X-Ray Methodologies for Cultural Goods
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The specific goal of the course is to provide competence for the management of non-invasive X-ray based techniques for CH, namely concerning choice, data analysis and handling and conclusions on the artefact in study.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of principals of radiation-matter interaction and possible applications to diagnostics on CH, with particular attention to non-invasive techniques.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. X-Rays: the structure of matter, What X-rays are, Properties of X-rays, Interaction of X-rays with matter
2. XRF analysis: principles and applications to C.H.
ED-XRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
TXRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
Micro-XRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
3. PIXE analysis: principles and applications to C.H.
PIXE: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
Differential PIXE: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
PIXE-ALFA: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
4. XRF, PIXE, SEM: comparison and synergies, Examples of complementary applications on BC.
5. RADIOGRAPHY AND DIFFERENTIAL RADIOGRAPHY: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Examples, comparison with other imaging techniques.
2. XRF analysis: principles and applications to C.H.
ED-XRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
TXRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
Micro-XRF: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
3. PIXE analysis: principles and applications to C.H.
PIXE: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
Differential PIXE: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
PIXE-ALFA: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Examples
4. XRF, PIXE, SEM: comparison and synergies, Examples of complementary applications on BC.
5. RADIOGRAPHY AND DIFFERENTIAL RADIOGRAPHY: General overview, applications, instrumentation, Examples, comparison with other imaging techniques.
Prerequisites for admission
The basic courses of the first two years are recommended.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures and exercises. A part of the supplementary activities will be provided with videos and/or in the laboratory (if possible).
Teaching Resources
Slides on Ariel website. Further texts: Misurare l'arte. Vol. 1: Tecniche analitiche non distruttive per lo studio dei Beni Culturali.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Ongoing tests and presentation of a case study. If tests are failed: oral exam on the whole program. Knowledge of the physiscal phenomena related to the techniques and of the application fields in the study of Cultural Heritage will be assessed.
FIS/03 - PHYSICS OF MATTER - University credits: 3
FIS/04 - NUCLEAR AND SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS - University credits: 3
FIS/04 - NUCLEAR AND SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 48 hours
Bonizzoni Letizia Maria Agostina