Science and Technology for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media - discontinued

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Science and Technology for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media - discontinued
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-43 - Conservation and restoration of culturale heritage
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
This bachelor program is devoted to train up scientific professionals specialized for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media.
People who get this bachelor's degree have specific methodological, scientific, and technological knowledge needed for:
- evaluating the state of preservation of cultural heritage, its morphological-structural characteristics, and the properties of its constituting materials;
- the identification, risks' evaluation, diagnosis and rescuing actions for avoiding deterioration processes in cultural heritage with respect to archaeological sites, historical-artistic artifacts, museum collections, information storage media and related contents;
- restoring of information storage media and related contents;
- taking the scientific-technological leadership of institutions and professional organizations devoted to the preservation, management, and maintenance of cultural heritage, and also of private professional organizations devoted to conservative restoration and environmental rescuing;
- being able to exchange professional oral and written information in at least a couple of European languages (tipically italian and english);
- doing operative actions for the communication, preservation, fruition, and management of information concerning cultural heritage;
- working in the frame of a team, with a high level of autonomy, easily joining a working environment.
A robust basic scientific education is coupled to this specialistic qualification, so that students acquire fundamental scientific and professional methodologies.
People who get the bachelor's degree in Science and Technology for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media will conduct their professional activities for public and private institutions whose focus is on cultural heritage such as museums, libraries, archives, and also for professional companies working in the fields of archaelogical excavations, preservation and restoring of cultural heritage , information, and related storage media.
Specific roles and professional skills of people who get the bachelor's degree in Science and Technology for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media, are only partially considered in the classification made by ISTAT, and particularly they are somewhat close to PROFESSIONI INTELLETTUALI, SCIENTIFICHE E DI ELEVATA SPECIALIZZAZIONE (,; the main reason follows from the recent definition of new professional figures concerning Science and Technology for Studying and Preserving the Cultural Heritage and Information Storage Media.
This bachelor program is devoted to train up professional figures such as:
- experts in geoarchaelogy and archaeometry, skilled for the study, diagnosis, and preservation of archaelogical sites and artifacts, and also for supporting excavations' activities;
- experts in the application of analytical techniques for supporting historical-philological studies, characterizing materials and the causes of their degradation state, and defining needed rescuing actions;
- experts specialized in the exploitation of historical, scientific, technological, naturalistic cultural heritage: they will be able in understanding, diagnosis, preserving, managing, cataloguing, digitazing, exploitation, and cultural promotion;
- experts in the analysis of the preservation state, in the definition and application of the more efficient techniques for preserving, organizing, exploiting, and restoring of both information storage media (analogue and digital) and the related information contents.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Erasmus is a grant that finances the study abroad experience at a partner university, as part of bilateral agreements with selected universities and research centers in many foreign countries. When abroad, students attend courses, carry out research activities or do an internship.
In order to get these grants, students must contact a professor of this program who will scientifically supervise the exchange. Every topic related to this program is suitable. Two types of grants are available:
Erasmus+, for attending courses and carry out research activities (refer to the call in the Geological Sciences area).
Erasmus+ Traineeship, exclusively for internships.
For Erasmus+, see the call on the Geology area in the website. Among other agreements, please have a look at the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by TEI, Technological Educational Institute, Atene (Grecia), who has a special agreement with this program.
The call for Erasmus+ Traineeship is published on the website for all programs. In the recent past, Traineeship partners were: Cergy-Pontoise (France), Poitiers (France), Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Ghent (Belgium). Anyway, new agreements with other universities or research centers can be signed if a professor of this program has some scientific collaboration with them. Apart from courses and exams, any activity carried out at the abroad institution is worth 3 credits (CFU) per month.
The "learning agreement" between professors at the home and abroad institution will define the activities the student will carry out. This document, together with the transcript of the exams and other research activities, will allow for the acknowledgment of such activities by this program.
To attend courses and take exams abroad has many advantages. In addition to being an unconventional experience in a student's life, it offers a big opportunity to practice in the local language. The students will also experience and compare different teaching systems, gaining more flexibility in their studying activities. Finally, the study abroad experience is in some cases a good opportunity to use facilities otherwise not available (for example, special equipment for experiments), work with large research groups on a cosmopolitan scale.
Attendance is strongly recommended for both courses and laboratories.
Admission to the Degree Programme in Science and technology for the study and conservation of cultural heritage and information media is open, with a mandatory non-selective test prior to enrolment.
Candidates will have to sit for the TOLC (Test Online CISIA) at the University of Milan or any other member university of CISIA (Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems). Register to the TOLC test on the CISIA website (
The TOLC tests providing access to the Degree Programme in Science and technology for the study and conservation of cultural heritage and information media are TOLC-S and TOLC-B.
Only after taking one of these tests, will you be able to enrol, WHATEVER THE RESULT:
- TOLC-S, divided into 4 sections: Basic mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Reasoning and problems (10 questions - 20 minutes), Reading comprehension (10 questions - 20 minutes), Basic sciences (10 questions - 20 minutes).
- TOLC-B divided into 4 sections: Basic mathematics (20 questions - 50 minutes), Biology (10 questions - 20 minutes), Physics (10 questions - 20 minutes), Chemistry (10 questions - 20 minutes).
Each question has 5 answer options, of which only one is correct.
Score: +1 for a correct answer, -0.25 for a wrong answer, 0 for a no answer.
Students who have not achieved at least 10 points in the Mathematics module will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA).

Each TOLC test includes an additional English section, consisting of 30 questions to be answered in 15 minutes. This section does not count toward the overall test score.

Remedial activities and tests:
Students with additional learning requirements will have to carry out remedial activities organised by the University in the period October-December, and then take a test to prove they have filled their gaps. Otherwise, they may not take any second-year or optional exams before passing the General Mathematics exam.

Test structure and topics, registration procedures, dates, deadlines and any other useful information are set out in the call for applications.
See also

Admission of transfer or graduate students
Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will be waived from the test requirement only if admitted to years subsequent to Year I.
To this end, they will have to submit a specific request for prior assessment of their academic records using the online service as shown in the call for applications.
These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (listing exams, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi. For more details, please refer to the call for applications.
For the deadlines for applying for academic records assessments, please refer to the call.
The outcome will be notified via e-mail.
Students admitted to the first year will be required to take the test.
Programme description and courses list
course year not available
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 60 Italian CHIM/03
General Mathematics 6 48 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Law for Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian IUS/10
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Elements of Mineralogy and Petrography 6 64 Italian GEO/06 GEO/07
General Computer Science 12 96 Italian INF/01
General Physics 6 48 Italian FIS/01
Methodology of the Archaeological Research 12 96 Italian L-ANT/10
Plant Biology 6 64 Italian BIO/02
Probabilistic and Statistic Methods 6 48 Italian SECS-S/01
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analysis Methods for Cultural Goods 9 72 Italian FIS/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analytical Chemistry 9 72 Italian CHIM/01 CHIM/12
Paleontology and Stratigraphic Geology 6 48 Italian GEO/01 GEO/02
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cultural Heritage Microbiology 6 54 Italian AGR/16
Restoration of Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian ICAR/19
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Training 10 0 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 6 0 Italian
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Elements of Optics and Nuclear Physics 9 72 Italian FIS/03 FIS/04
Geoarchaeology and Quaternary Geology 12 96 Italian GEO/04
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chemistry of Materials 6 48 Italian CHIM/05 ING-IND/23
Contemporary Museology 6 48 Italian ING-IND/23 L-ART/04
Entomology for Cultural Goods 6 48 Italian AGR/11
History of Technology 9 72 Italian FIS/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anthropology 6 48 Italian BIO/08
Archaeometallurgy 6 48 Italian ING-IND/23
Archaeozoology 9 72 Italian BIO/05
Archival Studies 6 48 Italian M-STO/08
Chemical and Physical Methods for the Cultural Goods Conservation 9 72 Italian CHIM/02
Methods and Languages for Data Management 6 64 Italian INF/01
Non-Destructive Analyses 6 48 Italian ING-IND/23
X-Ray Methodologies for Cultural Goods 6 48 Italian FIS/03 FIS/04
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Stage 8 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
Note 1:In order to sit for the Computing Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage exam, which is included in the Master's degree programme in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science, students must have already passed the Multimedia Techa Organization and Digitalization exam.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anthropology 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/08
Archaeometallurgy 6 48 Italian Second semester ING-IND/23
Archaeozoology 9 72 Italian Second semester BIO/05
Archival Studies 6 48 Italian Second semester M-STO/08
Chemical and Physical Methods for the Cultural Goods Conservation 9 72 Italian Second semester CHIM/02
Chemistry of Materials 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/05 ING-IND/23
Contemporary Museology 6 48 Italian First semester ING-IND/23 L-ART/04
Elements of Optics and Nuclear Physics 9 72 Italian year FIS/03 FIS/04
Entomology for Cultural Goods 6 48 Italian First semester AGR/11
Geoarchaeology and Quaternary Geology 12 96 Italian year GEO/04
History of Technology 9 72 Italian First semester FIS/08
Methods and Languages for Data Management 6 64 Italian Second semester INF/01
Non-Destructive Analyses 6 48 Italian Second semester ING-IND/23
X-Ray Methodologies for Cultural Goods 6 48 Italian Second semester FIS/03 FIS/04
b - Moreover, students are required to earn 12 CFU/ECTS for elective activities to be freely chosen among those offered by the University, provided that they are coherent with their study programme and their contents are not the same of those of the core and elective courses already included in their study plan.
In particular, students can choose any of the courses included in this Programme Description that meet these criteria, as well as any of the courses listed below, which are included in other Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:

Bachelor's degree programme in Natural Science
General and Environmental Biology with Elements of Histology (8 cfu)
Geobotany (6 cfu)
Geopedology (6 cfu)

Bachelor's degree programme in Geological Sciences
Geomorphology and Laboratory (10 cfu)

Bachelor's degree programme in Studies in Cultural Heritage
Prehistory (9 cfu)

Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science
Scientific Visualization (6 cfu)

Master's degree programme in Biogeosciences: Analysis of Ecosystem and Science Communication
Palynology (6 cfu)
The program of each course indicates the preliminary knowledge necessary to adequately deal with the contents of the course itself. It is the responsibility, as well as the interest, of the student to comply with these indications.
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Course locations
Le lezioni si svolgono nelle aule dei Settori Didattici di Città Studi (consultare gli orari delle lezioni per l'ubicazione delle aule, oppure consultare l'App "La Statale").
Link :
Laboratory locations
Le attività didattiche di laboratorio si svolgono sia in strutture dipartimentali, attrezzate con collezioni e strumentazioni tecnico-scientifiche, sia sul terreno, usufruendo di logistica specificamente sviluppata.
Le attività nelle aule attrezzate si svolgono presso i laboratori dei seguenti Dipartimenti: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Dipartimento di Chimica, Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente (Scienze Agrarie e Alimentari), Dipartimento di Fisica, Dipartimento di Informatica.
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Credit recognition tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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A.Y. 2024/2025

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