Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - E25 - discontinued

Esperimento in corso
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - E25 - discontinued
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Single-cycle master
LM-13 - Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The Master Course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology aims to train students in chemical, pharmacological, technological and regulatory fields useful to work in positions of responsibility and coordination, in all sectors directly or indirectly connected to the design, development, production, control and marketing of medicinal products and health care ones. The course also provides preparation for the profession of pharmacist in local and hospital settings and for medical information (REP). Thanks to multidisciplinary skills, the course aims to train professionals able to satisfy the needs of the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, medical devices and food supplements industry, as well as the needs of public and private institutions involved in research and regulation of the sanitary area.
Graduates in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology possess the scientific and theoretical expertise to operate as experts in the field of drug and healthy products (foods for special medical purposes and special diets, cosmetics, herbal, diagnostic, medical devices, etc.) and in related fields and to take on the professional role of pharmacist.

The Master Course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology trains to develop multiple professional activities:
- synthesis, pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and control of medicines in industry;
- quality control of medicines in public or private laboratories;
- production and control of biocides, medical devices and medical-surgical aids;
- formulation, production and quality control of dietetic food products;
- formulation, production and quality control of cosmetic products;
- analysis and control of the physical-chemical and hygienic characteristics of mineral waters;
- storage, conservation and distribution of medicines in the wholesale phase;
- preparation, control, storage and distribution of medicines in pharmacies open to the public or in hospital pharmacies.
- Dissemination of information and advice in the health products sector.
With the achievement of the master's degree and the relative professional qualification, the graduate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology can carry out the profession of pharmacist, according to the law 2005/36/EC. Thanks to the strong chemical-technological-pharmaceutical characterization, The master's degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology guarantees concrete employment prospects in the sector of chemical-pharmaceutical, technological-pharmaceutical, pharmacological and biotechnological research, both public and private, as well as in the sectors of development, production and quality control in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.
The course trains students for the following professions:
- Medicinal Chemists
- Chemistry and pharmaceutical Company representatives
- Pharmacologists
- Pharmacists
- Researchers and technicians with degrees in chemical and pharmaceutical sciences
- Researchers and technicians with degrees in biological sciences

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Programs offered:
· Erasmus + Placement Programme, and Erasmus Mundus at Universities/Institutions partners in Europe and in the Balkans;
· stages at i) Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Minnesota US; ii) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan.
Activities: the mobility is directed to attending courses, research internships and training in Hospital Pharmacy.
The Erasmus Programme + Placement offers the opportunity to play an internship abroad in enterprises or other organizations.
Universities and partner Companies offer the opportunity to carry out researches in a wide range of scientific topics characterizing the Course of Study.
Procedure for the recognition of abroad studies. Every student must define the activity and the number of CFU in his/her Learning Agreement according to the following rules:
-an academic quarter: 20 CFU;
-an academic semester: 30 credits.
-an academic year: 60 credits;

3 months 20 ECTS (6 ECTS in the student study programme + 14 ECTS complementary) 6 months 30 ECTS (18 in the student study programme + 12 complementary)
9 months 45 CFU (24 in the student study programme + 21 complementary)

Internship in Hospital pharmacy could not be longer than for 4-months corresponding to 20 CFU. This activity follows the rules of the prerequisites reported in the Manifesto.
Recognition of the abroad studies: students must acquire at least 70% of the credits specified in the Learning Agreement. For thesis/internship researches, the student must acquire all the credits reported in the Learning Agreement.
Incentives: An additional score (0-3 points depending on the duration of the study period, the amount of credits attained and the obtained results) will be proposed by the tutor and awarded by the thesis committee to the students who have satisfactorily accomplished the training program.
Attendance is mandatory for laboratory courses, and strongly recommended for other courses.
Admission requirements
Admission to Year I of the degree programme in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology is conditioned to pass a selective online test (TOLC-F). A merit ranking will be drawn up based on the test score.
Applicants will be required to take the test before enrolment. The schedule of TOLC-F tests held by our and other Italian universities is available at

Admission assessment
For admission to the degree programme, please refer to the call for applications available on the University website at
Waivers from test requirements and admission to years subsequent Year I are governed by the call for applications.
For information:

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities
Students who have not achieved at least 4 points in the basic mathematics module of TOLC-F will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA). For this purpose, they will attend remedial activities organized by the University, and then take a remedial test to prove they have filled their gaps. Students with OFA may not take the Mathematic exam before fulfilling said requirements.
Learn more at

Candidates who took the test and were not admitted may enrol in a limited number of single courses (with up to 30 places available), as provided by academic regulations, to earn credits to be used for future enrolment in a degree programme, upon passing the admission test, if any.
For enrolment procedures, please refer to the call for applications at

Transfer students
In case of transfer from another degree programme or from another university, admission to years subsequent to Year I will be subject to an assessment of the student's previous academic career by the Interdepartmental Academic Board. Please refer to the call for applications for details.
Programme description and courses list
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry 10 88 Italian CHIM/03
Human Anatomy and Physiology 11 88 Italian BIO/09 BIO/16
- Human Anatomy5
- Physiology6
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Biology and Plant Biology 9 72 Italian BIO/13 BIO/15
- Animal Biology6
- Plant Biology3
Calculus 7 64 Italian MAT/05
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analytical Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/01
Physics 8 80 Italian FIS/01
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
English Proficiency B2 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Organic Chemistry 1 10 88 Italian CHIM/06
Pharmacognosy 8 64 Italian BIO/14
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Microbiology 6 48 Italian BIO/19
Physical Chemistry 6 48 Italian CHIM/02
Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Drugs 6 72 Italian CHIM/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry 8 64 Italian BIO/10
Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry 12 120 Italian CHIM/08 CHIM/10
General Pathology 6 48 Italian MED/04
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Medicinal Chemistry 1 10 80 Italian CHIM/08
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Biochemistry 8 72 Italian BIO/10
Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory 10 112 Italian CHIM/06
- Organic Chemistry 26
- Organic Chemistry Laboratory4
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy 8 64 Italian BIO/14
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs and Laboratory of Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs 6 72 Italian CHIM/08
- Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs3
- Laboratory of Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs3
Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry 7 64 Italian CHIM/06
Toxicology 8 64 Italian BIO/14
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Medicinal Chemistry 2 10 80 Italian CHIM/08
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Drug Analysis 2 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 2 10 112 Italian CHIM/08
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I 9 72 Italian CHIM/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation Ii 9 72 Italian CHIM/09
Advanced Methodologies in Medicinal Chemistry 8 64 Italian CHIM/08
- Advanced methodologies in Medicinal Chemistry I4
- Advanced methodologies in Medicinal Chemistry II4
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems (modules I and II) 8 96 Italian CHIM/09
- Advances in Drug Delivery Systems Mod. I4
- Advances in Drug Delivery Systems Mod. II4
Analytical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development and Validation of Analytical Procedures in Pharmaceutical Industry 8 64 Italian CHIM/08
- Analytical methods in drug discovery and development4
- Instrumental analysis and validation of the analytical procedures in pharmaceutical industry4
Biotechnological Drugs: Pharmaco-Toxicological Aspects and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents 8 64 Italian BIO/14 CHIM/09
- Biotechnological drugs: pharmaco-toxicological aspects4
- Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents4
Biotechnology in Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Informational Macromolecules 8 72 Italian BIO/10 BIO/14
- Modulo: Biochimica delle macromolecole informazionali4
- Modulo: Biotecnologie farmacologiche4
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics 8 64 Italian BIO/14
- Clinical pharmacology4
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics4
Endocrinolgy and Metabolism 8 64 Italian MED/13
- Module 14
- Module 24
Formulation and Regulatory Affairs of Health Products and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents 8 64 Italian CHIM/09
- Formulation and Regulatory Affairs of Health Products4
- Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents4
Innovative Methods for Synthesis and Analysis 8 96 Italian CHIM/06
- Innovative methodologies for synthesis and analysis. Mod. 14
- Innovative methodologies for synthesis and analysis. Mod. 24
Inorganic Nanoparticles in Life Sciences and Advanced Characterization Techniques 8 64 Italian CHIM/03 CHIM/06
- Inorganic nanoparticles in life sciences4
- Nanoparticle advanced characterization techniques4
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and Experimental Pharmacology 8 96 Italian BIO/14
- Experimental Pharmacology4
- Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology4
Nutritional Requirement During Lifetime and Pathological Aspects of Nutrition 8 64 Italian BIO/09 MED/05
- Nutritional requirement during lifetime5
- Pathological aspects of nutrition3
Organometallic Chemistry and Fine Chemical Applications 8 64 Italian CHIM/03 CHIM/06
- Fine chemical applications4
- Organometallic chemistry4
Synthetic Aspects in Biomolecules Preparation and Application of Biomolecules in Biological Systems Studies 8 64 Italian BIO/10 CHIM/06
- Application of biomolecules in biological systems studies4
- Synthetic Aspects in Biomolecules Preparation4
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Professional Training in Pharmacy (first part) 5 0 Italian
Final Exam 4 0 Italian
Study plan rules
1 - Al quarto anno di corso, lo studente dovrà scegliere uno tra i sette profili professionalizzanti, ciascuno di sedici crediti.
La scelta del profilo deve essere espressa entro il 6 dicembre 2024 accedendo a UNIMIA > Esami e opinioni degli studenti > Vuoi iscriverti o modificare l'iscrizione? > ATTIVITÀ DIDATTICHE ED ALTRI EVENTI.
I corsi si svolgono tutti nel secondo semestre del IV anno.
2 - a) Science of drug development profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Methodologies in Medicinal Chemistry 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/08
Analytical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development and Validation of Analytical Procedures in Pharmaceutical Industry 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/08
3 - b) Pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems (modules I and II) 8 96 Italian Second semester CHIM/09
Formulation and Regulatory Affairs of Health Products and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/09
4 - c) Experimental pharmacology profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biotechnology in Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Informational Macromolecules 8 72 Italian Second semester BIO/10 BIO/14
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and Experimental Pharmacology 8 96 Italian Second semester BIO/14
5 - d) Pharmacological and therapeutic profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biotechnological Drugs: Pharmaco-Toxicological Aspects and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/14 CHIM/09
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/14
6 - e) Molecular and supramolecular chemistry: analysis and synthesis profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Inorganic Nanoparticles in Life Sciences and Advanced Characterization Techniques 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/03 CHIM/06
Organometallic Chemistry and Fine Chemical Applications 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/03 CHIM/06
7 - f) Chemical methods applied to biomolecules profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Innovative Methods for Synthesis and Analysis 8 96 Italian Second semester CHIM/06
Synthetic Aspects in Biomolecules Preparation and Application of Biomolecules in Biological Systems Studies 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/10 CHIM/06
8 - g) Endocrinology and metabolism profile
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Endocrinolgy and Metabolism 8 64 Italian Second semester MED/13
Nutritional Requirement During Lifetime and Pathological Aspects of Nutrition 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/09 MED/05
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Industrial Pharmacy and Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology 8 88 Italian CHIM/09
- Industrial Pharmacy4
- Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology4
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cosmetic Products 8 64 Italian CHIM/09
- Color cosmetics4
- Formulation of Cosmetic Products4
Experimental Laboratory 8 0 Italian
Heterocyclic Compounds and Application of Organometallic Chemistry in Synthesis 8 64 Italian CHIM/03 CHIM/06
- Application of organometallic chemistry in synthesis4
- Heterocyclic compounds4
Innovative Drugs and Radiopharmaceuticals 8 64 Italian CHIM/08
- Innovative drugs4
- Radiopharmaceuticals4
Innovative Molecular Approaches for the Identification of Pharmacological Targets 8 64 Italian BIO/10
- Current proteomic technologies4
- Molecular biology applied to the study of new druggable targets4
Methodologies and Experimental Models for Therapy with Hormones 8 64 Italian BIO/13 MED/13
- Cellular technologies4
- Molecular Approaches to Endocrinology4
Physiology of Integrated Systems I 8 64 Italian BIO/09
- Module I4
- Module II4
Special Systems Pharmacology 8 64 Italian BIO/14
- Chemiotherapy4
- Neuropsychopharmacology4
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Professional Training in Pharmacy (second part) 25 0 Italian
Final Exam 21 0 Italian
Study plan rules
10 - Nel quinto anno di corso lo studente dovrà acquisire 8 CFU in attività formative scelte liberamente fra quelle attivate dall'Ateneo, purché coerenti con il suo percorso formativo. A questo scopo, il corso di laurea rende disponibili gli insegnamenti di seguito elencati. Gli insegnamenti a scelta libera saranno attivati sulla base delle richieste degli studenti e saranno tenuti nel II semestre del V anno. La segnalazione della preferenza dovrà essere effettuata compilando l'apposito modulo disponibile sul sito e riconsegnando il modulo stesso entro il 6 dicembre 2023. Gli insegnamenti verranno attivati se scelti da almeno 5 studenti appartenenti alla Facoltà di Scienze del Farmaco. Le eventuali propedeuticità saranno indicate dai docenti titolari dei corsi.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Cosmetic Products 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/09
Experimental Laboratory 8 0 Italian Second semester
Heterocyclic Compounds and Application of Organometallic Chemistry in Synthesis 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/03 CHIM/06
Innovative Drugs and Radiopharmaceuticals 8 64 Italian Second semester CHIM/08
Innovative Molecular Approaches for the Identification of Pharmacological Targets 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/10
Methodologies and Experimental Models for Therapy with Hormones 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/13 MED/13
Physiology of Integrated Systems I 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/09
Special Systems Pharmacology 8 64 Italian Second semester BIO/14
If new prerequisites are added, students are required to respect them if they are inserted in the Manifesto of the academic year preceding the one in which is expected to take the exam.

1st YEAR
There are no course progression requirements constraints for the disciplines that the student enrolled in the first year of the course is required to attend.

2nd YEAR

3rd YEAR
Starting from the academic year 2024/25, admission to the third year of the course is not subject to passing any exams. Consequently, students who have not passed their first-year exams by September 30th will be able to enrol in the third year without restrictions, unlike in the past when they would have had to enrol in the repeating second year.

Admission to the LABORATORY OF EXTRACTIVE AND SYNTHETIC PREPARATION OF DRUGS is subject to attendance of the LABORATORY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY and passing of the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 exam (by the beginning of the second semester of the third year). Admission to LABORATORY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY is not subject to passing the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 exam.

4th YEAR
Admission to the LABORATORY OF DRUG ANALYSIS 2 is subject to passing the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 exam (by the course start date) and the LABORATORY OF DRUG ANALYSIS 1 attendance and the LABORATORY OF EXTRACTIVE AND SYNTHETIC PREPARATION OF DRUGS.

5th YEAR

Starting from those enrolled in the A.Y. 2018/19, in order to graduate, students must have acquired a knowledge of the English language with a B2 level of proficiency.
The exams indicated in the second column must be taken before those indicated in the first column.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced Methodologies in Medicinal Chemistry Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Advances in Drug Delivery Systems (modules I and II) Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Analytical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development and Validation of Analytical Procedures in Pharmaceutical Industry Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Applied Biochemistry Biochemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Applied Microbiology Animal Biology and Plant Biology (compulsory), Human Anatomy and Physiology (compulsory)
Biochemistry Human Anatomy and Physiology (compulsory)
Biotechnological Drugs: Pharmaco-Toxicological Aspects and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Biotechnology in Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Informational Macromolecules Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry Analytical Chemistry (compulsory)
Drug Analysis 2 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 2 Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory)
Endocrinolgy and Metabolism General Pathology (compulsory)
Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs and Laboratory of Extractive and Synthetic Preparation of Drugs Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Formulation and Regulatory Affairs of Health Products and Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Patents Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
General Pathology Animal Biology and Plant Biology (compulsory), Human Anatomy and Physiology (compulsory)
Industrial Pharmacy and Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I (compulsory)
Innovative Methods for Synthesis and Analysis Applied Biochemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory (compulsory)
Inorganic Nanoparticles in Life Sciences and Advanced Characterization Techniques Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry 1 Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry 2 Medicinal Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory (compulsory)
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and Experimental Pharmacology Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory)
Nutritional Requirement During Lifetime and Pathological Aspects of Nutrition General Pathology (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry 1 General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Organometallic Chemistry and Fine Chemical Applications Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation I Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation Ii Drug Analysis 1 and Laboratory of Drug Analysis 1 and Food Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory), Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Pharmacognosy Animal Biology and Plant Biology (compulsory), Human Anatomy and Physiology (compulsory)
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Biochemistry (compulsory), General Pathology (compulsory), Pharmacognosy (compulsory)
Physical Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry (compulsory)
Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Drugs Analytical Chemistry (compulsory)
Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry 1 (compulsory)
Synthetic Aspects in Biomolecules Preparation and Application of Biomolecules in Biological Systems Studies Applied Biochemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry 2 and Organic Chemistry Laboratory (compulsory)
Toxicology Pharmacognosy (compulsory)
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The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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