Global Politics and Society (GPS)
During the last decades, globalization processes have been challenging the functioning of western societies across a wide range of domains: from political participation and representation to welfare states' structures and labour market regulation; from citizenship's rights and migration, to the threats concerning novel forms of discrimination and exclusion. The complexity, as well as the interdependent nature of those challenges, require professionals able to understand and interpret, in a way that is at the same time rigorous, theoretically informed and methodologically sound, how and in which directions globalization processes are affecting the functioning of contemporary societies and polities.
The master's degree in Global Politics and Society addresses the above-mentioned task, relying on a genuinely multidisciplinary approach, developed through a coherent path consisting of:
- a core package of six compulsory courses - meant to provide an advanced training in the fields of political science and sociology, complemented by key competences in the area of law and economics (48 credits);
- five elective courses, that allow students to strengthen their competences in specific thematic areas, within a rich offer of options (36 credits);
- other additional elective and optional activities (15 credits);
- a research dissertation (21 credits).
Function in a work context:
Graduates in Global Politics and Society will be able to analyse - contextualizing them in the global scenario - complex socio-economic and political phenomena that characterize the relational and institutional structure of societies contemporary and pertain to different areas of public policy. The areas of expertise include: the analysis of the transformations induced by the processes of globalization and their own implications both on a global and local scale, the dynamics of discrimination and empowerment processes of discriminated social categories, welfare and anti-poverty policies, labour policies, rights humans.
Skills associated with the function:
Through the educational path, graduates acquire broad critical knowledge of the main social theories of the globalization processes, contemporary dynamics relating to democratization and cooperation processes and development, of intercultural relations and transformation of citizenship, also in relation to social and public rights Work. He also has solid methodological skills, both qualitative and quantitative. The profile of magistrate graduates is characterized by an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the social dimensions, political, juridical, economic and cultural aspects of globalization processes, both as regards relations international and local effects.
The master's graduate in Global Politics and Society therefore possesses advanced knowledge and skills for understand and evaluate the functioning of political institutions in different socio-economic contexts and the implications generated by processes that occur on a global scale.
Employment opportunities:
Global Politics and Society master graduates will be able to pursue several professional careers in one multiplicity of sectors, proposing themselves as specialists capable of interpreting political, economic and social issues in the global scenario and to develop medium and long-term strategic plans: 1) in the field of research applied, in the field of social and political sciences; 2) at national and international institutions and organizations non-governmental; 3) in public, private or third sector companies operating on the global market; 4) in the sectors information, publishing and cultural industries.
By way of example, they may apply to hold positions of responsibility in public, private or third party bodies sector, inserted in national and international contexts or in the global market, including: public bodies and governmental bodies (Ministries, General Directorates, institutions and bodies responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation of policies social and labour, anti-discrimination policies and cooperation and development policies (both local and
international); community and transnational bodies (multilateral agencies of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, the OECD, etc.); non-governmental and third sector bodies engaged in subsidiary actions of implementation of social and labour, cultural, educational and development cooperation policies.
Master's graduates in Global Politics and Society will also acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to access second level masters and/or to continue training at doctoral level, in Italy and abroad.
Statistiche occupazionali (Almalaurea)
Furthermore, GPS is part of a prestigious inter-university network: the network of European Masters in Labour Studies - EMLS. The other partners of the network are: Université catholique de Louvain, Universität Bremen, Universität Trier, University of Warwick, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Université Toulouse, University College Dublin, Università degli Studi di Firenze, University of Amsterdam, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration of Romania, Univerza v Ljubljani. Each partner has agreed to recognize the teaching and evaluation methods of partner institutions as well as the equivalence of their curricula. Students may attend a semester in one of the EMLS partner universities. Accordingly, any examination passed at any university in the network is fully and automatically recognized.
GPS students may also obtain a double degree, jointly recognized by the University of Milan and the University of Bremen, following a specific path, focused on welfare and employment matters, and attending the first year at University of Bremen.
Admission is based on academic excellence. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent; a strong interest and/or previous studies in political science, sociology or related subjects; a sound knowledge of
English language.
The evaluation process will take into consideration the applicants bachelor degree score (or equivalent) as well as the entrance test. The calendar of this entrance test, as well as all details about its delivery, will be
posted every year by early spring on the UNIMI website ( as well as on the specific GPS website ( Candidates who
do not pass the entrance test can sit again the test the following year.
Applicants who obtained their bachelor's degrees from Italian Universities are eligible for admission only if they hold a "laurea" degree belonging to any one of the "classi di laurea" (degree classes) listed below under
the heading "Note 1".
Applicants who completed their undergraduate studies in foreign Universities are eligible for admission if they
hold a bachelor's degree in political science, sociology, economics or other broadly related subjects (from
history to legal studies, philosophy, and so on), provided that their bachelor's degree may be regarded as
equivalent to one of the Italian "laurea" degrees listed below (Note 1).
L-05 Filosofia;
L-11 Classe delle Lauree in Lingue e Culture Moderne;
L-12 Classe delle Lauree in Mediazione Linguistica;
L-14 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dei Servizi Giuridici;
L-16 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dell'Amministrazione dell'Organizzazione;
L- l8 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze dell'Economia e della Gestione Aziendale;
L-20 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze della Comunicazione;
L-33 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Economiche;
L-36 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali
L-37 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze Sociali per la Cooperazione, lo Sviluppo e la Pace;
L-39 Classe delle Lauree in Scienze del Servizio Sociale;
L-40 Classe delle Lauree in Sociologia;
L-41 Statistica;
L-42 Classe delle lauree in Storia.
Non-native English speakers must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of English. At least a B2 level is required. The possessing of a IELTS or TOEFL will be taken into account. Candidates can also prove their knowledge of English if they have at least one year of university studies at institutions where English is the main language.
The GPS admissions committee will ascertain the B2-level requirement
Domanda di ammissione: dal 22/01/2024 al 31/05/2024
Domanda di immatricolazione: dal 08/04/2024 al 15/01/2025
Ammissioni A.A. 2025/2026
Sono aperte le domande di ammissione per l'Anno Accademico 2025/2026. Gli studenti non UE richiedenti visto possono presentare domanda di ammissione entro il 30 aprile 2025.
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Obbligatorio | ||||
Global social dynamics | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/07 |
Multi-level legal system | 6 | 40 | Inglese | IUS/07 |
Facoltativo | ||||
Globalization, social justice and human rights | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/08 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Obbligatorio | ||||
International political economy and the welfare state | 12 | 80 | Inglese | SECS-P/02 SPS/04 |
Facoltativo | ||||
Comparative politics and development | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Economic and social regulation of global workforce | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/09 |
International migration and immigration policies | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/10 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Obbligatorio | ||||
Global social inequalities | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/09 |
Globalization and cultural diversity | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/08 |
Facoltativo | ||||
Global citizenship | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/07 |
Human rights at work in international and comparative law | 9 | 60 | Inglese | IUS/07 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Comparative politics and development | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/04 |
Economic and social regulation of global workforce | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/09 |
Global citizenship | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SPS/07 |
Globalization, social justice and human rights | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SPS/08 |
Human rights at work in international and comparative law | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | IUS/07 |
International migration and immigration policies | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/10 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Obbligatorio | ||||
Global politics | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Facoltativo | ||||
Datafied society | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/08 |
Employment, inequalities and discrimination in the global labour market | 6 | 40 | Inglese | IUS/07 SPS/09 |
Journalism,media and politics | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/08 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Facoltativo | ||||
Consumer culture | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/08 |
Differences, inequalities and the politics of law | 6 | 40 | Inglese | IUS/20 |
Dissertation lab | 3 | 20 | Inglese | SPS/07 |
Global challenges to democracy | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Labour markets and globalization | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/09 |
Social justice in a global world | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/01 |
The welfare state and social innovation | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Facoltativo | ||||
Data lab | 3 | 20 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Global public policy and the knowledge society | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/04 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Obbligatorio | ||||
Final exam | 21 | 0 | Inglese |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Consumer culture | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/08 |
Datafied society | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SPS/08 |
Differences, inequalities and the politics of law | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | IUS/20 |
Employment, inequalities and discrimination in the global labour market | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | IUS/07 SPS/09 |
Global challenges to democracy | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/04 |
Global public policy and the knowledge society | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SPS/04 |
Journalism,media and politics | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SPS/08 |
Labour markets and globalization | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/09 |
Social justice in a global world | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/01 |
The welfare state and social innovation | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/04 |
Value change and global societies | 6 | 40 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SPS/07 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Facoltativo | ||||
Research methods in social and political science | 9 | 60 | Inglese | SPS/04 SPS/07 SPS/09 |
Value change and global societies | 6 | 40 | Inglese | SPS/07 |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Facoltativo | ||||
Lab: asylum from the field: borders, struggles, and integration practices | 3 | 20 | Inglese | SPS/10 |
Lab: data analysis for the study of social inequalities in a comparative perspective | 3 | 20 | Inglese |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | SSD |
Facoltativo | ||||
Advanced language skills: french (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Francese | |
Advanced language skills: german (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Tedesco | |
Advanced language skills: spanish (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Spagnolo |
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Advanced language skills: french (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Francese | Periodo non definito | |
Advanced language skills: german (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Tedesco | Periodo non definito | |
Advanced language skills: spanish (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Spagnolo | Periodo non definito | |
Data lab | 3 | 20 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SPS/04 |
Dissertation lab | 3 | 20 | Inglese | Secondo trimestre | SPS/07 |
Lab: asylum from the field: borders, struggles, and integration practices | 3 | 20 | Inglese | Terzo trimestre | SPS/10 |
Among these activities, students can choose also "Research methods in social and political science"
Attività formative | Crediti | Ore totali | Lingua | Periodo | SSD |
Research methods in social and political science | 9 | 60 | Inglese | Primo trimestre | SPS/04 SPS/07 SPS/09 |
- Degree Course E-mail
[email protected] - Services for students with disabilities - Services for students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
Le tasse universitarie per gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico sono suddivise in due rate con modalità di calcolo e tempi di pagamento diversi:
- l'importo della prima rata è uguale per tutti
- l'importo della seconda rata varia in base al valore ISEE Università, al Corso di laurea di iscrizione e alla posizione (in corso/fuori corso da un anno oppure fuori corso da più di un anno).
- per i corsi on line è prevista una rata suppletiva.
Sono previste:
- agevolazioni per gli studenti con elevati requisiti di merito
- importi diversificati in base al Paese di provenienza per gli studenti internazionali con reddito e patrimonio all'estero
- agevolazioni per gli studenti internazionali con status di rifugiato
Altre agevolazioni
L’Ateneo fornisce agevolazioni economiche a favore dei propri studenti con requisiti particolari (merito, condizioni economiche o personali, studenti internazionali)
Maggiori informazioni
Info su ammissioni e immatricolazioni
- Contatta le segreterie
- Sportello online InformaStudenti
- Studenti internazionali: welcome desk
- Studenti con disabilità
- Studenti con DSA