Special Pedagogy and Planning of Educational Interventions
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The course objective is to give students the basic knowledges about:
· the sociological reading keys of the social framework (considering its change and complexity at different levels: the local framework, the Italian society, the global world) and of the relations between social changes and insitutional answers (the evolution of the welfare systems)
· the specific competences about rights (in general and in particular connected to the welfare matter) in particular with regard to the welfare system and the social aid
· a global and reasoned view of the public law
· the main principles of the organisation of the State, the Government bodies' and local self-governments' activities
· the law concerning the services to people
· the main aspects about the privacy protection
· the sociological reading keys of the social framework (considering its change and complexity at different levels: the local framework, the Italian society, the global world) and of the relations between social changes and insitutional answers (the evolution of the welfare systems)
· the specific competences about rights (in general and in particular connected to the welfare matter) in particular with regard to the welfare system and the social aid
· a global and reasoned view of the public law
· the main principles of the organisation of the State, the Government bodies' and local self-governments' activities
· the law concerning the services to people
· the main aspects about the privacy protection
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to be able to:
· build an Individualized Educational Program
· recognies elements and phases riconoscere elementi e fasi di un processo di progettazione e delle sue criticità
· recognies the patterns used in the creation of a project
· prepare a project, write it, evalute its feasability and its effects (if the terms change?)
· integrate integrare modalità congrue di valutazione alla progettazione
· build projectuals model as partecipated actions
· research and identify funding sources and knowing how to expose projects
· promote an individual or group Parent Training
· use the methodologies, the operational tools and the didactic strategies useful for the cognitive recovery in subjects with a problematic behaviour, learning difficulties and behavioral disorders.
The student will also have to know:
· the conceptual tools to orientating the professional action into the different situations, where there is the meeting between manifestation of discomfort and the educational will
· the theoretical and methodologic elements of the micro and macro social planning (individual, groups, activities, services, etc.)
· build an Individualized Educational Program
· recognies elements and phases riconoscere elementi e fasi di un processo di progettazione e delle sue criticità
· recognies the patterns used in the creation of a project
· prepare a project, write it, evalute its feasability and its effects (if the terms change?)
· integrate integrare modalità congrue di valutazione alla progettazione
· build projectuals model as partecipated actions
· research and identify funding sources and knowing how to expose projects
· promote an individual or group Parent Training
· use the methodologies, the operational tools and the didactic strategies useful for the cognitive recovery in subjects with a problematic behaviour, learning difficulties and behavioral disorders.
The student will also have to know:
· the conceptual tools to orientating the professional action into the different situations, where there is the meeting between manifestation of discomfort and the educational will
· the theoretical and methodologic elements of the micro and macro social planning (individual, groups, activities, services, etc.)
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Sezione: Bosisio Parini
Educational research
M-PED/04 - EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Tagliabue Carola
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Lessons: 30 hours
Valli Daniela
Sezione: Don Gnocchi
Educational research
M-PED/04 - EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Reale Antonella
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Lessons: 30 hours
Morselli Elena Laura
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