Professional Education

Ragazzi sdraiati in un prato che fanno una stella
Professional Education
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L/SNT2 - Health professions for rehabilitation
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Milano, Bosisio Parini (LC)
The graduate of the degree programme in Professional Education must know how to:
·plan, manage, and verify educational programmes aimed at promoting health and development of the potential of at-risk persons, to reach ever-increasing levels of autonomy;
·contribute to promoting and organising infrastructure and healthcare and social-welfare resources, in order to plan integrated educational projects;
·plan, organise, manage, and assess one's own professional activities within a social-welfare setting, or within a healthcare or rehabilitation or socio-developmental clinic, in a coordinated manner, working in concert with other professionals at such facilities, and by engaging interested parties and/or their families, community groups, and the community at large;
·work with families and in an integrated manner within a community in order to promote social cohesion and aggregation;
·offer and supervise play-therapy type activities;
·participate in study, research, and documentation activities in the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes
Professional Educators are Social Workers as defined under Ministry of Health Decree of 8 October 1998, no. 520. The degree programme allows one to practice in the profession.
The graduate in Professional Education formulates and executes educational programmes aimed at promoting personal development, and the social reintegration of persons with psycho-physical impairments, who are at risk of social isolation. Graduates work with children, youth, adults, and seniors to prevent and overcome difficulties and social impairments due to disability, deviance, dependence, poverty, disenfranchisement, and mental illness. As defined in Ministerial Decree 520/98, the Professional Educator performs his or her professional activities within a healthcare or rehabilitation or socio-developmental clinic whether in the public or private sector, in a residential or semi-residential facility, whether as an employee or as an independent contractor. Services may be ambulatory in nature (Ser.T, Psychosocial Centres or Centres for Mental Health, Initial Welcome Centre, etc.), day-care (Social-Educational Centres, Rehabilitation Day Clinics, Youth Community Centres, Psychiatric Day Centres, etc.), residential (Rehabilitation Communities, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Psychiatric Group Homes, Group Homes for the Disabled, etc.)

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The Degree Programme in Professional Education at the University of Milan has long had a focus on internationalisation.
Research at prestigious European Universities has allowed us to develop our academic programme and internship activities. It has also now paved the way for a bilateral agreement with the University of La Salle in Madrid. Thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme, students can attend classes, complete an internship, and take their exams, within a different clinical environment, with the option to write their thesis there as well.
The Erasmus programme was founded in 1987 to ensure that European students can carry on the same educational and clinical work at another European University, in order to bolster their skills in both the sciences and patient care within an entirely new cultural and educational system.
Students in the Professional Education degree programme can plan their Erasmus+ study-abroad period for Year III of the programme, for a six-month period on a scholarship.
Academic activities contemplated during the study-abroad period must be approved by scientific coordinators for the campus, and by the Head of the Degree Programme.
All contemplated educational activities (coordinated with the foreign university thanks to a learning agreement) are compatible with the study programme contemplated under the DP. Student may request assistance from the Erasmus Coordinator of health professions bachelor's degree programmes in choosing internship courses and activities in a way that overlaps with our programme, keeping students on track to earn the proper academic credit.
For student transfer credit for credits earned in European Countries, use the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) conversion table. Thereafter, the votes will be converted into thirtieths pursuant to a table approved by all DP within the University of Milan's Medical School, and included into the student's academic transcript. Transfer credit totals 30 ECTS (CFU) for six months of Erasmus+ study.
Attendance of all educational activities contemplated in the study programme is mandatory.
To be allowed to sit the for-credit exam, students must have attended at least 75% of the educational programming contemplated for each course.
To be admitted into the degree programme, a candidate must have an Italian secondary-school diploma or similar diploma obtained overseas and deemed equivalent.
Admission into the programme is capped, at a national level, pursuant to Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999.
The number of students who may be admitted is set each year is set each year pursuant to a decree of the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), based on findings provided by the university in terms of available instructional, classroom, and clinical resources (human and otherwise), as well as the demand for the type of professionals contemplated for this Class as determined by the Region of Lombardy, and the Ministry of Health.
The admission test will be administered as a national exam, generally in the month of September. The date will be set pursuant to a decree issued by MUR.

Additional learning requirements (OFA)
Students who answered less than 50% of the Biology and Chemistry questions on the admission test will be required to finish a set of additional learning requirements (OFA). These prerequisites may be met through specifically assigned remedial work. Any failure to complete the OFA will make it impossible for the student to sit exams in Introductory Medical Sciences.
Timely notice of the various courses will be posted to the following webpage

Places available: 80 + 2 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.

The call for applications is being finalized

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Basic Medical Sciences 5 50 Italian BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/16
- Biochemistry1
- Human anatomy2
- Physiology2
General and Social Psychology 6 60 Italian M-PSI/01 M-PSI/05
- General psychology4
- Social psychology2
Internship (first year) 14 330 Italian MED/48
- Internship10
- Internship guide4
Pedagogy 1 5 50 Italian M-PED/01
Professional Education Methodologies 1 9 115 Italian M-EDF/01 M-FIL/03 MED/48 SECS-S/05
- Filosofia morale2
- Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie2
- Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative4
- Statistica sociale (Laboratorio)1
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Elements of General Sociology and Public Law 4 40 Italian IUS/09 SPS/07
- Diritto pubblico2
- Sociologia generale2
Health Care Services Sciences 6 65 Italian IUS/07 MED/09 MED/36 MED/42 MED/44
- Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia (Laboratorio)1
- Diritto del lavoro1
- Igiene generale e applicata2
- Medicina del lavoro1
- Medicina interna1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
English Assessment B1 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical and Developmenalt Psychology 5 50 Italian M-PSI/04 M-PSI/08
- Clinical psychology3
- Developmental and educational psychology2
Clinical and Medical Therapy 6 60 Italian BIO/14 MED/05 MED/26
- Farmacologia2
- Neurologia2
- Patologia clinica2
Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Cultural Processes 4 40 Italian M-DEA/01 SPS/08
- Antropologia culturale2
- Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi2
Internship (second year) 21 475 Italian MED/48
- Internship16
- Internship guide5
Professional Education Methodologies 2 9 135 Italian MED/48
- Laboratorio1
- Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative8
Psychiatry and Child Neuropsychiatry 7 70 Italian MED/25 MED/39
- Child neuropsychiatry3
- Psychiatry4
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pedagogy 2 5 50 Italian M-PED/01
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Deviance Sociology, Juvenile and Criminal Law 5 30 Italian IUS/01 IUS/17 SPS/12
- Diritto penale1
- Diritto privato2
- Sociologia giuridica della devianza e mutamento sociale2
Internship (third year) 25 550 Italian MED/48
- Internship20
- Internship guide5
Professional Education Methodologies 3 9 135 Italian MED/48
- Laboratorio1
- Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitativeModulo8
Psychosociology of Organization and Social Psychology 5 50 Italian M-PSI/05 M-PSI/06 SECS-P/10
- Organization studies1
- Social psychology2
- Work and Organizational Psychology2
Social Policy and Family Sociology 6 60 Italian SPS/08 SPS/10
- Sociology of culture and communication2
- Urban and environmental sociology4
Special Pedagogy and Planning of Educational Interventions 6 60 Italian M-PED/03 M-PED/04
- Educational research3
- Methodologies of teaching and special education3
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 7 0 Italian
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, entro la fine del corso, deve aver maturato 6 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Clinical and Developmenalt Psychology General and Social Psychology (compulsory)
Psychiatry and Child Neuropsychiatry Basic Medical Sciences (compulsory)
Psychosociology of Organization and Social Psychology General and Social Psychology (compulsory)
Learn more
Milano, Bosisio Parini (LC)
Course locations
La Facoltà di Medicina ha attualmente attivato il Corso presso l'IRCCS S. Maria Nascente della Fondazione Don C. Gnocchi ONLUS e presso l'IRCCS "Eugenio Medea" - Associazione La Nostra Famiglia - Bosisio Parini (LC).
Tali Enti, con cui la Facoltà collabora per lo svolgimento delle attività del Corso di Laurea:
- assicurano una stretta relazione con il mondo del lavoro attraverso l'estesa rete di rapporti con enti e servizi di tirocinio, la collaborazione di professionisti come docenti, l'intervento di esperti;
- prestano costante attenzione al rapporto tra formazione professionale e formazione personale dell'allievo, anche mettendo a disposizione servizi di tutorato e orientamento lungo tutto il percorso formativo;
- offrono un proficuo rapporto numerico tra allievi e docenti. In particolare, la guida al tirocinio, i contributi metodologici, i seminari e i laboratori consentono apprendimento e rielaborazione in piccoli gruppi;
- mettono a disposizione aule specializzate, biblioteche specialistiche, servizi di documentazione, settori formazione permanente, consulenza, ricerca.

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more