutor.


  1. Have obtained a Master's or single cycle degree from the University of Milan after 1 February 2021 scoring at least 105/110, in Law or another equivalent degree;
  2. Be no more than 27 years old on the application deadline date.

How to apply

Application deadline: 21 October 2021

Required documents:

  1. Application for admission to the selection process and statement signed in accordance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 (see Annex to the Call for applications);
  2.  European CV specifying English language proficiency level and IT skills;
  3. Academic transcript of records (downloadable from UNIMIA);
  4. Abstract of the degree thesis of no more than 400 words;
  5. Copy of any publications (papers, dissertations, articles, etc.) on subjects of interest to CONSOB;
  6. Copy of a valid ID;
  7. Copy of UNIMIA screenshot showing the weighted average of exam grades.

Application procedure: all the above documents must be submitted in pdf format by email to [email protected]  (The date of submission will be the "date received", NOT the "date sent".)

Selection process

Upon closing of the call, the COSP will assess the applications and identify eligible candidates. It will submit up to 3 applications based on the candidates' degree marks. In the event of a tie in marks, the graduate with the higher weighted average will prevail; in case of a further tie, the younger graduate will prevail.

The list of names submitted to CONSOB will be posted to the University portal by Friday, 5 November 2021.

The applications as pre-selected by the COSP will be further assessed by a committee appointed by CONSOB. The chosen candidates may be invited to sit for an interview that will focus on the skills required for the internship and their reasons for applying.

For information on admission requirements, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.

For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

We are pleased to call for applications for 32 extracurricular internships of up to 6 months at the Rome and Milan offices of the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB).

Internship opportunities will be allocated as follows:

Type A - Law (8 positions);

Type B - Economics (8 positions);

Type C - Computer Science/Computer Engineering (8 positions)

Type D - Physics/Mathematics/Statistics (8 positions)


Internship stipend                        

CONSOB will pay a gross monthly stipend of € 1,000 (one thousand), on a deferred basis, for the activities set out in the training project, as certified by the intern's tutor.

This stipend cannot be cumulated with any other compensation for work or similar activities. Therefore, winning candidates will be asked to waive any such compensation for the period covered by the internship stipend paid by CONSOB.



  1. Have obtained a Master's or single-cycle degree from the University of Milan after 1 November 2020 scoring at least 105/110, in one of the degree programmes set forth in the call for applications;
  2. Be no more than 26 years old on the application deadline date.

How to apply

Application deadline: 18 April 2021


Required documents:

  1. Application for admission to the selection process and statement signed in accordance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 (see Annex to the Call for applications);
  2.  European CV specifying English language proficiency level and IT skills;
  3. Academic transcript of records (downloadable from UNIMIA);
  4. Abstract of the degree thesis of no more than 400 words;
  5. Copy of any publications (papers, dissertations, articles, etc.) on subjects of interest to CONSOB;
  6. Copy of a valid ID;
  7. Copy of UNIMIA screenshot showing the weighted average of exam grades.

Application procedure: all the above documents must be submitted in pdf format by email to [email protected]  (The date of submission will be the "date received", NOT the "date sent".)

Selection process

Upon closing of the call, the COSP will assess the applications and identify eligible candidates. It will submit, for each internship profile (A, B, C, D) and with respect to the degree programmes offered by the University, up to 3 applications based on the candidates' degree marks. In the event of a tie in marks, the graduate with the higher weighted average will prevail; in case of a further tie, the younger graduate will prevail.

The list of names submitted to CONSOB will be posted to the University portal by Wednesday, 5 May 2021.

The applications as pre-selected by the COSP will be further assessed by a committee appointed by CONSOB. The chosen candidates may be invited to sit for an interview that will focus on the skills required for the internship and their reasons for applying.

For information on admission requirements, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.

For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

We are pleased to call for applications for 21 extracurricular internships of up to 6 months at the Rome and Milan offices of the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB), to be allocated as follows.

  • 15 internships in Legal;
  • 6 internships in Economics.

Internship stipend

CONSOB will pay a gross monthly stipend of € 1,000 (one thousand), on a deferred basis, for the activities set out in the training project, as certified by the intern's tutor.

This stipend cannot be cumulated with any other compensation, even in the form of scholarships, research grants or doctoral fellowships. Therefore, winning candidates will be asked to waive any such compensation for the period covered by the internship stipend paid by CONSOB.

Application requirements

Candidates must:

  1. Have obtained a Master's or single-cycle degree from the University of Milan after 21 January 2020 scoring at least 105/110, in one of the degree programmes set forth in the call for applications;
  2. Be no more than 26 years old on the application deadline date.

How to apply

Application deadline: 20 January 2021

Required documents:

  1. Application for admission to the selection process and declaration signed in accordance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 (see Annex);
  2. European CV specifying English language proficiency level and IT skills;
  3. Academic transcript (downloadable from UNIMIA);
  4. Abstract of the degree thesis of no more than 400 words;
  5. Copy of any publications (papers, dissertations, articles, etc.) on subjects of interest to CONSOB;
  6. Copy of a valid ID.

Application procedure: all the above documents  must be submitted in pdf format by email to [email protected]  (The date of submission will be the "date received", NOT the "date sent".)

Selection process

Upon closing of the call, the COSP will assess the applications and identify eligible candidates. It will submit, for each internship profile and in relation to the degree programmes offered by the University, up to 3 applications based on the candidates' degree marks. In the event of a tie in marks, the more recent graduate will prevail; in case of further tie, the younger graduate will prevail.

The list of names submitted to CONSOB will be posted to the University portal by Wednesday, 3 February 2021.

The applications as pre-selected by the COSP will be further assessed by a committee appointed by CONSOB. The chosen candidates may be invited to sit for an interview that will focus on the skills required for the internship and their reasons for applying.

For information on admission requirements, applications, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.

For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.

We are pleased to call for applications for 32 extracurricular internships of up to 6 months at the Rome and Milan offices of the Italian National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB).

Internship opportunities will be allocated as follows:

Type A - Law (8 internships);

Type B - Economics (8 internships);

Type C - Computer Science/Computer Engineering (8 internships);

Type D - Physics/Mathematics/Statistics (8 internships).

Internship stipend

CONSOB will pay a monthly stipend of € 1,000 (one thousand), on a deferred basis, for the activities set out in the training project, as certified by the intern's tutor.

This stipend is incompatible with any other compensation, even in the form of scholarships, research grants or doctoral fellowships. Therefore, winning candidates will be asked to waive any such compensation for the period covered by the internship stipend paid by CONSOB.

Application requirements

Candidates must:

  1. Have obtained a Master's or single-cycle degree from the University of Milan after 11 November 2019, scoring at least 105/110, in one of the degree programmes set forth in the call for applications;
  2. Be no more than 26 years old on the application deadline date.

How to apply

Application deadline: 12.30 pm on 30 October 2020

Required documents:

  1. Application for admission to the selection process and declaration signed in accordance with articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 (see annex);
  2. CV in European format, specifying the level of English-language proficiency and computer skills;
  3. Academic transcript (downloadable from UNIMIA);
  4. Abstract of the degree thesis of no more than 400 words;
  5. Copy of any publications (papers, articles, etc.) on subjects of interest to CONSOB;
  6. Copy of a valid ID.


Application procedure: all the above documents  must be submitted in pdf format by email to     [email protected]       (The date of submission will be the "date received", NOT the "date sent".)

Selection process

Upon closing of the call, the COSP will assess the applications and identify eligible candidates. For each internship profile (A, B, C, and D, as listed above), it will submit up to 3 applications based on the candidates’ degree marks. In the event of a tie in marks, the more recent graduate will prevail; in case of further tie, the younger graduate will prevail.

The list of names submitted to CONSOB will be posted to the University portal by Friday, 13 November 2020.

The applications as pre-selected by the COSP will be further assessed by a committee appointed by CONSOB. The chosen candidates may be invited to sit for an interview that will focus on the skills required for the internship and their reasons for applying.

For information on deadlines, admission requirements, applications, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.

For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini CONSOB.