Entomology for Cultural Goods
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- to provide the basic knowledge of entomology and insects of cultural heritage
- to know the monitoring techniques and defense strategies.
- to know the monitoring techniques and defense strategies.
Expected learning outcomes
Identification of the main insects and animals that can cause damage to cultural heritage and their damage.
Pest monitoring in conservation areas of cultural heritage.
Pest monitoring in conservation areas of cultural heritage.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The Arthropod Phylum and the Insect Class.
External insect morphology, exoskeleton. Head and appendices. Mouthpieces. Thorax and abdomen.
Circulatory system. Muscle system. Digestive system. Respiratory system. Excretory system. Nervous system. Sensils Reproduction Exocrine glands Endocrine glands. Excretory system Postembryonal development. Integrated Pest Management (Integrated Pest Management). Monitoring and inspection techniques. Strategies of insect control. Major classes of insecticides and mechanisms of action.
Insects infesting wood and paper. Insect damaging tissues and hides. Insects damaging the walls and external walls.Rodents and Birds.
External insect morphology, exoskeleton. Head and appendices. Mouthpieces. Thorax and abdomen.
Circulatory system. Muscle system. Digestive system. Respiratory system. Excretory system. Nervous system. Sensils Reproduction Exocrine glands Endocrine glands. Excretory system Postembryonal development. Integrated Pest Management (Integrated Pest Management). Monitoring and inspection techniques. Strategies of insect control. Major classes of insecticides and mechanisms of action.
Insects infesting wood and paper. Insect damaging tissues and hides. Insects damaging the walls and external walls.Rodents and Birds.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Teaching methods
Teaching is organised in the form of lectures.
Teaching Resources
Chiappini E., Liotta G., Reguzzi M.C., Battisti A., 2001 - Insetti e restauro. Legno, carta, tessuti, pellame e altri materiali. Calderini Edagricole: 1-253.
Slides presented during lectures and additional documents available on the myAriel website of the course.
Slides presented during lectures and additional documents available on the myAriel website of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning outcomes will be verified through an oral exam which will consist of a brief presentation by the student on a topic of his / her choice, followed by questions concerning the couse programme.
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Educational website(s)
by email appointment
Room 3019, 3rd floor, Via L. Mangiagalli 25
Room R056, building A21030, Via Celoria 2