Final Exam

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
After qualified in at least 20 exams, the student is able to enter the final test which consists of a presentation and a discussion of a work, related to an experimental research period carried out in a laboratory of the university usually or in an external company but always under the control of a supervisor of the Faculty, in a topic according to the interests of the CdS.
Expected learning outcomes
With the final test the student demonstrates his ability to carry out personally a small research project and being able to interpret and present the obtained experimental results. Therefore, he completes the entire training course with the acquisition of the last CFU.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The internship consists on an experimental research carried out in a lab on a topic of choice for every student. The final step will be the presentation and discussion of the experimental results obtained.
Prerequisites for admission
The beginning of the activity will be during the second half-year of the four year and after to have passed minimum 20 exams.
To be admitted to the PPV, the student must have passed all the exams acquiring at least 275 CFU, completed the professional internship in pharmacy (tirocinio pratico-valutativo, TPV) and submitted the application for graduation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
If the student chose for the degree qualifying to practice the pharmacist profession, he or she needs to previously pass the practical evaluation test (see Pharmacy internship, Assessment methods and criteria), which is an integral part of the graduation examination. The latter consists of the presentation and discussion of an experimental research activity that demonstrates the candidate's ability, under the guidance of a supervisor, to work independently, to have acquired the skills necessary for the development of the project, and to have knowledge of the thesis topics. In addition, The thesis may be written in Italian or English, while the related discussion must take place in Italian and multimedia tools and applications may be used.
Staring from the graduation sessions of A.Y. 2024-25, the Graduation Commission will evaluate the final exam by adding to the weighted average of each undergraduate's career grades (weighted average of the grades obtained multiplied by 11/3), provided by the Student Secretary's Office, up to a maximum of 10 points. The Commission will use the following criteria based on the Dublin descriptors in awarding its own relevant scores: 1) ability to expose the aim of the thesis and its state of the art in clear and comprehensive manner; 2) use of appropriate terms; 3) ability to organize the presentation clearly, respecting the time schedule; and 4) ability to answer questions clearly. In addition, the Committee will award 1 additional point if the student graduates in course (within the 5th year), up to 1 point for exams passed abroad as part of the Erasmus project or for practical-assessment internship (tirocinio pratico-valutativo, TPV) carried out at a pharmacy abroad, and up to 2 points (1 point for periods of 6 months or less; 2 points for periods of more than 6 months) if the experimental thesis was carried out as part of institutional mobility projects abroad. Finally, only students who achieve a score of at least 102.00 (not rounded up), derived from the sum of 1) weighted average of the marks of the profit examinations as worked out by the secretariats and 2) any additional marks derived from current graduation, examinations passed as part of the Erasmus project or practical-assessment professional internship carried out at a pharmacy abroad and experimental thesis carried out as part of institutional mobility projects abroad, may apply for the award of honors. However, the awarding will be at the unquestionable opinion of the Commission.
- University credits: 4
Individual study and practice: 0 hours