Laboratory "data Scientist for Business Communication"
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
Partner: Assolombarda
This Lab is provided within the Data Science for Economics (DSE) degree program.
A small number of students can be admitted due to logistics constraints.
The students (either DSE or non-DSE) must apply for admission. Candidates will be selected by the involved institutions/companies according to CV and motivations.
For application, students must respond to a call that is posted on this website:
The call is typically published a few weeks before the Lab starts.
· Data analysis and identification of KPIs functional to defining the digital marketing strategies.
· Creation of dashboards for monitoring the progress of digital marketing services.
· Analysis in deep of the crucial positions of "Strategic Planner", operating both within a Media Center and within an Advertising Agency.
· Presentation of real business cases showing how to use the main tools (GFK TSSP, etc.) and proprietary tools.
· Students' reflection on the relevance of interpreting data in new business models based on digital platforms (apps, marketplaces, e-commerce etc.).
· Presentation of real cases of a research offices operating as a 'reputational asset' through their activity in media relations, social media relations and content management.
This Lab is provided within the Data Science for Economics (DSE) degree program.
A small number of students can be admitted due to logistics constraints.
The students (either DSE or non-DSE) must apply for admission. Candidates will be selected by the involved institutions/companies according to CV and motivations.
For application, students must respond to a call that is posted on this website:
The call is typically published a few weeks before the Lab starts.
· Data analysis and identification of KPIs functional to defining the digital marketing strategies.
· Creation of dashboards for monitoring the progress of digital marketing services.
· Analysis in deep of the crucial positions of "Strategic Planner", operating both within a Media Center and within an Advertising Agency.
· Presentation of real business cases showing how to use the main tools (GFK TSSP, etc.) and proprietary tools.
· Students' reflection on the relevance of interpreting data in new business models based on digital platforms (apps, marketplaces, e-commerce etc.).
· Presentation of real cases of a research offices operating as a 'reputational asset' through their activity in media relations, social media relations and content management.
Expected learning outcomes
To be able to:
· analyze different data flows detectable through the customer journey of clients.
· create dashboards in order to support the decisions in marketing strategies.
· figure out a method for interpreting data within the decision making both in marketing and communication strategies.
· fully understanding the strategic relevance of analytics-based communication, in terms of effectiveness and persuasiveness.
· decode the quantitative information, making data (and the strategic messages underneath them) fully understandable to all kinds of audience.
· analyze different data flows detectable through the customer journey of clients.
· create dashboards in order to support the decisions in marketing strategies.
· figure out a method for interpreting data within the decision making both in marketing and communication strategies.
· fully understanding the strategic relevance of analytics-based communication, in terms of effectiveness and persuasiveness.
· decode the quantitative information, making data (and the strategic messages underneath them) fully understandable to all kinds of audience.
Lesson period: Second four month period
Assessment methods: Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result: superato/non superato
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
Lesson period
Second four month period
Laboratory activity: 20 hours