Laboratory "data scientist for business communication"
A.A. 2025/2026
Obiettivi formativi
Partner: Assolombarda
This Lab is provided within the Data Science for Economics (DSE) degree program.
A small number of students can be admitted due to logistics constraints.
The students (either DSE or non-DSE) must apply for admission. Candidates will be selected by the involved institutions/companies according to CV and motivations.
For application, students must respond to a call that is posted on this website:
The call is typically published a few weeks before the Lab starts.
· Data analysis and identification of KPIs functional to defining the digital marketing strategies.
· Creation of dashboards for monitoring the progress of digital marketing services.
· Analysis in deep of the crucial positions of "Strategic Planner", operating both within a Media Center and within an Advertising Agency.
· Presentation of real business cases showing how to use the main tools (GFK TSSP, etc.) and proprietary tools.
· Students' reflection on the relevance of interpreting data in new business models based on digital platforms (apps, marketplaces, e-commerce etc.).
· Presentation of real cases of a research offices operating as a 'reputational asset' through their activity in media relations, social media relations and content management.
This Lab is provided within the Data Science for Economics (DSE) degree program.
A small number of students can be admitted due to logistics constraints.
The students (either DSE or non-DSE) must apply for admission. Candidates will be selected by the involved institutions/companies according to CV and motivations.
For application, students must respond to a call that is posted on this website:
The call is typically published a few weeks before the Lab starts.
· Data analysis and identification of KPIs functional to defining the digital marketing strategies.
· Creation of dashboards for monitoring the progress of digital marketing services.
· Analysis in deep of the crucial positions of "Strategic Planner", operating both within a Media Center and within an Advertising Agency.
· Presentation of real business cases showing how to use the main tools (GFK TSSP, etc.) and proprietary tools.
· Students' reflection on the relevance of interpreting data in new business models based on digital platforms (apps, marketplaces, e-commerce etc.).
· Presentation of real cases of a research offices operating as a 'reputational asset' through their activity in media relations, social media relations and content management.
Risultati apprendimento attesi
To be able to:
· analyze different data flows detectable through the customer journey of clients.
· create dashboards in order to support the decisions in marketing strategies.
· figure out a method for interpreting data within the decision making both in marketing and communication strategies.
· fully understanding the strategic relevance of analytics-based communication, in terms of effectiveness and persuasiveness.
· decode the quantitative information, making data (and the strategic messages underneath them) fully understandable to all kinds of audience.
· analyze different data flows detectable through the customer journey of clients.
· create dashboards in order to support the decisions in marketing strategies.
· figure out a method for interpreting data within the decision making both in marketing and communication strategies.
· fully understanding the strategic relevance of analytics-based communication, in terms of effectiveness and persuasiveness.
· decode the quantitative information, making data (and the strategic messages underneath them) fully understandable to all kinds of audience.
Periodo: Secondo quadrimestre
Modalità di valutazione: Giudizio di approvazione
Giudizio di valutazione: superato/non superato
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Edizione non attiva
Secondo quadrimestre
Attivita' di laboratorio: 20 ore